1,493 research outputs found

    Dipole Oscillations in Bose - Fermi Mixture in the Time-Dependent Grosspitaevskii and Vlasov equations

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    We study the dipole collective oscillations in the bose-fermi mixture using a dynamical time-dependent approach, which are formulated with the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the Vlasov equation. We find big difference in behaviors of fermion oscillation between the time-dependent approach and usual approaches such as the random-phase approximation and the sum-rule approach. While the bose gas oscillates monotonously, the fermion oscillation shows a beat and a damping. When the amplitude is not minimal, the dipole oscillation of the fermi gas cannot be described with a simple center-of-mass motion.Comment: 17 pages text, and 15 figure

    Virtual files: a Framework for Experimental Design

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    The increasing power and decreasing cost of computers has resulted in them being applied in an ever widening area. In the world of Computer Aided Design it is now practicable to involve the machine in the earlier stages where a design is still speculative, as well as in the later stages where the computer's calculating ability becomes paramount. Research on database systems has not followed this trend, concentrating instead on commercial applications, with the result that there are very few systems targeted at the early stages of the design process. In this thesis we consider the design and implementation of the file manager for such a system, first of all from the point of view of a single designer working on an entire design, and then from the point of view of a team of designers, each working on a separate aspect of a design. We consider the functionality required of the type of system we are proposing, defining the terminology of experiments to describe it. Having ascertained our requirements we survey current database technology in order to determine to what extent it meets our requirements. We consider traditional concurrency control methods and conclude that they are incompatible with our requirements. We consider current data models and conclude that, with the exception of the persistent programming model, they are not appropriate in the context required, while the implementation of the persistent programming model provides transactions on data structures but not experiments. The implementation of experiments is considered. We examine a number of potential methods, deciding on differential files as the one most likely both to meet our requirements and to have the lowest overheads. Measurements conducted on both a preliminary and a full-scale implementation confirm that this is the case. There are, nevertheless, further gains in convenience and performance to be obtained by exploiting the capabilities of the hardware to the full; we discuss these in relation to virtual memory systems, with particular reference to the VAX/VMS environment. Turning to the case where several designers are each working on a (nearly) distinct part of a design, we consider how to detect conflicts between experiments. Basing our approach on optimistic concurrency control methods, we show how read and write sets may be used to determine those areas of the database where conflicts might arise. As an aside, we show how the methods we propose can be used in an alternative approach to optimistic concurrency control, giving a reduction in system overheads for certain applications. We consider implementation techniques, concluding that a differential files approach has significant advantages in maintaining write sets, while a two-level bitmap may be used to maintain read sets efficiently

    Ectopic expression of Thy-1 in the kidneys of transgenic mice induces functional and proliferative abnormalities.

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    Hybrid human--mouse Thy-1.1 genes were injected into pronuclei of Thy-1.2 mice to produce transgenic animals. A hybrid gene composed of the 5' part of the mouse Thy-1.1 gene combined with the 3' human untranslated regions was expressed abnormally in the kidney podocytes, which resulted in severe protein-uria and subsequent death in several founder mice. A hybrid Thy-1 gene composed of the human coding region with the 5' and 3' flanking regions of the mouse gene was expressed abnormally in a different part of the kidney (the tubular epithelia), which resulted in a proliferative kidney disorder. In addition, a neoplasm was found in the brain of one of these mice. These results show that the Thy-1 protein can play an important role in the activation, proliferation, and differentiation of many different cell types

    Insulated skin temperature as a measure of core body temperature for individuals wearing CBRN protective clothing

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    This study assessed the validity of insulated skin temperature (Tis) to predict rectal temperature (Tre) for use as a non-invasive measurement of thermal strain to reduce the risk of heat illness for emergency service personnel. Volunteers from the Police, Fire and Rescue, and Ambulance Services performed rolerelated tasks in hot (30 â—¦C) and neutral (18 â—¦C) conditions, wearing service specific personal protective equipment. Insulated skin temperature and micro climate temperature (Tmc) predicted Tre with an adjusted r2 = 0.87 and standard error of the estimate (SEE) of 0.19 â—¦C. A bootstrap validation of the equation resulted in an adjusted r2 = 0.85 and SEE = 0.20 â—¦C. Taking into account the 0.20 â—¦C error, the prediction of Tre resulted in a sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 91%, respectively. Insulated skin temperature and Tmc can be used in a model to predict Tre in emergency service personnel wearing CBRN protective clothing with an SEE of 0.2 â—¦C. However, the model is only valid for Tis over 36.5 â—¦C, above which thermal stability is reached between the core and the skin

    Nonergodic Behavior of Interacting Bosons in Harmonic Traps

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    We study the time evolution of a system of interacting bosons in a harmonic trap. In the low-energy regime, the quantum system is not ergodic and displays rather large fluctuations of the ground state occupation number. In the high energy regime of classical physics we find nonergodic behavior for modest numbers of trapped particles. We give two conditions that assure the ergodic behavior of the quantum system even below the condensation temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 3 PS-figures, uses psfig.st

    Unscreened Hartree-Fock calculations for metallic Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu from ab-initio Hamiltonians

