14 research outputs found
Educaci贸n y agricultura a tiempo parcial
The aim of this paper is to describe the phenomenon of part-time agriculture in the contemporany Spain, and to present a model explaining the allocation of farmers' work time between various activities. In the theorical framework developped here the work decsions are determined by the caracteristics of the agricultural production process, by the farmer's comparative advantage to participate in the labor market, and the amount of his stock of human capital. The empirical verification of the model is based on 1982 provincial data which allow us to define two complementary indices of farmers' labor supply.Despu茅s de esbozar el fen贸meno de la agricultura a tiempo parcial en la Espa帽a de hoy, el prop贸sito del art铆culo es presentar un modelo explicativo de la asignaci贸n del tiempo de trabajo de los agricultores entre distintas actividades. En el marco te贸rico desarrollado aqu铆, las decisiones de trabajo de los empresarios agr铆colas se determinan por las caracter铆sticas del proceso de producci贸n agr铆cola, por la ventaja comparativa de los empresarios de participar en el mercado laboral, y por la importancia del stock de capital humano de los agricultores. La verificaci贸n emp铆rica del modelo se basa en datos agregados a nivel provincial referidos al a帽o 1982, los cuales nos permiten definir dos indicadores complementarios de la oferta de trabajo de los agricultores
Las desigualdades de renta en la sociedad andaluza
Renta personal, Desigualdad, Andaluc铆a, Distribuci贸n de la renta
Are Private Schools More Efficient Than Public Schools? Evidence from Tanzania
Beginning in the mid-1980s, there has been an explosive growth of private secondary schools in Tanzania. By easing constraints on private operators, the government has clearly found an effective way in the context of tight public budget constraints to cope with the excess demand for this level of schooling. But has the policy also led to efficient operations in terms of student learning? In this paper, we attempt to shed light on this issue by comparing the efficiency of four types of schools that make up the majority of schools in the country: Government and Community schools in the public sector, and Christian and Wazazi schools in the private sector. Using longitudinal data from a 1994 retrospective survey of students in some 150 schools, we estimated separate achievement models for these four school types, with corrections for possible selection bias in school choice, and then used the results to simulate performance gaps across them. The simulations indicate that both types of private schools are less efficient than both types of public schools in the sense that, on average, a student with a given set of personal and family characteristics would do better in either type of public school than in either type of private school, after netting out differences in the endowment of school resources across school types. In the public sector, we found that Community schools are more efficient that Government schools.The finding that private schools are less efficient differs from those reported elsewhere for Tanzania based on data from an earlier period when private schools were relatively rare. It is consistent, however, with the fact that our analysis documents outcomes in a growing market in disequilibrium: many of the weaker performers may indeed exit eventually if they persist in failing to overcome the disadvantages generally associated with being latecomers to the market, including instability in clientele and funding, lack of brand-name recognition and inexperience in school management. To foster the growth of a strong and productive private sector, government interventions to relieve some of these constraints may be appropriate, including for example, the creation of networking opportunities for private school managers to exchange experiences with their public-school counterparts, and the creation of mechanisms for private schools to compete for public funding to support their operations.
Revista de educaci贸n
Se analizan las sumas dedicadas por los hogares a la funci贸n de ense帽anza en su conjunto. Los gastos que se analizan est谩n ligados a la educaci贸n de todos los miembros de la familia que realizan estudios, independientemente del nivel escolar, de su edad o de su relaci贸n con la actividad econ贸mica. En primer lugar, se aborda el presupuesto de ense帽anza de los hogares desde un punto de vista descriptivo. El objetivo es seguir la evoluci贸n en el tiempo de la financiaci贸n tanto privada como p煤blica de la educaci贸n. En segundo lugar, se detallan los distintos tipos de gastos de ense帽anza producidos a lo largo de un a帽o por la presencia en el hogar de individuos escolarizados. Y, por 煤ltimo, se examina la elasticidad respecto a la renta de cada r煤brica de gastos del presupuesto de ense帽anza de los hogares.Ministerio Educaci贸n CIDEBiblioteca de Educaci贸n del Ministerio de Educaci贸n, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agust铆n, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]