729 research outputs found

    An ultrastructural demonstration of NADPH-diaphorase/nitric oxide synthase activity in the rat striatal astroglia

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    In the present study we have used electron microscopical NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry as a visualization procedure for nitric oxide synthase (NOS) to examine patterns of activity in the subcellular distribution of NADPH-d in the rat striatal astroglia. Electron microscopical examination revealed deposition of the NADPH-d reaction product in a nuclear envelope, fragments of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Predominantly mitochondria of astrocytic "end feet" were labelled. Our ultrastructural observations promote the possibility that astroglial NADPH-d/NOS is involved in adaptation of the local blood flow in the striatal microenvironment

    Alltag in der Justizanstalt Stein

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    In dieser Arbeit wird mit Hilfe des „ero-epischen Gesprächs“ versucht, den Alltag (Tagesablauf), und die damit verbundenen Rituale wie Arbeit, Freizeit, Freunde, Sexualität etc. am Beispiel der totalen Institution Stein, (Justizanstalt in NÖ) herauszuarbeiten. Die theoretische soziologische Basis bilden zwei bedeutende Werke „Asyle“ von Erving Goffman und „Überwachen und Strafen Die Geburt des Gefängnisses“ von Michel Foucault. Beide Welten der Justizanstalt Stein die Welt der Insassen (Arbeit, Freizeit, Freunde), sowie die Welt der Beamten (Kontakt mit Insassen) sind von kultur-soziologischem Interesse.Total institution like the prison in Stein, where all parts of life of individuals are subordinated to and dependent upon the authorities of the organization, within rituals and symbols, that determine a total institution is in the focus of a sociological cultural –analyze. The usage of a qualitative social research method, the so called “ero-episches Gespräch”, compared to a depth interview made it possible to find out rites of passage, of degradation, the indoctrination, but also the point of views of the law officers worked out in this final thesis. From the sociological point of view - How the prisoners live their daily lifes, work, free-time activities, bargaining, drugs and alcohol, take over less or permanent social role - analyzed and stated with the comments of the asked prisoners and the law officers

    High Reliability Prototype Quadrupole for the Next Linear Collider

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    Abstract-- The Next Linear Collider (NLC) will require over 5600 magnets, each of which must be highly reliable and/or quickly repairable in order that the NLC reach its 85 % overall availability goal. A multidiscipline engineering team was assembled at SLAC to develop a more reliable electromagnet design than historically had been achieved at SLAC. This team carried out a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) on a standard SLAC quadrupole magnet system. They overcame a number of longstanding design prejudices, producing 10 major design changes. This paper describes how a prototype magnet was constructed and the extensive testing carried out on it to prove full functionality with an improvement in reliability. The magnet’s fabrication cost will be compared to the cost of a magnet with the same requirements made in the historic SLAC way. The NLC will use over 1600 of these 12.7 mm bor

    Isaac Asimov: 10-20-1976

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    The science fiction writer Dr. Isaac Asimov begins the interview by reading “Insert Knob A in Hole B” from his anthology Nightfall and Other Stories. He continues the interview by discussing sociological aspects of science fiction. He then talks about how he came back to science fiction after writing nonfiction for several years, the evolution of his writing style, and the evolution of science fiction in general. Asimov then discusses the controversy behind genetic engineering, gives advice to beginning science fiction writers, and concludes the interview by discussing his works in progress.https://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/writers_videos/1023/thumbnail.jp

    Digitalisierte Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation und Feedback - Perspektiven von Lehrenden

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Perspektiven von Lehrenden auf eine Form der digitalisierten Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation vorgestellt, die dialogisches Feedback zwischen Lehrenden und Studierenden erleichtert. Die Datenbasis bilden leitfadengestützte Experteninterviews, die mittels Grounded-Theory-Methodologie ausgewertet wurden. Bei der Analyse der Lehrendenperspektive lassen sich drei Ansätze im Umgang mit digitalisierter Lehrveranstaltungs-evaluation herausarbeiten. Der Ansatz A kommt der klassischen Evaluation am Ende der Lehrveranstaltung am nächsten. In Ansatz B dominiert das Entlastungsmotiv und im Ansatz C tritt noch ein pädagogisches Motiv hinzu, dass das Feedbackgespräch selbst als didaktische Methode sieht

    Predictors of Occupational Competence in People Hospitalized with Chronic Conditions

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    Background: Chronic diseases limit participation in meaningful daily activities, roles, and routines, which can negatively impact occupational competence, a sense of self, and life satisfaction, especially when hospitalization is required to manage disease symptoms. Standardized measures of occupational competence and related functional, cognitive, and environmental factors may enhance occupational therapists’ ability to identify potential barriers to and make targeted recommendations for self- and health management in the community. Method: This cross-sectional study investigated occupational competence in patients hospitalized with chronic conditions. The participants completed measures of occupational competence, values, self-care function, environmental impact, and functional cognition while hospitalized. Results: The participants (n = 51) reported moderate to high levels of occupational competence. The overall regression model was significant. Values, self-care function, and environmental impact were significant predictors of occupational competence. Conclusion: Values, self-care function, and environmental impact predict occupational competence in people hospitalized with chronic conditions. Occupational therapists should incorporate standardized measures of occupational competence, values, self-care function, and environmental impact into current evaluation practices to support recommendations for follow-up care and community supports. Future research should include a larger sample that is more representative of an occupational therapy caseload and incorporate alternative measures of functional cognition to better measure this construct

    Predictors of Hospital Readmissions for People with Chronic Conditions

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    Background: Hospital readmissions remain prominent in health care. Functional, cognitive, and environmental factors predict hospital readmissions but may not be thoroughly measured or addressed prior to discharge. Method: In this cross-sectional study, people hospitalized with chronic conditions completed measures of self-care function, functional cognition, occupational competence, and environmental impact. They also participated in a phone call or medical records review to identify hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge. In a group session, occupational therapists who work in acute care completed acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility measures for the standardized assessments administered to hospital participants. Results: Occupational competence and functional cognition were significant predictors of hospital readmissions. Therapists rated the Activity Measure of Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) as the most acceptable, appropriate, and feasible measure for acute care. Conclusions: Occupational competence and functional cognition are predictors of hospital readmissions in people with chronic conditions. Occupational therapists in acute care should consider supplementing current evaluation practices with standardized measures of functional cognition and occupational competence to identify client needs objectively and initiate post-acute referrals that help clients discharge home successfully. Standardized measures, such as the AM-PAC may be feasible in acute care. Further research on the efficacy of standardized measures in this setting is needed
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