623 research outputs found

    Inflatable antennas for microwave pwoer transmission

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    Operational phase of the inflatable radiator; inflatable space structures; advantages; inflated thin-film satellites; antenna configuration; 3 meter diameter test paraboloid (HAIR program); and weight breakdown for the 100 meter diameter reflector are outlined. This presentation is represented by viewgraphs only

    Groupoid equivalence and the associated iterated crossed product

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    Given groupoids GG and HH and a (G,H)(G,H)-equivalence XX we may form the transformation groupoid G⋉X⋊HG\ltimes X\rtimes H. Given a separable groupoid dynamical system (A,G⋉X⋊H,ω)(A,G\ltimes X\rtimes H,\omega) we may restrict ω\omega to an action of G⋉XG\ltimes X on AA and form the crossed product A⋊G⋉XA\rtimes G\ltimes X. We show that there is an action of HH on A⋊G⋉XA\rtimes G\ltimes X and that the iterated crossed product (A⋊G⋉X)⋊H(A\rtimes G\ltimes X)\rtimes H is naturally isomorphic to the crossed product A⋊(G⋉X⋊H)A\rtimes (G\ltimes X\rtimes H).Comment: 18 pages; changed typo in titl

    NN-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids II: life in XX

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    Let MM be a 3-connected matroid, and let NN be a 3-connected minor of MM. A pair {x1,x2}⊆E(M)\{x_1,x_2\} \subseteq E(M) is NN-detachable if one of the matroids M/x1/x2M/x_1/x_2 or M\x1\x2M \backslash x_1 \backslash x_2 is both 3-connected and has an NN-minor. This is the second in a series of three papers where we describe the structures that arise when it is not possible to find an NN-detachable pair in MM. In the first paper in the series, we showed that if MM has no NN-detachable pairs, then either MM has one of three particular 3-separators that can appear in a matroid with no NN-detachable pairs, or there is a 3-separating set XX with certain strong structural properties. In this paper, we analyse matroids with such a structured set XX, and prove that they have either an NN-detachable pair, or one of five particular 3-separators that can appear in a matroid with no NN-detachable pairs.Comment: 47 pages, 5 figure

    Reading and talking about novels : a consideration of the contribution of peer discussions of novels to the development of inter-personal understanding in upper primary school children.

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    Though educational theorists have frequently claimed that literature makes an important educational contribution to the development of means of understanding other people, the results of previous research are equivocal. Uncertainty surrounds both the measures employed in many studies and the influence of classroom conditions such as the quality of teacher-led discussions of novels. Recent argument for the role of English in furthering the 'personal growth' of children gives added significance to the task of understanding what classroom strategies and conditions affect the impact literature may have

    Data Vault and HQDM Principles

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    The paper explores applicability of high quality data modeling (HQDM)principles for data vault modelin

    14. Recovery: the business case

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    This paper makes the Business Case for supporting recovery. We believe that this should be informed by three types of data: evaluative research (such as randomised controlled trials); the perceived benefits for service users – what might be termed ‘customer satisfaction’; and best evidence about value for money. Some of the ImROC 10 key challenges have a very strong research base. For example, there is substantially more randomised controlled trial evidence supporting the value of peer support workers (challenge 8) than exists for any other mental health professional group, or service model. Similarly, the scientific evidence for supporting self-management (challenge 1) is compelling. Other challenges have a strong evidence base indicating that they improve people’s experience of services. The positive experiences of students at Recovery Colleges (challenge 3) and the beneficial impact on experience of more involvement in safety planning (challenge 6) are clear
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