611 research outputs found

    Production of non-Abelian tensor gauge bosons. Tree amplitudes in generalized Yang-Mills theory and BCFW recursion relation

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    The BCFW recursion relation allows to calculate tree-level scattering amplitudes in generalized Yang-Mills theory and, in particular, four-particle amplitudes for the production rate of non-Abelian tensor gauge bosons of arbitrary high spin in the fusion of two gluons. The consistency of the calculations in different kinematical channels is fulfilled when all dimensionless cubic coupling constants between vector bosons (gluons) and high spin non-Abelian tensor gauge bosons are equal to the Yang-Mills coupling constant. There are no high derivative cubic vertices in the generalized Yang-Mills theory. The amplitudes vanish as complex deformation parameter tends to infinity, so that there is no contribution from the contour at infinity. We derive a generalization of the Parke-Taylor formula in the case of production of two tensor gauge bosons of spin-s and N gluons (jets). The expression is holomorhic in the spinor variables of the scattered particles, exactly as the MHV gluon amplitude is, and reduces to the gluonic MHV amplitude when s=1. In generalized Yang-Mills theory the tree level n-particle scattering amplitudes with all positive helicities vanish, but tree amplitudes with one negative helicity particle are already nonzero.Comment: 19 pages, LaTex fil

    Supporting Physics Teachers to Deliver the New High School Certificate Syllabus: What are the Priorities?

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    For the first time since 2000, the New South Wales High School Certificate (HSC) school-leavers\u27 Physics syllabus has been updated. Topics not taught in schools since 2000 have been reintroduced, the number of mandated equations has more than doubled, and students must now do 15 hours of individual or group investigations in both Years 11 and 12. The Vniversity of Wollongong (UOW) intends to support teachers in our local area by providing outreach and professional learning activities for teachers and students. To determine teachers\u27 priorities, we invited teachers to complete a short online survey. Respondents stated that they were very likely to access activities and resources, and that their top priorities were accredited professional learning workshops and support with depth studies

    Power-law scaling in intratumoral microbiota of colorectal cancer

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    It has recently been proposed that the study of microbial dynamics in humans may gain insights from island biogeographical theory. Here, we test whether the diversity of the intratumoral microbiota of colorectal cancer tumors (CRC) follows a power law with tumor size akin to the island species-area relationship. We confirm a direct correlation between the quantity of Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) within CRC tumors and tumor sizes, following a (log)power model, explaining 47% of the variation. Understanding the processes involved, potentially through the analogy of tumors and islands, may ultimately contribute to future clinical and therapeutic strategies

    Large spin behavior of anomalous dimensions and short-long strings duality

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    We are considering the semi-classical string soliton solution of Gubser, Klebanov and Polyakov which represents highly excited states on the leading Regge trajectory, with large spin in AdS5AdS_5. A prescription relates this soliton solution with the corresponding field theory operators with many covariant derivatives, whose anomalous scaling dimension grows logarithmically with the space-time spin. We explicitly derive the dependence of anomalous dimension on spin for all leading and next-to-leading orders at strong coupling. We develop an iteration procedure which, in principle, allows to derive all terms in the large spin expansion of the anomalous scaling dimension of twist two operators. Our string theory results are consistent with the conjectured "reciprocity" relation, which has been verified to hold in perturbation theory up to five loops in N=4 SYM. We also derive a duality relation between long and short strings.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, comments and references adde

    Power-law scaling in intratumoral microbiota of colorectal cancer

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    It has recently been proposed that the study of microbial dynamics in humans may gain insights from island biogeographical theory. Here, we test whether the diversity of the intratumoral microbiota of colorectal cancer tumors (CRC) follows a power law with tumor size akin to the island species-area relationship. We confirm a direct correlation between the quantity of Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) within CRC tumors and tumor sizes, following a (log)power model, explaining 47% of the variation. Understanding the processes involved, potentially through the analogy of tumors and islands, may ultimately contribute to future clinical and therapeutic strategies

    Gluon Scattering Amplitudes in Finite Temperature Gauge/Gravity Dualities

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    We examine the gluon scattering amplitude in N=4 super Yang-Mills at finite temperature with nonzero R-charge densities, and in Non-Commutative gauge theory at finite temperature. The gluon scattering amplitude is defined as a light-like Wilson loop which lives at the horizon of the T-dual black holes of the backgrounds we consider. We study in detail a special amplitude, which corresponds to forward scattering of a low energy gluon off a high energy one. For this kinematic configuration in the considered backgrounds, we find the corresponding minimal surface which is directly related to the gluon scattering amplitude. We find that for increasing the chemical potential or the non-commutative parameter, the on-shell action corresponding to our Wilson loop in the T-dual space decreases. For all of our solutions the length of the short side of the Wilson loop is constrained by an upper bound which depends on the temperature, the R-charge density and the non-commutative parameter. Due to this constraint, in the limit of zeroth temperature our approach breaks down since the upper bound goes to zero, while by keeping the temperature finite and letting the chemical potential or the non-commutative parameter to approach to zero the limit is smooth.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, minor corrections (plus improved numerical computation for the non-commutative case

    Alternative Computational Protocols for Supercharging Protein Surfaces for Reversible Unfolding and Retention of Stability

