16 research outputs found

    Analyzing soil porosity under different tillage systems using X-ray microtomography

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    X-ray computed tomography is one of the modern techniques used for soil structure visualization and quantification. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different tillage systems on soil porosity. Soil samples were collected from the field, on 0-30 cm depth, within the Experimental Farm of the Agricultural University of Iasi, North East of Romania, from a long term experiment with three tillage systems: V1 - chisel, V2 – no-till, V3 - plough at 30 cm. Aggregates were scanned using a SkyScan 1172 microCT and then the reconstructed 3D images were analyzed, in order to investigate pore volume and pore size class distribution. The results of the porosity analysis revealed significant differences between the variants taken into study. Regarding the solid surface area the tillage systems determined very different values of this parameter in soil. Pore size class distribution also showed clear differences between the variants. X-ray CT proved to be a useful tool for soil analysis, in order to have a detailed view of the pore network

    Auswirkungen des Duengungssystems auf chemische Bodeneigenschaften und Schwermetallgehalte eines Schwarzerdestandortes in Nord-Ost Rumaenien

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    Eines der wichtigsten Ziele der Agrarwissenschaft ist die Verbesserung und die Erhaltung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit. Dieses kann durch konservierende Bodenbearbeitung und organische duengung, wie Klaerschlamm, Kompost und Ernte-und Wurzelrueckstaende, erreicht werden. Seit August 2007 werden auf einem Schwarzerdestandort bei Ezareni die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Bodenbearbeitung (Konventionell, Minimalbodenbearbeitung, Direktsaat) auf die chemischen Bodeneigenschaften untersucht. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss des Duengungssystems (mineralische Duengung, organische Duengung, organische und mineralische Duengung)auf die chemischen Bodeneigenschaften dargestellt. In der Studie werden die Akkumulation organischer Bodensubstanz und der Hauptnaehrstoffe, sowie eine potentielle Kontamination durch Schwermetalle (Zn, Ni, Mn, Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb) aus der Anwendung von Klaerschlamm anhand von Pflanzen- und Bodenproben untersucht. Die Ergebnisse fuer die Schwermetalluntersuchungen werden im Folgenden praesentiert

    The effect of different tillage system on soil bulk density for the winter wheat crop at R.D.A.S. Secuieni

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    Climatic evolution from Romania, with trend toward heating and aridity, requires the application of new tillage variants, which ensure both soil fertility conservation and high yields. Winter wheat is a very important crop, but the more frequent droughts from August-September, determine great difficulties for seedbed preparation and good sowing. One of the most used indices for physical state characterization, with direct influence on soil air and water permeability, plant root development and microbiological processes is bulk density (BD). In order to emphasize the effect of conventional and conservative tillage on soil compaction degree, expressed by BD values, undisturbed samples were collected on 0-30 cm depth, from 10 to 10 cm, at sowing, during vegetation and at harvest of the winter wheat crop. The highest values were recorded for HDH 3.85+Vibromix and HDH 3.85+VRH and the lowest for the Plow+Combigerm variant

    The influence of different conventional and conservative tillage systems on qualitative indicators of the seedbed for winter oil seed rape

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    Rapeseed crop has a very important role in world economy, being the third largest source of vegetable oil after palm and soybeans. It is very sensitive to soil compaction, because root growth, water and nutrient absorption are achieved with difficulty. The seedbed preparation ensures the lumps shredding, weed control, land leveling, introduction of fertilizers in soil and, essentially, creating a layer of loose soil, favorable for seed germination. The last tillage done before sowing has direct effects on the quality and quantity of the yield. The tillage activities by their nature must modify soil properties towards biological plant requirements without damaging its physical condition. The qualitative indices determined for the seedbed preparation are average depth of soil mobilization (Da), soil crumbling degree (Dsc), soil loosening degree (Dsl), soil leveling degree (Dls) and weed control degree (Dwc). The paper present the effect of soil tillage on seedbed qualitative indices for the rapeseed crop. The experiments were carried out at the Research and Development Agricultural Station, Secuieni, Neamt County, between 2012 and 2014. The results show that different tillage systems influenced the quality of the seedbed, with higher values for the conventional Plough+Combigerm variant and lower for the minimum tillage one, Disc+Vibromix

