21 research outputs found

    Chemical weathering intensity and rare earth elements release from a chlorite schist profile in a humid tropical area, Bengbis, Southern Cameroon

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Un profil d’altĂ©ration dĂ©veloppĂ© sur chloritoschistes de la zone de Bengbis (Sud Cameroun) a Ă©tĂ© choisi pour quantifier l’intensitĂ© de l’altĂ©ration et comprendre le comportement des terres rares. Les valeurs de l’indice d’altĂ©ration mafique combinĂ©es aux diagrammes ternaires du systĂšme Al – Fe – Mg – Ca – Na – K montrent que l’hydrolyse des feldspaths est proportionnelle Ă  celle des minĂ©raux mafiques (pertes en Mg), bien que l’hydrolyse des plagioclases (Ca, Na) soit plus intense que celle des minĂ©raux ferromagnĂ©siens. Les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ©s sont localisĂ©s dans le domaine de la kaolinitisation, Ă  l’exception des matĂ©riaux nodulaires qui sont lĂ©gĂšrement latritiss. La modification du comportement du Mg dans le milieu d’altĂ©ration s’exprime par les faibles valeurs du rapport Ca/Mg. Le potassium et Be sont lessivĂ©s dans le sol en association avec Mg. L’ordre de mobilitĂ© des Ă©lĂ©ments dans l’environnement d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ© est : Ca ≈ Na > Fe2+ ≈ Sr > Mg ≈ Co > Mn > Li > Ba > Rb > P > Cd > Ni > Si > Be > K > Sn. Les enrichissements en K, Cs et Be dans les saprolites sont liĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©sence d’illite. L’accumulation en Cs dans le sol est due Ă  la prĂ©sence de kaolinite. Le systĂšme le plus stable dans le milieu d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ© est : Hf – Nb – W – U. Les saprolites, les matĂ©riaux nodulaires et les matĂ©riaux argileux meubles superficiels sont appauvris en terres rares par rapport Ă  la roche mĂšre. Les terres rares prĂ©sentent trois types de comportement le long du profil d’altĂ©ration, comme l’indiquent les valeurs du rapport (La/Yb)N ((La/Yb)N < 1, (La/Yb)N ~ 1 et (La/Yb)N > 1). Les terres rares lĂ©gĂšres et les terres rares moyennes s’accumulent dans les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration pour des valeurs de pH comprises entre 5,5 et 5,6 et pour celles de Eh variant entre +60 et +70mV. L’ordre de mobilitĂ© de ces Ă©lĂ©ments dans ces matĂ©riaux est le suivant : terres rares moyennes > terres rares lourdes terres rares lĂ©gĂšres. Ce fait est contre-intuitif, car les terres lourdes sont plus mobiles dans les environnemenst supergĂšnes que les terres rares lĂ©gĂšres. L’adsorption ou la co-prĂ©cipitation de ces terres rares sur les oxydes de fer peut principalement contrĂŽler la concentration de ces Ă©lĂ©ments dans le profil d’altĂ©ration. Les faibles anomalies en Ce dans les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration de la zone de Bengbis, dues au changement de Ce3+ en Ce4+, sont probablement dues Ă  la prĂ©sence de faibles quantitĂ©s de rhabdophane. Les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ©s prĂ©sentent un fractionnement en Gd (Gd/Gd* ~0.70 – 0.84) dues Ă  une intense lixiviation. Ce fait a rarement Ă©tĂ© signalĂ© dans un environnement d’altĂ©ration latĂ©ritique. Il semble qu’une partie de la distribution et de la remobilisation du gadolinium soit contrĂŽlĂ©e par des minĂ©raux mafiques dans les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ©s. La distribution et la mobilisation des terres rares sont donc contrĂŽlĂ©es par (1) l’adsorption ou la coprĂ©cipitation dans les minĂ©raux mafiques et Fe, (2) et lĂ©gĂšrement par les minĂ©raux contenant des terres rares tels que le rhabdophane, rencontrĂ©s dans les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ©s. Abstract An in situ weathering profile overlying chlorite schists in southern Cameroon was chosen to quantify chemical weathering intensity and to study the behaviour of rare earth elements (REE). Mafic index alteration values combined with the ternary diagrams of the Al – Fe – Mg – Ca – Na – K system show that the hydrolysis of feldspars is proportional to that of mafic minerals (losses in Mg), although the hydrolysis of the plagioclases (Ca, Na) is more intense than that of ferromagnesian minerals. The studied materials are localised in the domain of kaolinitisation, except for nodular materials which are slightly lateritised. The change in the behaviour of Mg in the weathering environment is expressed by the low values in Ca/Mg ratio. Potassium and Be are leached in the soil in association with Mg. The order of mobility of the elements in the weathering environment is: Ca ≈  Na > Fe2+ ≈ Sr > Mg ≈ Co > Mn > Li > Ba > Rb > P > Cd > Ni > Si > Be > K > Sn. The enrichments in K, Cs and Be in saprolites are linked to the presence of illite. Cesium accumulation in the soil is due to the presence of kaolinite. The most stable system is: Hf – Nb – W – U. Saprolites, nodular and loose clayey materials are depleted in REE relative to the parent rock. REE exhibit three types of behaviour along the Bengbis profile like indicated by (La/Yb)N ratio values ((La/Yb)N < 1, (La/Yb)N ~ 1 and (La/Yb)N > 1). Light REE and Middle REE accumulate in the weathering materials for pH values ranging between 5.5 and 5.6 and for those of Eh varying between +60 and +70mV. The order of mobility of REE in these horizons is: Middle REE > Heavy REE ≈ Light REE. This fact is counter-intuitive, because Heavy REE are more mobile in supergene environment than Light REE. Adsorption or co-precipitation of LREE onto Fe oxides mainly may control the concentration of these elements in the profile. Weak Ce anomalies in the weathering materials of Bengbis area, due to the change in Ce3+ to Ce4+, are probably due to the presence of low amounts in rhabdophane. The studied weathering materials show a fractionation in Gd (Gd/Gd* ~0.70 – 0.84) due to intense chemical leaching. This fact has been rarely reported in lateritic weathering environment. It appears that, a part of Gd distribution and remobilization is controlled by mafic minerals in the studied weathered materials. REE distribution and mobilization are thus controlled by (1) adsorption or co-precipitation in mafic and Fe minerals, (2) and slightly by REE-bearing minerals such as rhabdophane found in the studied weathering profile. &nbsp

