NN-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids II: life in XX


Let MM be a 3-connected matroid, and let NN be a 3-connected minor of MM. A pair {x1,x2}⊆E(M)\{x_1,x_2\} \subseteq E(M) is NN-detachable if one of the matroids M/x1/x2M/x_1/x_2 or M\x1\x2M \backslash x_1 \backslash x_2 is both 3-connected and has an NN-minor. This is the second in a series of three papers where we describe the structures that arise when it is not possible to find an NN-detachable pair in MM. In the first paper in the series, we showed that if MM has no NN-detachable pairs, then either MM has one of three particular 3-separators that can appear in a matroid with no NN-detachable pairs, or there is a 3-separating set XX with certain strong structural properties. In this paper, we analyse matroids with such a structured set XX, and prove that they have either an NN-detachable pair, or one of five particular 3-separators that can appear in a matroid with no NN-detachable pairs.Comment: 47 pages, 5 figure

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