404 research outputs found

    Conductances between confined rough walls

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    Two- and three-dimensional creeping ïŹ‚ows and diffusion transport through constricted and possibly rough surfaces are studied. Asymptotic expansions of conductances are derived as functions of the constriction local geometry. The validity range of the proposed theoretical approximations is explored through a comparison either with available exact results for speciïŹc two-dimensional aperture ïŹelds or with direct numerical computations for general three-dimensional geometries. The large validity range of the analytical expressions proposed for the hydraulic conductivity (and to a lesser extent for the electrical conductivity) opens up interesting perspectives for the simulation of ïŹ‚ows in highly complicated geometries with a large number of constrictions

    Quasi-static liquid–air drainage in narrow channels with variations in the gap

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    This paper studies the shape of an air bubble quasi-statically flowing in the longitudinal direction of narrow channels. Two bottom topographies are treated, i.e., linear and quadratic variations of the gap along the transverse direction. This work analyses the main characteristics of the gas–liquid interface with respect to the wedge aspect ratio. From the convergence of asymptotic, numerical and experimental analyses, we found simple dependences for the finger width and total curvature as a function of channel aspect ratio. These results provide simple and general expressions for the pressure drop needed to overcome capillary forces and push the air finger inside the channel

    SPS-prepared targets for sputtering deposition of phase change films.

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    Phase-change materials like thin films from the systems [Ge1-xPbx]Te and Ge[Te1-xSex] are of interest for data storage. For these compositions amorphous materials can not be obtained by melt quenching. However, Suitable films can be obtained using RF sputtering. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) was used to densify the powders to obtain large targets. Synthesis conditions and characterisations of the targets are reported. Amorphous nano films were obtained using the sintered targets and characterised

    An adaptive algorithm for cohesive zone model and arbitrary crack propagation

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    International audienceThis paper presents an approach to the numerical simulation of crack propagation with cohesive models for the case of structures subjected to mixed mode loadings. The evolution of the crack path is followed by using an adaptive method: with the help of a macroscopic branching criterion based on the calculation of an energetic integral, the evolving crack path is remeshed as the crack evolves in the simulation. Special attention is paid to the unknown fields transfer approach that is crucial for the success of the computational treatment. This approach has been implemented in the finite element code Z-Set (jointly developed by Onera and Ecole des Mines) and is tested on two examples, one featuring a straight crack path and the other involving a complex crack propagation under critical monotonous loading monotonous

    Roles of gas in capillary filling of nanoslits

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    Control and understanding of flows inside fabricated nanochannels is rich in potential applications, but nanoscale physics of fluids remains to be clarified even for the simple case of spontaneous capillary filling. This paper reports an experimental and modelling investigation of the role of gas on the capillary filling kinetics slowdown in nanoslits (depth going from 20 nm to 400 nm) compared to Washburn's prediction. First, the role of gas through the usually observed trapped bubbles during a nanoslits capillary filling is analysed thanks to experiments realized with water, ethanol and silicone oil in siliconglass nanochannels. Bubbles are trapped only when slit depth is below a liquid-dependent threshold. This is interpreted as possible contact line pinning strength varying with wettability. Stagnant trapped bubbles lifetime is investigated for the three liquids used. Experimental results show that bubbles are first compressed because of the increasing local liquid pressure. Once the gas bubble pressure is sufficiently high, gas dissolution induces the final bubble collapse. Influence of the bubbles' presence on the capillary filling kinetics is analysed by estimating viscous resistance induced by the bubbles using an effective medium approach (Brinkman approximation). Surprisingly, the bubbles' presence is found to have a very minor effect on nanoslits capillary filling kinetics. Second, the transient gas pressure profile between the advancing meniscus and the channel exit is computed numerically taking into account gas compressibility. A non-negligible over-pressure ahead of the meniscus is found for nano-scale slit capillary filling. Considering the possible presence of precursor films, reducing cross-section for gas flow, leads to a capillary filling kinetics slowdown comparable to the ones measured experimentally

    "FĂŒr mich ist Schreiben ein politischer Akt": Geoffroy de Lagasnerie im GesprĂ€ch mit Marc Ortmann

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    Nanobubbles and gas dynamics during capillary filling of nanochannels

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    This paper focuses on capillary filling at the nanoscale where deviations to the Washburn’s classical theory are observed. Imbibition experiments in microfabricated silicon-glass nanochannels with low aspect ratio (width >> depth and depths going from 400 nm down to 20 nm) are performed for several liquids. In all cases, as predicted by the Washburn’s law, liquid invasion front location evolves as the square root of time. However, filling kinetics slowdown compared to the Washburn’s law is measured in nanochannels for depths below ~ 100 nm. Furthermore, below a liquid-dependent depth threshold, we observe spontaneous bubbles formation behind the advancing meniscus. Bubbles dynamics (formation conditions and lifetime) are analyzed thanks to our experimental data involving several liquids and nanochannels depths. Viscous resistance induced by the bubbles presence is estimated using an effective medium approach. Conjointly, gas flow ahead of the advancing meniscus is modeled considering the gas as viscous and compressible. Influence of these effects on the filling kinetics is discussed

    Computational Prediction of Primary Breakup in Fuel Spray Nozzles for Aero-Engine Combustors

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    [EN] Primary breakup of liquid fuel in the vicinity of fuel spray nozzles as utilized in aero-engine combustors is numerically investigated. As grid based methods exhibit a variety of disadvantages when it comes to the prediction of multiphase flows, the ”Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics“ (SPH)-method is employed. The eligibility of the method to analyze breakup of fuel has been demonstrated in recent publications by Braun et al, Dauch et al and Koch et al [1, 2, 3, 4]. In the current paper a methodology for the investigation of the two-phase flow in the vicinity of fuel spray nozzles at typical operating conditions is proposed. Due to lower costs in terms of computing time, 2D predictions are desired. However, atomization of fluids is inherently three dimensional. Hence, differences between 2D and 3D predictions are to be expected. In course of this study, predictions in 2D and based on a 3D sector are presented. Differences in terms of gaseous flow, ligament shape and mixing are assessed.This work was performed on the computational resource ForHLR Phase II funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-WĂŒrttemberg and DFG (”Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft“). In addition the authors would like to thank Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG for the outstanding cooperation. The authors also are grateful for many lively and fruitful discussions with Simon Holz.Dauch, T.; Braun, S.; Wieth, L.; Chaussonnet, G.; Keller, M.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H. (2017). Computational Prediction of Primary Breakup in Fuel Spray Nozzles for Aero-Engine Combustors. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 806-813. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4693OCS80681