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    Bryan S. Der, Ron Jacak, Brian Kuhlman, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States of AmericaChristien Kluwe, Aleksandr E. Miklos, Andrew D. Ellington , Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States of AmericaChristien Kluwe, Aleksandr E. Miklos, George Georgiou, Andrew D. Ellington, Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States of AmericaAleksandr E. Miklos, Andrew D. Ellington , Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States of AmericaSergey Lyskov, Jeffrey J. Gray, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of AmericaBrian Kuhlman, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States of AmericaReengineering protein surfaces to exhibit high net charge, referred to as “supercharging”, can improve reversibility of unfolding by preventing aggregation of partially unfolded states. Incorporation of charged side chains should be optimized while considering structural and energetic consequences, as numerous mutations and accumulation of like-charges can also destabilize the native state. A previously demonstrated approach deterministically mutates flexible polar residues (amino acids DERKNQ) with the fewest average neighboring atoms per side chain atom (AvNAPSA). Our approach uses Rosetta-based energy calculations to choose the surface mutations. Both protocols are available for use through the ROSIE web server. The automated Rosetta and AvNAPSA approaches for supercharging choose dissimilar mutations, raising an interesting division in surface charging strategy. Rosetta-supercharged variants of GFP (RscG) ranging from −11 to −61 and +7 to +58 were experimentally tested, and for comparison, we re-tested the previously developed AvNAPSA-supercharged variants of GFP (AscG) with +36 and −30 net charge. Mid-charge variants demonstrated ~3-fold improvement in refolding with retention of stability. However, as we pushed to higher net charges, expression and soluble yield decreased, indicating that net charge or mutational load may be limiting factors. Interestingly, the two different approaches resulted in GFP variants with similar refolding properties. Our results show that there are multiple sets of residues that can be mutated to successfully supercharge a protein, and combining alternative supercharge protocols with experimental testing can be an effective approach for charge-based improvement to refolding.This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (HR-0011-10-1-0052 to A.E.) and the Welch Foundation (F-1654 to A.E.), the National Institutes of Health grants GM073960 (B.K.) and R01-GM073151 (J.G. and S.L.), the Rosetta Commons (S.L.), the National Science Foundation graduate research fellowship (2009070950 to B.D.), the UNC Royster Society Pogue fellowship (B.D.), and National Institutes of Health grant T32GM008570 for the UNC Program in Molecular and Cellular Biophysics. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Center for Systems and Synthetic BiologyCellular and Molecular BiologyApplied Research LaboratoriesEmail: [email protected]

    Attribute and technology value mapping for conceptual product design phase

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science following peer review. The final, definite version of this paper has been published in Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Aris Georgiou, George Haritos, Moyra Fowler, and Yasmin Imani, ‘Attribute and technology value mapping for conceptual product design phase’, Vol. 230(11): 1745-1756, May 2016, published by SAGE Publishing, available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0954406215585595. Copyright © 2016 The Author(s).The main focus of this paper is how the concept design phase of the product development process can be improved by using an objective data-driven approach in selecting a final concept design to progress further. A quantitative new test-bed ‘Product Optimisation Value Engineering’ (PROVEN) is presented to critically assess new and evolving powertrain technologies at the concept design phase. The new test-bed has the ability to define a technology value map to assess multiple technical options as a function of its attributes, whose precise values can be determined at a given cost. A mathematical model that incorporates a highly adaptable, data-driven and multi-attribute value approach to product specification and conceptual design is developed, novel to the concept design process. This creates a substantially optimised product offering to the market, reducing overall development costs while achieving customer satisfactionPeer reviewe

    Exploring colistin pharmacodynamics against Klebsiella pneumoniae: A need to revise current susceptibility breakpoints

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    Objectives: Because the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) characteristics of colistin against Enterobacteriaceae are not well explored, we studied the activity of colistin against K. pneumoniae in an in vitro PK/PD model simulating different dosing regimens. Methods: Three clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae with MICs of 0.5, 1 and 4mg/L were tested in an in vitro PK/PD model following a dose-fractionation design over a period of 24h. A high and low inoculumof 107 and 104 cfu/mL with and without a heteroresistant subpopulation, respectively, were used. PK/PD indices associated with colistin activity were explored and Monte Carlo analysis was performed in order to determine the PTA for achieving a bactericidal effect (2 log kill). Results: The fAUC/MIC (R2"0.64-0.68) followed by fCmax/MIC (R2=0.55-0.63) best described colistin's 24 h log10 cfu/mL reduction for both low and high inocula. Dosing regimens with fCmax/MIC≄6 were always associated with a bactericidal effect (P=0.0025). However, at clinically achievable concentrations, usually below fCmax/MIC=6, an fAUC/MIC ≀25 was more predictive of a bactericidal effect. Using a dosing regimen of 9 MU/ day, the PTA for this pharmacodynamic target was 100%, 5%-70%and 0%, for isolates with MICs of ≀0.5, 1 and ≄2 mg/L, respectively. Dosing regimens that aim for a trough level of 1 mg/L achieve coverage of strains up to 0.5 mg/L (target trough/MIC=2 mg/L). Conclusions: Characterization of the pharmacodynamics of colistin against Enterobacteriaceae in an in vitro model of infection indicates that a revision of current susceptibility breakpoints is needed. Therapeutic drug monitoring of colistin to achieve pharmacodynamic targets in individual patients is highly recommended
