315 research outputs found

    Risk bounds for purely uniformly random forests

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    Random forests, introduced by Leo Breiman in 2001, are a very effective statistical method. The complex mechanism of the method makes theoretical analysis difficult. Therefore, a simplified version of random forests, called purely random forests, which can be theoretically handled more easily, has been considered. In this paper we introduce a variant of this kind of random forests, that we call purely uniformly random forests. In the context of regression problems with a one-dimensional predictor space, we show that both random trees and random forests reach minimax rate of convergence. In addition, we prove that compared to random trees, random forests improve accuracy by reducing the estimator variance by a factor of three fourths

    Analysis of purely random forests bias

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    Random forests are a very effective and commonly used statistical method, but their full theoretical analysis is still an open problem. As a first step, simplified models such as purely random forests have been introduced, in order to shed light on the good performance of random forests. In this paper, we study the approximation error (the bias) of some purely random forest models in a regression framework, focusing in particular on the influence of the number of trees in the forest. Under some regularity assumptions on the regression function, we show that the bias of an infinite forest decreases at a faster rate (with respect to the size of each tree) than a single tree. As a consequence, infinite forests attain a strictly better risk rate (with respect to the sample size) than single trees. Furthermore, our results allow to derive a minimum number of trees sufficient to reach the same rate as an infinite forest. As a by-product of our analysis, we also show a link between the bias of purely random forests and the bias of some kernel estimators

    Gametocytes infectiousness to mosquitoes: variable selection using random forests, and zero inflated models

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    Malaria control strategies aiming at reducing disease transmission intensity may impact both oocyst intensity and infection prevalence in the mosquito vector. Thus far, mathematical models failed to identify a clear relationship between Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes and their infectiousness to mosquitoes. Natural isolates of gametocytes are genetically diverse and biologically complex. Infectiousness to mosquitoes relies on multiple parameters such as density, sex-ratio, maturity, parasite genotypes and host immune factors. In this article, we investigated how density and genetic diversity of gametocytes impact on the success of transmission in the mosquito vector. We analyzed data for which the number of covariates plus attendant interactions is at least of order of the sample size, precluding usage of classical models such as general linear models. We then considered the variable importance from random forests to address the problem of selecting the most influent variables. The selected covariates were assessed in the zero inflated negative binomial model which accommodates both over-dispersion and the sources of non infected mosquitoes. We found that the most important covariates related to infection prevalence and parasite intensity are gametocyte density and multiplicity of infection

    Random Forests: some methodological insights

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    This paper examines from an experimental perspective random forests, the increasingly used statistical method for classification and regression problems introduced by Leo Breiman in 2001. It first aims at confirming, known but sparse, advice for using random forests and at proposing some complementary remarks for both standard problems as well as high dimensional ones for which the number of variables hugely exceeds the sample size. But the main contribution of this paper is twofold: to provide some insights about the behavior of the variable importance index based on random forests and in addition, to propose to investigate two classical issues of variable selection. The first one is to find important variables for interpretation and the second one is more restrictive and try to design a good prediction model. The strategy involves a ranking of explanatory variables using the random forests score of importance and a stepwise ascending variable introduction strategy

    Random Forests for Big Data

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    Big Data is one of the major challenges of statistical science and has numerous consequences from algorithmic and theoretical viewpoints. Big Data always involve massive data but they also often include online data and data heterogeneity. Recently some statistical methods have been adapted to process Big Data, like linear regression models, clustering methods and bootstrapping schemes. Based on decision trees combined with aggregation and bootstrap ideas, random forests were introduced by Breiman in 2001. They are a powerful nonparametric statistical method allowing to consider in a single and versatile framework regression problems, as well as two-class and multi-class classification problems. Focusing on classification problems, this paper proposes a selective review of available proposals that deal with scaling random forests to Big Data problems. These proposals rely on parallel environments or on online adaptations of random forests. We also describe how related quantities -- such as out-of-bag error and variable importance -- are addressed in these methods. Then, we formulate various remarks for random forests in the Big Data context. Finally, we experiment five variants on two massive datasets (15 and 120 millions of observations), a simulated one as well as real world data. One variant relies on subsampling while three others are related to parallel implementations of random forests and involve either various adaptations of bootstrap to Big Data or to "divide-and-conquer" approaches. The fifth variant relates on online learning of random forests. These numerical experiments lead to highlight the relative performance of the different variants, as well as some of their limitations