    Effect of silver nanoparticle and organic biostimulator nitrozime over micropores and germination, growth and development of seeds of Triticum aestivum to level of a bio accumulative horizon type cambic soil

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    The present paper monitors the effect of applying different doses of silver nanoparticles (10 ppm, 15 ppm, 20 ppm), and the effect of organic biostimulator Nitrozimes (2ml/l) on the germination, growing and development of the Triticum aestivum species. The changes suffered by the bioaccumulation horizon of the cambic chernozem at micro porous level is also investigated. The silver nanoparticle solution is obtained through electrolysis technique in miliQ water solvent using Nevoton IS-112 device with silver electrodes of 99.99% purity. The determination of the ppm quantity is realized by using TDS-1. The seed germination is tracked in a controlled environment (Petri dishes) in laboratory conditions for 10 days until germination. After, they are transferred in vegetation dishes in the grow house and tracked in a controlled environment of temperature, humidity and soil pH. Data on the micro porosity was taken and analyzed at I.C.A.M. Laboratories in the V. Adamachi resort using micro computed tomography (Brucker Skyscan 1172). The germination evolution, growth and development of the wheat plants was measured weekly throughout the growing season. The results show a reduction in the diameter of the micropores that is inversely proportional to the concentration of silver ions doses applied. From the germination phase until 2-3 leafs stage, the growth is approximately double than the development of the witness plants (untreated wheat grown in bioaccumulative horizon). Key words: silver nanoparticles, biostimulator, soil structure

    The influence of humic fertilizer on morphological and physiological properties of maize crop, in the conditions of the Moldavian Plateau

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    During 2010-2012 we made a study regarding the influence of a humic fertilizer (Lignohumat) on some morphological and physiological traits of maize. Lignohumat has a high content of humic acid and microelements, acting as a growth stimulent and anti-stress agent for plants. The study was carried out in the pedo-climatic conditions of the Moldavian Plateau, (Ezareni Farm, Iași, 47°5’-47°10’ N lat. 27°28’-27°33’ E long.), on a 3 - 4 % slope, cambic chernozem with clay-loamy texture. The soil has a medium content of N and P and good content of K, slightly acid pH and 2.5 – 3.0 % humus content. There were applied two treatments with the humic fertilizer, one on seeds with a dose of 100 g/10 l water/t seeds and one on vegetation, on the 3-4 leaves stage, using 60 g/ha / 300 l water. We determined the average number of seeds per cob, average plant height and leaf chlorophyll content. The results of the three experimental years revealed a positive influence of the humic fertilizer on the assessed traits, the differences compared to the control being statistically assured. Compared to the control, which had an average plant height of 178.5 cm, a chlorophyll content of 47.4 CCI and cobs with 508.1 seeds, the variant treated with Lignohumate recorded higher plants (with 8 cm), with better chlorophyll content (3,5 CCI higher) and with more seeds/cob (25,1 more seeds)

    Residues of acetochlor herbicide in soybean and soil in Moldavian field

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    Herein, we report the results of a study aimed at estimating the potential of acetochlor for translocation into soybean plants and groundwater and its retention in one of the most common soil in Romania. The chloroacetanilide herbicide acetochlor was applied at three different dosages, i.e. 2.2 L ha-1 (Recommended dose), 3.1 L ha-1 (40%+Recommended dose) and 3.96 L ha-1 (80%+Recommended dose) as a pre-emergent spray on soybean crop at 3 days after sowing in the experimental field of Ezăreni – The Experimental Farm of the Agricultural University Iasi. Analyses were performed using Gas chromatography mass spectometry (GC-MS). Extraction of field soil samples taken from different depths (0- 5, 5-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm) at different times after herbicide application, showed that all applied doses moved deeper and increased dose (80%+Rd) affected the persistence of acetochlor in the top layer increasing its half-life to 5 days. Dissipation followed a first order kinetics. At harvest, soil and plant samples were found to contain acetochlor below maximum residue limits (MRL) following the 80%+ recommended dosag