30 research outputs found

    Study of the liver metabolic activation of some plant phenolic compounds

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    Phenolic compounds form one of the main classes of secondary metabolites. The widespread use of flavonoids and phenolic acids necessitates the study of their metabolism. The aim of this work is to predict the possible metabolites of some plant phenolic compounds by a specialized software (OECD (Q)SAR Application Toolbox. Analysis of data reveals that after metabolic activation in liver (observed pathways) for five of the six plant phenolic compounds liver metabolism was not observed. Only for one compound (Luteolin) metabolic activation in liver (observed pathways) was observed

    Aloenzimna genetichna harakteristika na pchelni semeystva Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) ot Bulgaria s razlichno higienno povedenie

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    The genetic variability in 25 honey bee colonies from different regions of Bulgaria with different hygienic behaviour (highly hygienic, hygienic and non-hygienic) has been studied. Alloenzyme analysis of two systems (MDH-1 and Est-3) corresponding to 2 loci was used in order to characterize the colony polymorphism. Totally 1,150 worker bees were included in this investigation. MDH-1 locus was found to be polymorphic in all of the studied colonies, having two alleles – MDH-165 and MDH-1100. The Est-3 locus was fixed in ten of the investigated colonies. Polymorphism with total presence of four alleles of this locus (Est-380, Est-388, Est-3100 and Est-3118) was found in the other studied colonies. The calculated polymorphism was 50% in the non-hygienic and 100% in the highly hygienic and hygienic colonies. The observed and expected heterozygosities (Ho and He) ranged from 0.296 to 0.354 and from 0.28 to 0.332 in non-hygienic and highly hygienic groups, respectively. The calculated mean observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.32 and 0.307, respectively. The calculated Fst and Nm levels demonstrated lower differentiation between highly hygienic and hygienic colonies and higher differentiation between highly hygienic and non-hygienic colonies. Dissimilarities between levels of polymorphism, heterozygosity, Fst, Nm and allele frequencies in the studied groups of colonies with different hygienic behaviour were found and discussed. The results of the present study provide new information concerning relations between hygienic behaviour and alloenzyme characteristics which could be used for future selection with honey bees in Bulgaria.Obekt na nastoyashtoto izsledvane e genetichnata izmenchivost, ustanovena pri rabota s 25 pchelni semeystva ot razlichni rayoni na Bulgaria s razlichno higienno povedenie (Visoko higienichni, higienichni i ne-higiennichni). Izyaveniyat polimorfizam e harakteriziran na bazata na aloenzimen analiz po dve sistemi (MDH-1 i Est-3), saotvetstvashti na dva polimorfni lokusa. Obshto 1150 pcheli rabotnichki sa vklyucheni v izsledvaneto. Ustanoveno e, che MDH-1 lokusat e polimorfen vav vsichki izsledvani pchelni semeystva i e predstaven ot dva alela - MDH-165 i MDH-1100. Est-3 lokusat e fiksiran v deset ot izsledvanite kolonii. Po tozi lokus e konstatiran polimorfizam s prisastvie obshto na chetiri alelni varianti (Est-380, Est-388, Est-3100 i Est-3118) za genofonda na ostanalite pchelni semeystva. Izchisleniyat polimorfizam e mezhdu 50% i 100%. Ustanovenata i ochakvanata heterozigotnost (Ho i He) varira saotvetno ot 0.296 do 0.354 i 0.28 ot 0.332 pri ne-higienichnite i visoko higienichnite grupi. Izchislenite sredna nablyudavana i ochakvana heterozigotnosti sa saotvetno 0.32 i 0.307. Izchislenite niva na Fst i Nm pokazvat po-niska diferentsiatsia mezhdu visoko higienichnite i higienichnite semeystva i visoka diferentsiatsia mezhdu visoko higienichnite i ne-higienichnite semeystva. Konstatirani i obsadeni sa razlichia mezhdu nivata na polimorfizam, heterozigotnost, Fst, Nm i alelnite chestoti v izsledvanite grupi pchelni semeystva s razlichno higienno povedenie. Rezultatite ot nastoyashtoto prouchvane davat nova informatsia otnosno zavisimostta mezhdu nivata na higienno povedenie i aloenzimnite harakteristiki, koito biha mogli da se izpolzvat v badeshti deynosti po selektsia na medonosnite pcheli v Bulgaria

