6,692 research outputs found

    A multi-color fast-switching microfluidic droplet dye laser

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    We describe a multi-color microfluidic dye laser operating in whispering gallery mode based on a train of alternating droplets containing solutions of different dyes; this laser is capable of switching the wavelength of its emission between 580 nm and 680 nm at frequencies up to 3.6 kHz -— the fastest among all dye lasers reported; it has potential applications in on-chip spectroscopy and flow cytometry

    Microwave Continuum Emission and Dense Gas Tracers in NGC 3627: Combining Jansky VLA and ALMA Observations

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    We present Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) Ka band (33 GHz) and Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Band 3 (94.5 GHz) continuum images covering the nucleus and two extranuclear star-forming regions within the nearby galaxy NGC 3627 (M 66), observed as part of the Star Formation in Radio Survey (SFRS). Both images achieve an angular resolution of ≲\lesssim2\arcsec, allowing us to map the radio spectral indices and estimate thermal radio fractions at a linear resolution of ≲\lesssim90 pc at the distance of NGC 3627. The thermal fraction at 33 GHz reaches unity at and around the peaks of each HII region; we additionally observed the spectral index between 33 and 94.5 GHz to become both increasingly negative and positive away from the peaks of the HII regions, indicating an increase of non-thermal extended emission from diffusing cosmic-ray electrons and the possible presence of cold dust, respectively. While the ALMA observations were optimized for collecting continuum data, they also detected line emission from the J=1→0J=1\rightarrow0 transitions of HCN and HCO+^{+}. The peaks of dense molecular gas traced by these two spectral lines are spatially offset from the peaks of the 33 and 94.5 GHz continuum emission for the case of the extranuclear star-forming regions, indicating that our data reach an angular resolution at which one can spatially distinguish sites of recent star formation from the sites of future star formation. Finally, we find trends of decreasing dense gas fraction and velocity dispersion with increasing star formation efficiency among the three regions observed, indicating that the dynamical state of the dense gas, rather than its abundance, plays a more significant role in the star formation process.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Hotspots of dendritic spine turnover facilitate clustered spine addition and learning and memory.

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    Modeling studies suggest that clustered structural plasticity of dendritic spines is an efficient mechanism of information storage in cortical circuits. However, why new clustered spines occur in specific locations and how their formation relates to learning and memory (L&M) remain unclear. Using in vivo two-photon microscopy, we track spine dynamics in retrosplenial cortex before, during, and after two forms of episodic-like learning and find that spine turnover before learning predicts future L&M performance, as well as the localization and rates of spine clustering. Consistent with the idea that these measures are causally related, a genetic manipulation that enhances spine turnover also enhances both L&M and spine clustering. Biophysically inspired modeling suggests turnover increases clustering, network sparsity, and memory capacity. These results support a hotspot model where spine turnover is the driver for localization of clustered spine formation, which serves to modulate network function, thus influencing storage capacity and L&M

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a Sole Agent Is Not Immunosuppressant in a Highly Immunogenic Mouse Model

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    Background. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy, which is used for many conditions, may also have immunosuppressive effects and could be used for prevention or treatment of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). If HBO is immunosuppressant, then we hypothesize that HBO therapy will delay the T-cell mediated skin graft rejection. Methods. C57/BL6 black-coated (H2B) mice received skin graft from CBA (H2D) white-coated mice. Mice were treated with either 19 session of 240 kpa oxygen or 29 session of 300 kpa oxygen, for 90 minutes. Mice were housed either 4 per cage or separately, to prevent friction and mechanical factors that may affect graft survival. Skin grafts were assessed daily. Results. There was no difference in length of graft survival between mice that received either regimens of HBO therapy and mice that did not receive HBO therapy. Conclusions. HBO therapy, as a sole agent, did not delay skin graft rejection in a highly immunogenic mouse model

    Stereocontrolled Total Synthesis of Bastimolide B Using Iterative Homologation of Boronic Esters

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    [Image: see text] Bastimolide B is a polyhydroxy macrolide isolated from marine cyanobacteria displaying antimalarial activity. It features a dense array of hydroxylated stereogenic centers with 1,5-relationships along a hydrocarbon chain. These 1,5-polyols represent a particularly challenging motif for synthesis, as the remote position of the stereocenters hampers stereocontrol. Herein, we present a strategy for 1,5-polyol stereocontrolled synthesis based on iterative boronic ester homologation with enantiopure magnesium carbenoids. By merging boronic ester homologation and transition-metal-catalyzed alkene hydroboration and diboration, the acyclic backbone of bastimolide B was rapidly assembled from readily available building blocks with full control over the remote stereocenters, enabling the total synthesis to be completed in 16 steps (LLS)

    Hadronic Resonances from Lattice QCD

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    The determination of the pattern of hadronic resonances as predicted by Quantum Chromodynamics requires the use of non-perturbative techniques. Lattice QCD has emerged as the dominant tool for such calculations, and has produced many QCD predictions which can be directly compared to experiment. The concepts underlying lattice QCD are outlined, methods for calculating excited states are discussed, and results from an exploratory Nucleon and Delta baryon spectrum study are presented.Comment: 8 pages, VII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Application

    Results and Frontiers in Lattice Baryon Spectroscopy

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    The Lattice Hadron Physics Collaboration (LHPC) baryon spectroscopy effort is reviewed. To date the LHPC has performed exploratory Lattice QCD calculations of the low-lying spectrum of Nucleon and Delta baryons. These calculations demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by obtaining the masses of an unprecedented number of excited states with definite quantum numbers. Future work of the project is outlined.Comment: To appear in the proceedings for the VII Latin American Symposium of Nuclear Physics and Application

    Complex Radio Spectral Energy Distributions in Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We use the Expanded Very Large Array to image radio continuum emission from local luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs) in 1 GHz windows centered at 4.7, 7.2, 29, and 36 GHz. This allows us to probe the integrated radio spectral energy distribution (SED) of the most energetic galaxies in the local universe. The 4-8 GHz flux densities agree well with previous measurements. They yield spectral indices \alpha \approx -0.67 (where F_\nu \propto \nu^\alpha) with \pm 0.15 (1\sigma) scatter, typical of nonthermal (synchrotron) emission from star-forming galaxies. The contrast of our 4-8 GHz data with literature 1.5 and 8.4 GHz flux densities gives further evidence for curvature of the radio SED of U/LIRGs. The SED appears flatter near \sim 1 GHz than near \sim 6 GHz, suggesting significant optical depth effects at the lower frequencies. The high frequency (28-37 GHz) flux densities are low compared to extrapolations from the 4-8 GHz data. We confirm and extend to higher frequency a previously observed deficit of high frequency radio emission for luminous starburst galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in the EVLA Special Issue of ApJ Letter
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