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    Unscreened Hartree-Fock approximation (HFA) calculations for metallic Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu are presented, by using a quantum-chemical approach. We believe that these are the first HFA results to have been done for crystalline 3d transition metals. Our approach uses a linearized muffin-tin orbital calculation to determine Bloch functions for the Hartree one-particle Hamiltonian, and from these obtains maximally localized Wannier functions, using a method proposed by Marzari and Vanderbilt. Within this Wannier basis all relevant one-particle and two-particle Coulomb matrix elements are calculated. The resulting second-quantized multi-band Hamiltonian with ab-initio parameters is studied within the simplest many-body approximation, namely the unscreened, self-consistent HFA, which takes into account exact exchange and is free of self-interactions. Although the d-bands sit considerably lower within HFA than within the local (spin) density approximation L(S)DA, the exchange splitting and magnetic moments for ferromagnetic Fe, Co, and Ni are only slightly larger in HFA than what is obtained either experimentally or within LSDA. The HFA total energies are lower than the corresponding LSDA calculations. We believe that this same approach can be easily extended to include more sophisticated ab-initio many-body treatments of the electronic structure of solids.Comment: 11 papes, 7 figures, 5 table

    Genetic variation associated with differential educational attainment in adults has anticipated associations with school performance in children

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    Genome-wide association study results have yielded evidence for the association of common genetic variants with crude measures of completed educational attainment in adults. Whilst informative, these results do not inform as to the mechanism of these effects or their presence at earlier ages and where educational performance is more routinely and more precisely assessed. Single nucleotide polymorphisms exhibiting genome-wide significant associations with adult educational attainment were combined to derive an unweighted allele score in 5,979 and 6,145 young participants from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children with key stage 3 national curriculum test results (SATS results) available at age 13 to 14 years in English and mathematics respectively. Standardised (z-scored) results for English and mathematics showed an expected relationship with sex, with girls exhibiting an advantage over boys in English (0.433 SD (95%CI 0.395, 0.470), p<10-10) with more similar results (though in the opposite direction) in mathematics (0.042 SD (95%CI 0.004, 0.080), p = 0.030). Each additional adult educational attainment increasing allele was associated with 0.041 SD (95%CI 0.020, 0.063), p = 1.79×10-04 and 0.028 SD (95%CI 0.007, 0.050), p = 0.01 increases in standardised SATS score for English and mathematics respectively. Educational attainment is a complex multifactorial behavioural trait which has not had heritable contributions to it fully characterised. We were able to apply the results from a large study of adult educational attainment to a study of child exam performance marking events in the process of learning rather than realised adult end product. Our results support evidence for common, small genetic contributions to educational attainment, but also emphasise the likely lifecourse nature of this genetic effect. Results here also, by an alternative route, suggest that existing methods for child examination are able to recognise early life variation likely to be related to ultimate educational attainment

    High pressure phases in highly piezoelectric Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3

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    Two novel room-temperature phase transitions are observed, via synchrotron x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, in the Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 alloy under hydrostatic pressures up to 16 GPa. A monoclinic (M)-to-rhombohedral (R1) phase transition takes place around 2-3 GPa, while this R1 phase transforms into another rhombohedral phase, R2, at about 6-7 GPa. First-principles calculations assign the R3m and R3c symmetry to R1 and R2, respectively, and reveal that R2 acts as a pressure-induced structural bridge between the polar R3m and a predicted antiferrodistortive R-3c phase.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages with 3 figures embedded. Figs 1 and 3 in colo

    Partitions with Prescribed Hook Differences

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    We investigate partition identities related to off-diagonal hook differences. Our results generalize previous extensions of the Rogers—Ramanujan identities. The identity of the related polynomials with constructs in statistical mechanics is discussed

    Concentration of anti-Müllerian hormone in dairy heifers is positively associated with productive herd life

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    Reliable biomarkers predictive of productive herd life (time in herd after birth of first calf) have heretofore not been discovered in dairy cattle. However, circulating concentrations of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) are positively associated with number of follicles or antral follicle count (AFC), ovarian function, and fertility, and approximately 25% of cows have a relatively low AFC and low AMH concentrations. The present study tested the hypothesis that heifers with the lowest AMH concentrations have suboptimal fertility and are removed from a herd for poor reproductive performance at a greater rate, and therefore have a shorter productive herd life compared with age-matched herdmates with higher AMH. To test this hypothesis, 11- to 15-mo-old Holstein heifers (n=281) were subjected to a single measurement of AMH. All heifers not removed from the herd had the opportunity to complete 2 lactations and start their third lactation after calving. During this time, performance and health parameters for each individual were recorded daily by herd managers. Results showed that the quartile of heifers with the lowest AMH concentration also had, on average, a shorter productive herd life (by 196 d), a reduced survival rate after birth of the first calf, the lowest level of milk production (first lactation), the lowest total percentage of cows pregnant (across all lactations), the highest culling rates (first and second lactations and overall), and the highest culling rate for poor reproduction (first lactation) compared with age-matched herdmates with higher AMH. We concluded that a single determination of AMH concentration in young adult dairy heifers may be a simple diagnostic method to predict herd longevity, and AMH may be a useful phenotypic marker to improve longevity of dairy cows
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