    Hydrogeological Characteristics of Shallow Hard Rock Aquifers in Yaounde (Cameroon, Central Africa)

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    The groundwater contained in the alterites is one of the main sources of water supply for many households in the city of Yaounde and its surroundings. Information from the field and laboratory studies was compiled and analyzed in order to understand the hydrogeological context of this superficial aquifer. Preliminary results show a staged morphology of the alteration mantle (regolith) of Yaounde migmatitic representative of the polyphase character of alteration processes observed in all granito-gneissic formations of the world. This mantle has a multilayer system whose soil sets could have a different hydrodynamic functioning. The values of the hydraulic conductivity have a normal distribution and vary over four orders of magnitude, attesting the variability of the hydraulic conductivity of the soft materials. The hydrometric and piezometric characteristics indicate that the aquifer has highly heterogeneous zones that would be related to the morphostructural character of the region. The ή18O mean values of the rain (−2.47‰) and shallow groundwater (−2.57‰) are not significantly different. They indicate that the recharge of the shallow aquifer of Yaounde Precambrian basement is recent and is done directly by infiltration of precipitation without any notable change due to evaporation

    Influence of nitrogen sources and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Inoculation on growth, crude fiber and nutrient uptake in squash (cucurbita moschata duchesne ex poir.) plants

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    Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR, B) have immense potential application in sustainable agriculture as ecofriendly biofertilizers and biopesticides. In this study, the effects of three nitrogen (N) sources (NO3-, NH4+ and NO3NH4) and PGPR on growth, crude fiber and nutrient uptake were investigated in squash plants. Some growth parameters [root dry weight (RDW), shoot dry weight (SDW), total plant dry weight (PDW), number of leaves (NL), shoot length (SL), stem diameter (SD) and number of ramifications (NR)], crude fiber (cellulose content) and nutrient uptake (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn) were determined. Application of NO3-, NH4+ or NO3NH4 singly or in combination with PGPR inoculation led to a significant increase in RDW, SDW, PDW, NL, SL, SD and NR. Na, Cu and Zn contents, on the contrary, decreased in inoculated treated plants while no significant differences were recorded in cellulose contents (CE) of leaves except in plants fed with NO3-. The leaf CE content ranged from 12.58 to 13.67%. The plants supplied with NO3+B, NH4+B and NO3NH4+B showed significantly higher plant biomass and accumulation of N, P, K and Mn concentrations in leaves compared to all other treatments. These results suggest that specific combinations of PGPR with NO3-, NH4+ or NO3NH4 fertilizers can be considered as efficient alternative biofertilizers to improve significantly the squash growth and nutrient uptake

    New Data on the Genesis and Evolution of the Primitive Magmas of Mount Cameroon: Contribution of Melt Inclusions

