29 research outputs found

    Biogenic Weathering: Solubilization of Iron from Minerals by Epilithic Freshwater Algae and Cyanobacteria

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    A sandstone outcrop exposed to freshwater seepage supports a diverse assemblage of photosynthetic microbes. Dominant taxa are two cyanophytes (Oscillatoria sp., Rivularia sp.) and a unicellular green alga (Palmellococcus sp.). Less abundant taxa include a filamentous green alga, Microspora, and the desmid Cosmarium. Biologic activity is evidenced by measured levels of chlorophyll and lipids. Bioassay methods confirm the ability of these microbes to dissolve and metabolize Fe from ferruginous minerals. Chromatographic analysis reveals citric acid as the likely chelating agent; this low molecular weight organic acid is detectable in interstitial fluid in the sandstone, measured as 0.0756 mg/mL. Bioassays using a model organism, Synechoccus elongates strain UTEX 650, show that Fe availability varies among different ferruginous minerals. In decreasing order of Fe availability: magnetite \u3e limonite \u3e biotite \u3e siderite \u3e hematite. Biotite was selected for detailed study because it is the most abundant iron-bearing mineral in the sandstone. SEM images support the microbiologic evidence, showing weathering of biotite compared to relatively undamaged grains of other silicate minerals. Link to full text article: http://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/6/1/8/ht

    Mineralogy of Non-Silicified Fossil Wood

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    The best-known and most-studied petrified wood specimens are those that are mineralized with polymorphs of silica: opal-A, opal-C, chalcedony, and quartz. Less familiar are fossil woods preserved with non-silica minerals. This report reviews discoveries of woods mineralized with calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, various iron and copper minerals, manganese oxide, fluorite, barite, natrolite, and smectite clay. Regardless of composition, the processes of mineralization involve the same factors: availability of dissolved elements, pH, Eh, and burial temperature. Permeability of the wood and anatomical features also plays important roles in determining mineralization. When precipitation occurs in several episodes, fossil wood may have complex mineralogy

    Late Tertiary Petrified Wood from Nevada, USA: Evidence of Multiple Silicification Pathways

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    Late Tertiary fossil woods from the state of Nevada provide an opportunity for observing the mineralization sequences that cause buried wood to become permineralized. Oligocene and Miocene caldera basins contain abundant petrified wood that ranges in composition from incipient silicification to complete permineralization. Examination of specimens from 21 localities reveals that the petrifaction sequence can follow multiple pathways. Fossil wood specimens from a single stratum may have different mineralization; silicification may vary even within a single specimen. Despite these variations, several trends are evident. Features in Nevada specimens suggest that two fundamental processes are involved: early mineralization of cell walls, and later silica deposition in lumina, vessels, and rot pockets from groundwater that permeated these open spaces. The process of open-space filling may be analogous to the genesis of geodes and veins, where multiple episodes of hydrothermal precipitation may produce opal, chalcedony, and quartz as deposits within a single cavity. Silica polymorphs may coexist as primary precipitates, or they may originate from solid-state transformation of a single parent material. Relic lepisphere textures observed in some chalcedony wood specimens are evidence of opal→chalcedony transition. In Nevada, specimens that contain crystalline quartz, this mineral appears to have been formed by direct precipitation in open spaces, not from recrystallization of chalcedony. Opal-A has seldom been reported in fossil wood, but this amorphous material is fairly common in Nevada specimens

    Wood Petrifaction: A New View of Permineralization and Replacement

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    Petrified wood has traditionally been divided into two categories based on preservation processes: permineralization (where tissues are entombed within a mineral-filled matrix) and replacement (where organic anatomical features have been replicated by inorganic materials). New analytical evidence suggests that for most petrified wood, permineralization and replacement are not independent processes; instead, both processes may occur contemporaneously during diagenesis. Infiltration of mineral-bearing groundwater may initially cause permineralization of cellular tissues, but the wood is undergoing gradual degradation. The degree of anatomical preservation thus depends on the relative rates of mineral precipitation and tissue destruction. Rapid rates of mineralization under relatively mild Eh and pH conditions favor the preservation of organic matter. These conditions appear to be more common for calcium carbonate deposition than for silicification, based on observations of fossil woods from many localities. Because of these preservational complexities, “mineralization” and “mineralized” are more accurate as general descriptive terms than “permineralization” and “permineralized”

