
FlexiMC Framework: framework flexible para model checking


Los algoritmos de verificación de modelos (Model Checking) verifican una fórmula lógica sobre un modelo. Esta técnica permite tanto comprobar un correcto funcionamiento como descubrir errores de diseño y es aplicable a una gran variedad de campos. Una desventaja común al utilizar esta técnica es que dichos modelos deben ser traducidos al lenguaje concreto del sistema de Model Checking. El framework que aquí se presenta permite adaptar la técnica a los lenguajes, soportando la definición y uso de lenguajes específicos del dominio de forma directa, además de otras facilidades como permitir una visualización de contraejemplos personalizada o una gran flexibilidad en los algoritmos a usar. [ABSTRACT] Model Checking algorithms verify whether a logical formula holds in a model. Such technique allows checking the correct functionality of the modeled system as well as finding design mistakes, and can be applied in a wide variety of fields. A typical disadvantage of using this technique is the need to translate such models to the concrete Model Checking system language. The framework presented here allows adapting the technique to different languages, supporting the definition and use of domain specific languages directly. It also incorporates some other facilities like the creation of customized counter-example viewers or allowing the replacement of the specific algoritms used in the checking.Model Checking algorithms verify whether a logical formula holds in a model. Such technique allows checking the correct functionality of the modeled system as well as finding design mistakes, and can be applied in a wide variety of fields. A typical disadvantage of using this technique is the need to translate such models to the concrete Model Checking system language. The framework presented here allows adapting the technique to different languages, supporting the definition and use of domain specific languages directly. It also incorporates some other facilities like the creation of customized counter-example viewers or allowing the replacement of the specific algoritms used in the checking

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