156 research outputs found

    Construction and evaluation of an automated flow injection-stopped flow analyser for multipoint reaction rate spectrophotometric methods. Determination of ammonia nitrogen, creatinine and phosphate

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    The construction and evaluation of a fully automated Flow Injection-Stopped Flow (FI-SF) spectrophotometric analyser is described. A microcomputer (Rockwell AIM 65) is used to control the analyser (sample injection, stop and start of the pump) through a suitable interface. Data acquisition is achieved using a 12 bit ADC card and a suitable subroutine in 6502 assembly language, allowing data sampling at a frequency of 7.5 kHz. The measurement interface and software were evaluated using a voltage ramp generator. A precision of 0.02-1.1% RSD (N =10) was obtained for voltage ramps in the range of 1-37 mVs-1. The FI-SF analyser was evaluated in routine analysis by developing FI-SF kinetic spectrophotometric methods for the determination of ammonia nitrogen (20-250 ppm, 0.4-2.5% RSD) based on the Berthelot reaction, creatinine (20-220 ppm, 0.9-3.6% RSD) based on the Jaffé reaction, and phosphate (5-30 ppm, 1.0-3.3% RSD) based on the phosphomolybdenum blue reaction. The reaction rate is measured by linear fitting of multiple absorbance readings vs time. Algorithms for automated estimation of the residence time, the linear range of the reaction curve, and data treatment are presented

    The Metaphysics of Intentionality: A Study of Intentionality Focused on Sartre's and Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mind and Language

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    With this Thesis an attempt is made at charting the area of the Metaphysics of Intentionality, based mainly on the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre. A Philosophical Analysis and an Evaluation of Sartre's Arguments are provided, and Sartre's Theory of Intentionality is supported by recent commentaries on the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Sartre's Theory of Intentionality is proposed, with few improvements by the author, as the only modem theory of the mind that can oppose effectively the advance of AI and physicalist reductivist attempts in Philosophy of Mind and Language. Discussion includes Sartre's critique of Husserl, the relation of Sartre's Theory of Intentionality to Realism, its applicability in the Theory of the Emotions, and recent theories of Intentionality such as Mohanty's, Aquilla's, Searle's, and Harney's

    Reproductive Biology Of The Shi Drum (Umbrina Cirrosa) In Captivity And Induction Of Spawning Using Gnrha

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    The reproductive biology of the shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa) in culture was histologically exam- ined and sperm quality was monitored during an entire reproductive period. Already in April, the ovary contained oocytes in all stages of maturation, from primary oocytes to full vitellogenesis, as expected from a group-synchronous multiple-batch spawning fish. Vitellogenesis of the first batch of oocytes occurred very rapidly and their mean diameter (500 μm) did not increase sig- nificantly (p>0.05) as the reproductive period proceeded. The spermiation index peaked in May- June, but fish never produced copious amounts of milt upon abdominal pressure. The sperma- tozoa motility percentage remained unchanged throughout the spawning season (80%) and a significant percentage (40%) maintained viability after overnight storage at 4°C. Sperm density and motility duration increased during the reproductive period and varied 13-26 x109 spermato- zoa/ml and 26-40 s, respectively. Spontaneous spawning was not observed during the two-year study. Injection of post-vitellogenic females with an agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRHa) was successful in inducing a single spawning after two days, with fertilization, hatch- ing and 4-day larval survival rates of 65%, 42-76% and 46-80%, respectively. The results under- line the failure of female shi drum in culture to undergo final oocyte maturation and, although GnRHa injection was effective in inducing spawning of viable eggs, multiple treatments did not induce multiple spawns, as was expected from fish with multiple-batch group-synchronous ovar- ian biology

    Fusion of Synchronous Fluorescence Spectra with Application to Argan Oil for Adulteration Analysis

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    When synchronous fluorescence (SyF) spectroscopy is used for quantitative and qualitative analysis, selection of a useful wavelength interval between the excitation and emission wavelengths (Δλ) is needed. Presented is a fusion approach to combine Δλ intervals thereby negating the selection process. This study uses the fusion of SyF spectra to detect adulteration of argan oil by corn oil and quantitative analysis of the corn oil content. The SyF spectra were acquired by varying the excitation wavelength in the region 300-800 nm using Δλ wavelength intervals from 10 to 100 nm in steps of 10 nm producing 10 sets of SyF spectra. For quantitative analysis, two calibration approaches are evaluated with these 10 SyF spectral datasets. Multivariate calibration by partial least squares (PLS) and a univariate calibration process where the SyF spectra are summed over respective SyF spectral ranges, the area under the curve (AUC) method. For adulteration detection and quantitation of the corn oil, prediction errors decrease with fusion compared to individually using the 10 Δλ interval SyF spectral data sets. For this data set, the AUC method generally provides smaller prediction errors than PLS at individual Δλ intervals as well as with fusion of all 10 Δλ intervals

    Development of a Fully Automated Flow Injection Analyzer Implementing Bioluminescent Biosensors for Water Toxicity Assessment

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    This paper describes the development of an automated Flow Injection analyzer for water toxicity assessment. The analyzer is validated by assessing the toxicity of heavy metal (Pb2+, Hg2+ and Cu2+) solutions. One hundred μL of a Vibrio fischeri suspension are injected in a carrier solution containing different heavy metal concentrations. Biosensor cells are mixed with the toxic carrier solution in the mixing coil on the way to the detector. Response registered is % inhibition of biosensor bioluminescence due to heavy metal toxicity in comparison to that resulting by injecting the Vibrio fischeri suspension in deionised water. Carrier solutions of mercury showed higher toxicity than the other heavy metals, whereas all metals show concentration related levels of toxicity. The biosensor’s response to carrier solutions of different pHs was tested. Vibrio fischeri’s bioluminescence is promoted in the pH 5–10 range. Experiments indicate that the whole cell biosensor, as applied in the automated fluidic system, responds to various toxic solutions

    Twistor Strings with Flavour

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    We explore the tree-level description of a class of N=2 UV-finite SYM theories with fundamental flavour within a topological B-model twistor string framework. In particular, we identify the twistor dual of the Sp(N) gauge theory with one antisymmetric and four fundamental hypermultiplets, as well as that of the SU(N) theory with 2N hypermultiplets. This is achieved by suitably orientifolding/orbifolding the original N=4 setup of Witten and adding a certain number of new topological 'flavour'-branes at the orientifold/orbifold fixed planes to provide the fundamental matter. We further comment on the appearance of these objects in the B-model on CP(3|4). An interesting aspect of our construction is that, unlike the IIB description of these theories in terms of D3 and D7-branes, on the twistor side part of the global flavour symmetry is realised geometrically. We provide evidence for this correspondence by calculating and matching amplitudes on both sides.Comment: 38+12 pages; uses axodraw.sty. v2: References added, minor clarification