    Lower Eocene Footprints from Northwest Washington, USA. Part 1: Reptile Tracks

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    Lower Eocene fluvial strata in the Chuckanut Formation preserve abundant bird and mammal tracks. Reptile trace fossils include footprints from a small turtle (ichnogenus Chelonipus), and several Crocodylian trackways that consist of irregularly spaced footprints associated with linear tail drag marks. The latter trackways represent “punting” locomotion, where a submerged Crocodylian used intermittent substrate contacts to provide forward motion of their neutrally buoyant bodies. Two adjacent sandstone blocks preserve Crocodylian trace fossils that are named herein as a new ichnogenus and ichnospecies Anticusuchipes amnis. Two other Crocodylian trackways lack sufficient detail for ichnotaxonomic assignment

    Silicification of Wood: An Overview

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    For many decades, wood silicification has been viewed as a relatively simple process of permineralization that occurs when silica dissolved in groundwater precipitates to fill vacant spaces within the porous tissue. The presence of specific silica minerals is commonly ascribed to diagenetic changes. The possibility of rapid silicification is inferred from evidence from modern hot springs. Extensive examination of silicified wood from worldwide localities spanning long geologic time suggests that these generalizations are not dependable. Instead, wood silicification may occur via multiple pathways, permineralization being relatively rare. Mineralization commonly involves silica precipitation in successive episodes, where changes in the geochemical environment cause various polymorphs to coexist in a single specimen. Diagenetic changes may later change the mineral composition, but for many specimens diagenesis is not the dominant process that controls mineral distribution. Rates of silicification are primarily related to dissolved silica levels and permeability of sediment that encloses buried wood. Rapid silica deposition takes place on wood in modern hot springs, but these occurrences have dissimilar physical and chemical conditions compared to those that exist in most geologic environments. The times required for silicification are variable, and cannot be described by any generalization

    Silicification of Wood: An Overview

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    For many decades, wood silicification has been viewed as a relatively simple process of permineralization that occurs when silica dissolved in groundwater precipitates to fill vacant spaces within the porous tissue. The presence of specific silica minerals is commonly ascribed to diagenetic changes. The possibility of rapid silicification is inferred from evidence from modern hot springs. Extensive examination of silicified wood from worldwide localities spanning long geologic time suggests that these generalizations are not dependable. Instead, wood silicification may occur via multiple pathways, permineralization being relatively rare. Mineralization commonly involves silica precipitation in successive episodes, where changes in the geochemical environment cause various polymorphs to coexist in a single specimen. Diagenetic changes may later change the mineral composition, but for many specimens diagenesis is not the dominant process that controls mineral distribution. Rates of silicification are primarily related to dissolved silica levels and permeability of sediment that encloses buried wood. Rapid silica deposition takes place on wood in modern hot springs, but these occurrences have dissimilar physical and chemical conditions compared to those that exist in most geologic environments. The times required for silicification are variable, and cannot be described by any generalization

    The First Discovery of a Fish Fossil (<i>Phareodus s</i>p.) from Paleogene Fluvial Deposits in Western Washington State, USA

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    The 2023 discovery of a fish fossil from lower Eocene strata of the Chuckanut Formation provides new insights into the paleoenvironment and paleoecology of one of the region’s most prolific fossil deposits. The detrital clastic fluvial and floodplain deposits of the Chuckanut Formation are not favorable for the preservation of fish, but the high quality of preservation of this specimen is evidence that some Chuckanut Formation sediments provide suitable depositional conditions for the preservation of skeletal remains. This information improves our understanding of the range of depositional environments within the Chuckanut Formation, and provides clues for searching for additional specimens. The discovery of this fossil has larger significance; the skeletal remains of fish are scarce in fluvial and floodplain deposits. Despite its incompleteness, dorsal fin and caudal fin ray anatomy suggest that the specimens represent the extinct genus Phareodus, an open-water carnivore that has previously only been reported in North America from the Green River and Bridger Formations in Wyoming and Utah, USA

    Calcite-Mineralized Fossil Wood from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

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    Calcite-mineralized wood occurs in marine sedimentary rocks on Vancouver Island, British Columbia at sites that range in age from Early Cretaceous to Paleocene. These fossil woods commonly have excellent anatomical preservation that resulted from a permineralization process where calcite infiltrated buried wood under relatively gentle geochemical conditions. Wood specimens typically occur in calcareous concretions in feldspathic clastic sediment. Other concretions in the same outcrops that contain abundant mollusk and crustacea fossils are evidence that plant remains were fluvially transported into a marine basin. Fossiliferous concretions commonly show zoning, comprising an inner region of progressive precipitation where calcite cement developed as a concentric halo around the organic nucleus. An outer zone was produced by pervasive cementation, which was produced when calcite was simultaneously precipitated in pore spaces over the entire zone