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    Mount Cameroon is a Plio-Quaternary volcanic massif, without a centralcrater, made up of more than 140 pyroclastic cones. It is one of theactive volcanoes of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Mount Cameroon meltinclusions are found in microdroplets trapped in the early minerals (olivines)from the pyroclastic products. The analysis of these melt inclusions allowedus to find primitive liquids compared to lavas. Major elements study ofthe magmatic inclusions, trapped in the most magnesian olivines (Mg#84-86) of Mount Cameroon revealed “primitive” liquids of basanite and alkalibasalt type with variable composition compared to the much more uniformbasalts of the magmatic series of Mount Cameroon. The study of thesetrapped liquids shows that: (1) the original primitive lavas did not undergothe process of evolution by FC, but rather underwent fundamentally (orexclusively) the process of partial melting; (2) the emitted lavas, evolvedessentially by FC; (3) the variations in the trace element contents of theprimitive liquids directly reflect a variation in the rate of partial melting ofa homogeneous mantelic source. The very high La/Yb ratios of the MountCameroon melt inclusions (> 20) characterize a garnet lherzolite source.Spectra of the melt inclusions show a negative anomaly or depletion in K,Rb and Ba as those of HIMU. The “primitive” liquids and lavas of MountCameroon represent a co-genetic sequence formed by varying degrees ofpartial melting of a source considered as homogeneous

    Regards Croises sur l\'Alteration Supergene des Roches Aluminosilicatees de la Lithosphere et Convergences

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    The head lines of two different characterization methods relating to the evolution of lithospheric aluminosilicated rocks, under the action of meteoric agents, are hereby presented. The traditional method proceeds through different approaches among which is that of balances referring to the original rock by the means of unvarying items. The normative alterology, through which the evolution of rocks is quantified referring to the final stage of the evolution, starts from the constitution of a virtual mineralogical composition and ends up at the determination of the so called alterological parameters. The actual and virtual mineralogical compositions, on which are founded these two characterization methods, are statistically compared by the mean of linear regression, concerning namely rock samples collected from tropical regions. This leads to the statement of a satisfactory results convergence. These two characterization methods or these two crossed considerations concerning the same reality, the first one being turned towards the origin and the second one towards the end of the evolution process, instead of excluding each other, are complementary. Key words: Weathering – Mineralogical and progressive characterizations – Weathering balance – Normative alterology – Convergence. RĂ©sumĂ© Les grandes lignes de deux modes diffĂ©rents de caractĂ©risation de l\'Ă©volution des roches aluminosilicatĂ©es de la lithosphĂšre sous l\'action des agents mĂ©tĂ©oriques sont prĂ©sentĂ©es. Le mode traditionnel procĂšde par diverses approches parmi lesquelles, celle des bilans effectuĂ©s par reference Ă  la roche originelle, Ă  l\'aide d\'invariants. L\'altĂ©rologie normative part de l\'Ă©tablissement d\'une composition minĂ©ralogique virtuelle pour aboutir Ă  la dĂ©termination de paramĂštres dits altĂ©rologiques. L\'Ă©volution des roches y est quantifiĂ©e par rĂ©fĂ©rence au stade final. Les comparaisons statistiques par rĂ©gression linĂ©aire des compositions minĂ©ralogiques rĂ©elles et virtuelles sur lesquelles s\'appuient les deux modes de caractĂ©risation, pour les matĂ©riaux prĂ©levĂ©s en zones inter- et pĂ©ritropicales en particulier, permettent de constater que la convergence des rĂ©sultats est satisfaisante. Les deux modes de caractĂ©risation ou les deux regards croisĂ©s sur une mĂȘme rĂ©alitĂ©, le premier Ă©tant tournĂ© vers l\'origine et le second vers le devenir, loin de s\'exclure, se complĂštent. Mots clĂ©s: AltĂ©ration mĂ©tĂ©orique – Bilans d\'altĂ©ration – AltĂ©rologie normative – Convergence. (Af. J. of Science and Technology: 2003 4(1): 10-31