    Variable selection using Random Forests

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    International audienceThis paper proposes, focusing on random forests, the increasingly used statistical method for classification and regression problems introduced by Leo Breiman in 2001, to investigate two classical issues of variable selection. The first one is to find important variables for interpretation and the second one is more restrictive and try to design a good parsimonious prediction model. The main contribution is twofold: to provide some experimental insights about the behavior of the variable importance index based on random forests and to propose a strategy involving a ranking of explanatory variables using the random forests score of importance and a stepwise ascending variable introduction strategy

    Bornes de risque pour les forêts purement uniformément aléatoires

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    International audienceIntroduites par Leo Breiman en 2001, les forêts aléatoires sont une méthode statistique très performante. D'un point de vue théorique, leur analyse est difficile, du fait de la complexité de l'algorithme. Pour expliquer ces performances, des versions de forêts aléatoires simplifiées (et donc plus faciles à analyser) ont été introduites : les forêts purement aléatoires. Dans cet article, nous introduisons une autre version simplifiée, que nous appelons forêts purement uniformément aléatoires. Dans un contexte de régression avec une seule variable explicative, nous montrons que les arbres aléatoires ainsi que les forêts aléatoires atteignent la vitesse de convergence minimax. Et plus important, nous prouvons que les forêts aléatoires améliorent les performances des arbres aléatoires, en réduisant la variance des estimateurs associés d'un facteur trois quarts

    Fr\'echet random forests for metric space valued regression with non euclidean predictors

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    Random forests are a statistical learning method widely used in many areas of scientific research because of its ability to learn complex relationships between input and output variables and also their capacity to handle high-dimensional data. However, current random forest approaches are not flexible enough to handle heterogeneous data such as curves, images and shapes. In this paper, we introduce Fr\'echet trees and Fr\'echet random forests, which allow to handle data for which input and output variables take values in general metric spaces (which can be unordered). To this end, a new way of splitting the nodes of trees is introduced and the prediction procedures of trees and forests are generalized. Then, random forests out-of-bag error and variable importance score are naturally adapted. A consistency theorem for Fr\'echet regressogram predictor using data-driven partitions is given and applied to Fr\'echet purely uniformly random trees. The method is studied through several simulation scenarios on heterogeneous data combining longitudinal, image and scalar data. Finally, two real datasets from HIV vaccine trials are analyzed with the proposed method

    Gametocytes infectiousness to mosquitoes: variable selection using random forests, and zero inflated models

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    Malaria control strategies aiming at reducing disease transmission intensity may impact both oocyst intensity and infection prevalence in the mosquito vector. Thus far, mathematical models failed to identify a clear relationship between Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes and their infectiousness to mosquitoes. Natural isolates of gametocytes are genetically diverse and biologically complex. Infectiousness to mosquitoes relies on multiple parameters such as density, sex-ratio, maturity, parasite genotypes and host immune factors. In this article, we investigated how density and genetic diversity of gametocytes impact on the success of transmission in the mosquito vector. We analyzed data for which the number of covariates plus attendant interactions is at least of order of the sample size, precluding usage of classical models such as general linear models. We then considered the variable importance from random forests to address the problem of selecting the most influent variables. The selected covariates were assessed in the zero inflated negative binomial model which accommodates both over-dispersion and the sources of non infected mosquitoes. We found that the most important covariates related to infection prevalence and parasite intensity are gametocyte density and multiplicity of infection

    Arbres CART et Forêts aléatoires,Importance et sélection de variables

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    Two algorithms proposed by Leo Breiman : CART trees (Classification And Regression Trees for) introduced in the first half of the 80s and random forests emerged, meanwhile, in the early 2000s, are the subject of this article. The goal is to provide each of the topics, a presentation, a theoretical guarantee, an example and some variants and extensions. After a preamble, introduction recalls objectives of classification and regression problems before retracing some predecessors of the Random Forests. Then, a section is devoted to CART trees then random forests are presented. Then, a variable selection procedure based on permutation variable importance is proposed. Finally the adaptation of random forests to the Big Data context is sketched.Deux des algorithmes proposés par Leo Breiman : les arbres CART (pour Classification And Regression Trees) introduits dans la première moitié des années 80 et les forêts aléatoires apparues, quant à elles, au début des années 2000, font l'objet de cet article. L'objectif est de proposer sur chacun des thèmes abordés, un exposé, une garantie théorique, un exemple et signaler variantes et extensions. Après un préambule, l'introduction rappelle les objectifs des problèmes de classification et de régression avant de retracer quelques prédécesseurs des forêts aléatoires. Ensuite, une section est consa-crée aux arbres CART puis les forêts aléatoires sont présentées. Ensuite, une procédure de sélection de variables basée sur la quantification de l'importance des variables est proposée. Enfin l'adaptation des forêts aléatoires au contexte du Big Data est esquissée
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