    Influence of detection of pretreatment cytogenetic abnormalities on first complete remission and survival in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Objective: Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in adults focuses on the initial assessment of the prognostic relevant cytogenetic features as well as a response-guided therapy based on molecular data. We examined the importance of molecular-cytogenetic abnormalities for complete remission (CR) rates and the overall survival (OS) in adult ALLs.Materials and Methods: Conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization were performed on bone marrow cells from 33 newly-diagnosed ALL adults. Two karyotype categories [standard- risk group- normal karyotype, hyperdiplody and other structural aberrations, and high-risk group-t(11q23)/MLL, t(9;22)/bcr-abl, t(1;19), t(8;14), C-MYC and complex karyotype] and the biologically and clinically relevant ALL ploidy subgroups were prospectively defined.Results: Chromosomal abnormalities were found in 52% of the cases with a high rate of poor-risk translocations - t(9;22), t(8q24), t(11q23), t(1;19). The total CR rate was 67% and the median time for achievement 2.33 months. Male sex, an age below 35 years and the absence of high risk translocations might have contributed to the high CR rates. Female patients, hyperdiplody, low white blood cells (WBC), and random cytogenetic aberrations had the longest OS. OS, 3- and 5-years survival periods were significantly shorter for poor-risk than standard risk group (p=.015, p=.001 and p=.005, respectively).Conclusion: This study emphasizes the lack of influence of cytogenetic aberrations on the CR and the time to achieve CR. However, our observations show that these aberrations are an independent prognostic factor in adult ALL - they allow predicting therapy resistance and the OS time after intensetreatment

    Welfare In the Digital World

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    "Днес благополучието на индивида, особено на онзи, който е пряко свързан (интегриран) в Информационното общество (ИО) и Интернет на нещата (Internet of Things; IoT), би следвало да е силно зависимо от информацията, информационните технологии, комуникационните технологии и съпътства щите ги „невидими“ процеси по задоволяване на потребности, въздействия, поддържане на „интерес“ към вече изградените виртуални светове. Основание за това твърдение може да се намери в безспорното, че днес използваните информационни и комуникационни технологии (ИКТ) силно повлияват и личния живот, и професионалната реализация на хората. Например много професии вече са ИКТ зависими. Тази зависимост ще нараства експоненциално до пълното потапяне на активните индивиди във виртуални среди/системи/светове. Ключът към успешната социализация и успешната реализация на човека ще бъде грамотното боравене с виртуални инструменти. Липсата на такава грамотност ще е своеобразна гаранция за дигитална зависимост и дигитално робство. Може да се допусне, че нивото на знания и умения за използване на виртуални инструменти ще е фактор, който силно ще повлиява равенство/ неравенство между хората. В свят, в който информацията вече е ключов ресурс за развитие, хората- потребители формират виртуални общности, отличаващи се с целенасочена употреба на ИКТ, със специфични знания, умения, поведение и практики, с различни възможности за самоизразяване и самопознание. Формирани са нови набори от правила, предписващи определено поведение във виртуалните среди с присъщи преживявания и стремежи. И все пак... Хората приемат и активно използват предимствата на комуникационните технологии и социалните мрежи. В същото време те не ги познават като виртуални среди/средства за контрол, анализ на поведенческите нагласи с цел подтикване към действия (реални или виртуални). Тези потребители са изцяло подвластни на „невидими“ сили за налагане на определено поведение по определен повод." Из Предговор [от научния редактор].Изданието съдържа текста на книгата на български и на английски език.Отпечатването на книгата „Благополучие в дигиталния свят“ и разработването на ма- териалите, включени в нея, е финансирано от Фонд „Научни изследвания“ на Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ в изпълнение на договор № 80-10- 89/20.04.2017 по проект на тема „Методика за измерване на информационно зависи- мото благополучие (Част 1: Апробиране на инструментариум за набиране на емпи- рични данни)“. The publishing of the book “Welfare in the Digital World” as well as the development of the research presented in it was implemented with the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” under contract № 80-10- 89/20.04.2017, project theme: “Methodologies for measuring information-dependent well-being (Part 1: Piloting empirical data gathering tools)”

    Cannabidiol improves memory and decreases IL-1β serum levels in rats with lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation

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    Aim: Memory improving and anti-inflammatory properties of cannabidiol (CBD) were investigated in an experimental model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation. Materials and methods: Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: control, LPS control, LPS + CBD 5 mg/kg bw, and LPS + CBD 10 mg/kg bw. Animals were treated with CBD 14 days before LPS administration and throughout the experiment. Step-through passive avoidance task, Y-maze, and novel object recognition test (NORT) were used to assess the memory functions. The following parameters were recorded: latency time, spontaneous alternations percentage (SA%) and recognition index (RI). IL-10, IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β serum levels were measured to evaluate the immunomodulatory properties of CBD. Results: LPS led to significant decrease of the recorded parameters in all memory tasks. This demonstrated the memory-impairing effect of LPS-induced inflammation. In the Y-maze and NORT tests, both doses of CBD increased SA% and RI, respectively. Significant difference was found in comparison with the LPS controls. Rats from the CBD treated groups showed increased latency in the step-through passive avoidance task. In the short-term memory test, both CBD doses significantly increased this parameter when compared with both control groups (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively), whereas in the long-term memory test, statistical significance was reached only in comparison with the LPS controls (p<0.01). CBD treatment failed to reduce TNF-α and IL-6 serum levels. The lower studied dose significantly decreased IL-10 and IL-1β concentrations compared to LPS controls (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively). Conclusions: CBD improved spatial working and recognition memory in rats with LPS-induced inflammation. Suppression of IL-1β production could be attributed to the observed effect