    New U–Pb zircon ages of Nyong Complex meta‐plutonites: Implications for the Eburnean/Trans‐Amazonian Orogeny in southwestern Cameroon (Central Africa)

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    New LA–ICP–MS U–Pb zircon ages from the Nyong Complex of southwestern Cameroon—a part of the West Central African Fold Belt—trace Late Mesoarchean (∌2,850 Ma), Middle Palaeoproterozoic (∌2,080 Ma), and Neoproterozoic (∌605 Ma) events: Two meta‐syenites and the protolith of an amphibolite are Late Mesoarchean; two meta‐granodiorites are Middle Palaeoproterozoic; the amphibolite may have recrystallized in the Middle Palaeoproterozoic; all rocks are overprinted by the Neoproterozoic event. Integration with published data shows that our amphibolite sample has one of the oldest amphibolite‐protolith ages (∌2,810 Ma) reported so far. It shares the Middle Palaeoproterozoic metamorphism/recrystallization with other, previously dated amphibolites. An earlier reported metamorphic zircon age (∌2,090 Ma) from eclogite is somewhat older than the regional Middle Palaeoproterozoic metamorphism/recrystallization ages (∌2,040 Ma) reported from amphibolites. Thus, the eclogite–amphibolite ages may date an exhumation process. A published charnockite age, interpreted as an Early Mesoarchean crystallization age, is older than the Late Mesoarchean meta‐syenite and amphibolite‐protolith dates; its Middle Palaeoproterozoic metamorphism/recrystallization age, however, is identical with the meta‐granodiorites and amphibolites. The Neoproterozoic ages demonstrate the regional overprint of the Nyong Complex during this period. Integration of the Nyong Complex ages with published ones from the entire West Central African Fold Belt, and comparison with those from West Africa and South America, support their common origin from the Palaeoproterozoic collision between the Archean Congo and SĂŁo Francisco shields.(a) South America–Africa fit, showing shields of western Gondwana (modified after Neves et al., 2006). (b) Geological sketch of Cameroon, showing its Archean, Paleo‐, and Neoproterozoic basement and the Cretaceous‐Cenozoic volcano‐sedimentary cover (modified after Castaing et al., 1994; Ngako, Affaton, Nnangue, & Njanko, 2003; Owona, Mvondo Ondoa & Ekodeck, 2013). (c) Geology of the Nyong Complex and related U‐Pb zircon ages. Abbreviations: NEFB – North Equatorial Fold belt, OC – Oubanguide Complex. Published studies: 1 – Toteu et al. (1994), 2 – Lerouge et al. (2006), 3 – Loose & Schenk (2018), 4 – Nkoumbou et al. (2015), and * – present study. (d) Normalized age probability diagrams summarizing the new and published U‐Th‐Pb ages from the West Central African fold belt (including the Nyong Complex), and those from the South American and West African equivalents. Abbreviations: CS – Congo Shield, KS – Kalahari Shield, SFS – SĂŁo Francisco Shield, TS – Tanzania Shield, WAS – West African Shield. imageGerman Academic Exchange Service http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/50110000165