177 research outputs found

    FlexiMC Framework: framework flexible para model checking

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    Los algoritmos de verificación de modelos (Model Checking) verifican una fórmula lógica sobre un modelo. Esta técnica permite tanto comprobar un correcto funcionamiento como descubrir errores de diseño y es aplicable a una gran variedad de campos. Una desventaja común al utilizar esta técnica es que dichos modelos deben ser traducidos al lenguaje concreto del sistema de Model Checking. El framework que aquí se presenta permite adaptar la técnica a los lenguajes, soportando la definición y uso de lenguajes específicos del dominio de forma directa, además de otras facilidades como permitir una visualización de contraejemplos personalizada o una gran flexibilidad en los algoritmos a usar. [ABSTRACT] Model Checking algorithms verify whether a logical formula holds in a model. Such technique allows checking the correct functionality of the modeled system as well as finding design mistakes, and can be applied in a wide variety of fields. A typical disadvantage of using this technique is the need to translate such models to the concrete Model Checking system language. The framework presented here allows adapting the technique to different languages, supporting the definition and use of domain specific languages directly. It also incorporates some other facilities like the creation of customized counter-example viewers or allowing the replacement of the specific algoritms used in the checking.Model Checking algorithms verify whether a logical formula holds in a model. Such technique allows checking the correct functionality of the modeled system as well as finding design mistakes, and can be applied in a wide variety of fields. A typical disadvantage of using this technique is the need to translate such models to the concrete Model Checking system language. The framework presented here allows adapting the technique to different languages, supporting the definition and use of domain specific languages directly. It also incorporates some other facilities like the creation of customized counter-example viewers or allowing the replacement of the specific algoritms used in the checking

    Cocaine cardiomyopathy: A case report

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    Abstract: Cocaine is the second most common illicit drug used and the most frequent cause of drug related deaths. The use of cocaine is associated with both, acute and chronic complications, that may involve any system, but the most common system affected is cardiovascular one. Cocaine cardiomyopathy may result from the use of cocaine. This article presents a first case in Republic of Macedonia of 24-year-old male with reversible cocaine- related cardiomyopathy. Clinical presentation, laboratory, X-ray, ultrasound findings and treatment are reviewed


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    Abstract: Introduction: Tremor can occur as a part of the clinical picture of cerebrovascular diseases. Many patients with cerebral stroke have cardiovascular diseases as a comorbidity or complication of stroke; sometimes cardiovascular events can lead to embolic stroke. Aim: To present types of tremor in patients with cerebrovascular diseases and cardiovascular events and diabetes mellitus type 2, clinical characteristics of tremor and investigations used. Material and methods: In our study we included 36 patients, 24 men and 12 women, that were examined and followed for 3 years, from 2012-2015. All patients were subjected to the following investigations: neurological examination, laboratory analysis, computerized tomography of brain, magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography. In cardiovascular patients we also performed Doppler sonography of carotid arteries, electrocardiography, cardiac ultrasound. The patients were examined and treated by cardiologists. Results: Of all patients 22% had cerebral infarction, 41% atherosclerosis, 36% multiple lacunar infarctions and 28% diabetes mellitus type 2. Three patients with cerebral infarction had chorea, hemiballismus, dystonia and dystonic tremor, three had postural tremor and two cerebellar intention tremor. Atherosclerotic patients had atherosclerotic action tremor, while diabetic patients predominantly had with action-type tremor. Electroencephalography showed irritative basic brain activity with slow waves, while carotid arteries stenosis was diagnosed by Doppler sonography. Computerized tomography of the brain and magnetic resonance imaging revealed cerebrovascular diseases in certain areas. Patients with cardiomyopathy, rhythm disorders, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia was investigated and medically treated by a cardiologist. Conclusion: In cerebrovascular diseases different types of tremor can occur as a result of damage of the extrapyramidal system

    Вентрикуларна фибрилација по ендоскопска ретроградна холангиопанкреатографија кај пациент со вграден уред за лево вентрикуларна асистенција – приказ на случај