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    The interest to the introduced rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) is explained by thesearch for more suitable varieties with good adaptability and high yield to begrown under the agro-climatic conditions in Bulgaria. The new foliar treatmentproducts on the market - Folur, Amalgerol and Lithovit, have also provoked ourinterest. The survey was carried out in 2013 - 2015, applying the two-factor fieldexperiment following the split plot method. Two Turkish - Osmanchik 97 andGala, along with four Italian cultivars – Lince, Cameo, Puma and Brio were set asfactor one. The foliar product Folur (2 l/da), Amalgerol (1.2 l/da) and Lithovit(0.300 kg/da) were set as factor two. The following factors were studied:phenological development of the cultivars, productive tillering capacity and yield.It has been specified that Osmanchik 97 and Gala had a shorter vegetative period.Lince stood out against the 6 tested cultivars by highest tillering results – 4.70number of tillers/plant and was sharply outlined from the standard – Osmanchik97, Puma and Brio. The tested products Folur and Lithovit had proven their effecton the formation of more productive tillering capacity – by 7.7% and 13.1%respectively. The highest yield was observed with Cameo (954.5 kg/da) and Brio(949.1 kg/da), which surpassed the Osmanchik 97 (control) by 8.6% and 8%respectively. The Amalgerol treatment proved to have the strongest positive impacton productivity and increased the average yield of the tested cultivars by 11.3%

    UV-B response of greening barley seedlings

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    The relationship between the greening stage of barley seedlings and their response to UV-B irradiation was studied. Etiolated barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Alfa) greened 12, 24 and 48 h were exposed to UV-B irradiation (312 nm) for 5 h. As a result of UV-B treatment the rate of CO2 fixation and chlorophyll contents decreased but flavonoids, UV-B-induced compounds and carotenoids increased. The inhibition of photosynthesis in green plants was lower in comparison to greening ones. The 12 h greening plants were more sensitive to UV-B treatment than the plants greening 24 h and particularly 48 h, estimated by the quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry and the oxygen production rate. The levels of flavonoids and UV-B induced compounds enhanced with increasing the greening time. Activity of antioxidant enzymes catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase increased during the seedlings greening and as a result of UV-B irradiation, but the pattern of isoforms remained similar to those found in the controls. UV-B preferentially induced Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase. Increase of UVB induced synthesis of antioxidant enzymes is in line with their important role in the plant response to UV-B stress. Data presented show that the response of barley seedlings to UV-B irradiation is related to the development stage of photosynthetic apparatus

    Organic Production of Snap Bean in Bulgaria: Pests and Diseases Incidence and Control, Soil Fertility and Yield

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    Among factors affecting snap bean production in organic growing systems, pests and diseases are of paramount importance. The current study was aimed to determine the impact of organic production practices on snap bean pests and diseases infestation, soil fertility and yield. Five treatments of plants during the whole growing season with a Bordeaux mixture at a dose of 3000 g/ha, provided more than 50 percent protective effect against the development of the bacterial blight Xanthomonas axanopodis pv. phaseoli and anthracnose Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. In organic fields, commercial bioproducts containing pyrethrins or entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana can be successfully applied to control the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.). To limit the attack of bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus Say), phytopesticide containing pyrethrins can also be used. Against the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.), products containing the active ingredient azadirachtin were seen to be effective five days after treatment. Soil amendment with vermicompost at a dose of 2850 L/ha slightly increased the amounts of water-soluble nutrients; however, soil remained nutrient deficient across the growing season. Among the tested Bulgarian varieties, Evros possessed higher yield, and appear to be suitable for organic system than the Tangra variety

    Metamizole (dipyrone) – cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects on HeLa, HT-29 and MCF-7 cancer cell lines

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    Cancer pain treatment is a big challenge for healthcare providers and patients as well. The wide range of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used as painkillers in cancer patients, requires in-depth characterization of their effect on the disease process. The effects of NSAIDs have been widely studied over the last decades as preventive drugs in some oncological diseases. Metamizole is an NSAID belonging to the non-narcotic analgesics group and is highly recommended in oncology either alone or in combinations with opioid analgesics. There is a dearth of information regarding the cytotoxicity profile of metamizole and hence the present study evaluated the potential anticancer activity of metamizole in some permanent human tumour cell lines: HeLa, human cervical cancer cells; HT-29, a human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line; and МСF-7, human breast adenocarcinoma cells. The studied tumour cells were sensitive to metamizole at doses higher than 25 μg/mL. Metamizole induced a statistically significant decrease in the viability of HeLa, HT-29 and MCF-7 cells in in vitro tests as measured by the MTT assay; the highest effect was observed at the 48th hour of the treatment. Metamizole could induce cell death by apoptosis. Metamizole also suppressed the migration of the three tumour cell lines. This was most clearly pronounced in HeLa cells. The results obtained indicate that metamizole is a suitable choice for the treatment of cancer pain and has prospects for further in-depth studies