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    Congestive heart failure is a growing global health problem. Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is a method used to extend the life of patients with congestive heart failure as a definitive treatment or to “bypass” the period until heart transplantation. Ventricular arrhythmias in patients with LVAD are not uncommon. The aim of this paper is to present the case of a patient with an already implanted LVAD and the need for appropriate interdisciplinary medical treatment. Case report: We present the case of a 54-year old patient, A. D., with implanted LVAD - HeartMate 3 due to severe congestive heart failure. The patient was admitted with jaundice at the PHIU Clinic for Gastroenterohepatology with performed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)) procedure and a stent was placed in the choledochus duct. Immeasurable blood pressure and pulse were recorded in this patient. The ECG was approaching VF (ventricular fibrillation) and it was all asymptomatic by the patient.  LVAD mechanical pump leads to continuous blood flow, which means that patients with LVAD not infrequently have no pulse or measurable blood pressure. Also, in patients with LVAD, ECG pulses are with electrical disturbances. VF and ventricular tachycardia (VT) are ventricular arrhythmias that are often seen on ECG in patients with implanted LVAD. Usually these arrhythmias occur with unknown duration and terminate spontaneously. Conclusion: Patients with LVAD are prone to cardiac arrhythmias. The continuous development of medical devices leads to a continuous educational and clinical approach to patients.                                                                        Конгестивната срцева слабост е растечки глобален здравствен проблем. Уредот за лево вентрикуларна асистенција (LVAD) се користи за продолжување на животот на пациентите со конгестивна срцева слабост како дефинитивен третман или за премостување на периодот до трансплантација на срце. Вентрикуларните аритмии кај пациентите со LVAD не се невообичаени. Целта на овој труд е да се прикаже случајот на пациент со веќе вграден LVAD и потребата од соодветен интердисциплинарен медицински третман. Приказ на случај: Ви претставуваме случај на 54-годишен пациент, А. Д., со вграден LVAD - HeartMate 3 поради тешка конгестивна срцева слабост. Пациентот е примен со иктерус на ЈЗУ Клиниката за гастроентерохепатологија по што е извршена ендоскопска ретроградна холангиопанкреатографија (ERCP)) и е поставен стент во холедохусниот канал. Кај овој пациент е регистрирано немерлив крвен притисок и пулс. На ЕКГ е регистрирана VF вентрикуларна фибрилација (VF) и сето тоа беше асимптоматски од страна на пациентот. Механичката пумпа на LVAD води до континуиран проток на крв, што значи дека пациентите со LVAD не ретко немаат пулс или мерлив крвен притисок. Исто така, кај пациентите со LVAD, ЕКГ импулсите се со електрични нарушувања. VF и вентрикуларна тахикардија (VT) се вентрикуларни аритмии кои често се гледаат на ЕКГ кај пациентите со имплантиран LVAD. Најчесто овие аритмии се јавуваат со непознато времетраење и спонтано завршуваат. Заклучок: Пациентите со ЛВАД се склони кон срцеви аритмии. Континуираниот развој на медицинските помагала води кон континуиран едукативен и клинички пристап во третманот на пациентите

    The Synoptic All-Sky Infrared (SASIR) Survey

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    We are proposing to conduct a multicolor, synoptic infrared (IR) imaging survey of the Northern sky with a new, dedicated 6.5-meter telescope at San Pedro M\'artir (SPM) Observatory. This initiative is being developed in partnership with astronomy institutions in Mexico and the University of California. The 4-year, dedicated survey, planned to begin in 2017, will reach more than 100 times deeper than 2MASS. The Synoptic All-Sky Infrared (SASIR) Survey will reveal the missing sample of faint red dwarf stars in the local solar neighborhood, and the unprecedented sensitivity over such a wide field will result in the discovery of thousands of z ~ 7 quasars (and reaching to z > 10), allowing detailed study (in concert with JWST and Giant Segmented Mirror Telescopes) of the timing and the origin(s) of reionization. As a time-domain survey, SASIR will reveal the dynamic infrared universe, opening new phase space for discovery. Synoptic observations of over 10^6 supernovae and variable stars will provide better distance measures than optical studies alone. SASIR also provides significant synergy with other major Astro2010 facilities, improving the overall scientific return of community investments. Compared to optical-only measurements, IR colors vastly improve photometric redshifts to z ~ 4, enhancing dark energy and dark matter surveys based on weak lensing and baryon oscillations. The wide field and ToO capabilities will enable a connection of the gravitational wave and neutrino universe - with events otherwise poorly localized on the sky - to transient electromagnetic phenomena.Comment: Revised version of submitted whitepaper to the "Optical and IR Astronomy from the Ground" Program Prioritization Panel of the Astro2010 Decadal Survey; 23 page

    Khresmoi Professional: Multilingual Semantic Search for Medical Professionals

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    There is increasing interest in and need for innovative solutions to medical search. In this paper we present the EU funded Khresmoi medical search and access system, currently in year 3 of 4 of development across 12 partners . The Khresmoi system uses a component based architecture housed in the cloud to allow for the development of several innovative applications to support target users medical information needs. The Khresmoi search systems based on this architecture have been designed to support the multilingual and multimod al information needs of three target groups the general public, general practitioners and consultant radiologists. In this paper we focus on the presentation of the systems to support the latter two groups using semantic, multilingual text and image based (including 2D and 3D radiology images) search

    First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way

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    We present the first Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the Galactic center source associated with a supermassive black hole. These observations were conducted in 2017 using a global interferometric array of eight telescopes operating at a wavelength of λ = 1.3 mm. The EHT data resolve a compact emission region with intrahour variability. A variety of imaging and modeling analyses all support an image that is dominated by a bright, thick ring with a diameter of 51.8 \ub1 2.3 μas (68% credible interval). The ring has modest azimuthal brightness asymmetry and a comparatively dim interior. Using a large suite of numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the EHT images of Sgr A* are consistent with the expected appearance of a Kerr black hole with mass ∼4 7 106 M☉, which is inferred to exist at this location based on previous infrared observations of individual stellar orbits, as well as maser proper-motion studies. Our model comparisons disfavor scenarios where the black hole is viewed at high inclination (i > 50\ub0), as well as nonspinning black holes and those with retrograde accretion disks. Our results provide direct evidence for the presence of a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, and for the first time we connect the predictions from dynamical measurements of stellar orbits on scales of 103-105 gravitational radii to event-horizon-scale images and variability. Furthermore, a comparison with the EHT results for the supermassive black hole M87* shows consistency with the predictions of general relativity spanning over three orders of magnitude in central mass