94 research outputs found

    Transitions: The Search for Maize Phytoliths in Spanish Teeth

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    This research aims to determine if plant phytoliths can be recovered from human dental calculus. This paper hypothesizes that phytoliths will provide a more direct method for paleodietary analysis than carbon and nitrogen isotopes. If this method is successful, researchers in bioarchaeology will then be able to identify directly the types of plants ingested by earlier human populations. In this blind experiment, dental calculus from the teeth of pre- and post-AD 1500 Spanish skeletons are subjected to a serial dilution in an acid bath to remove phosphorous, calcium, and any organic residual matter. The final dilutions are centrifuged to separate and isolate the phytoliths. The resulting precipitates are placed on slides and analyzed under a darkfield microscope (400 – 1600X). Potential phytoliths are then photographed and compared to enlarged images of known phytoliths


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    Role of OPRM1, clinical and anthropometric variants in neonatal pain reduction

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    An increased awareness on neonatal pain-associated complications has led to the development of pain scales adequate to assess the level of pain experienced by newborns such as the ABC score. A commonly used analgesic procedure is to administer a 33% oral dextrose solution to newborns prior to the painful intervention. Although this procedure is very successful, not in all subjects it reaches complete efficacy. A possible explanation for the different response to the treatment could be genetic variability. We have investigated the genetic variability of the OPRM1 gene in 1077 newborns in relation to non-pharmacologic pain relief treatment. We observed that the procedure was successful in 966 individuals and there was no association between the genotypes and the analgesic efficacy when comparing individuals that had an ABC score = 0 and ABC score >0. However, considering only the individuals with ABC score>0, we found that the homozygous carriers of the G allele of the missense variant SNP rs1799971 (A118G) showed an interesting association with higher ABC score. We also observed that individuals fed with formula milk were more likely to not respond to the analgesic treatment compared to those that had been breastfed

    Functional single nucleotide polymorphisms within the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A/2B region affect pancreatic cancer risk

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    The CDKN2A (p16) gene plays a key role in pancreatic cancer etiology. It is one of the most commonly somatically mutated genes in pancreatic cancer, rare germline mutations have been found to be associated with increased risk of developing familiar pancreatic cancer and CDKN2A promoter hyper-methylation has been suggested to play a critical role both in pancreatic cancer onset and prognosis. In addition several unrelated SNPs in the 9p21.3 region, that includes the CDNK2A, CDNK2B and the CDNK2B-AS1 genes, are associated with the development of cancer in various organs. However, association between the common genetic variability in this region and pancreatic cancer risk is not clearly understood. We sought to fill this gap in a case-control study genotyping 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 2,857 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients and 6,111 controls in the context of the Pancreatic Disease Research (PANDoRA) consortium. We found that the A allele of the rs3217992 SNP was associated with an increased pancreatic cancer risk (ORhet=1.14, 95% CI 1.01-1.27, p=0.026, ORhom=1.30, 95% CI 1.12-1.51, p=0.00049). This pleiotropic variant is reported to be a mir-SNP that, by changing the binding site of one or more miRNAs, could influence the normal cell cycle progression and in turn increase PDAC risk. In conclusion, we observed a novel association in a pleiotropic region that has been found to be of key relevance in the susceptibility to various types of cancer and diabetes suggesting that the CDKN2A/B locus could represent a genetic link between diabetes and pancreatic cancer risk

    Lack of association of CD44-rs353630 and CHI3L2-rs684559 with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma survival.

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    Although pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) survival is poor, there are differences in patients' response to the treatments. Detection of predictive biomarkers explaining these differences is of the utmost importance. In a recent study two genetic markers (CD44-rs353630 and CHI3L2-rs684559) were reported to be associated with survival after PDAC resection. We attempted to replicate the associations in 1856 PDAC patients (685 resected with stage I/II) from the PANcreatic Disease ReseArch (PANDoRA) consortium. We also analysed the combined effect of the two genotypes in order to compare our results with what was previously reported. Additional stratified analyses considering TNM stage of the disease and whether the patients received surgery were also performed. We observed no statistically significant associations, except for the heterozygous carriers of CD44-rs353630, who were associated with worse OS (HR = 5.01; 95% CI 1.58-15.88; p = 0.006) among patients with stage I disease. This association is in the opposite direction of those reported previously, suggesting that data obtained in such small subgroups are hardly replicable and should be considered cautiously. The two polymorphisms combined did not show any statistically significant association. Our results suggest that the effect of CD44-rs353630 and CHI3L2-rs684559 cannot be generalized to all PDAC patients

    Common variability in oestrogen-related genes and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk in women

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    The incidence of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is different among males and females. This disparity cannot be fully explained by the difference in terms of exposure to known risk factors; therefore, the lower incidence in women could be attributed to sex-specific hormones. A two-phase association study was conducted in 12,387 female subjects (5436 PDAC cases and 6951 controls) to assess the effect on risk of developing PDAC of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 208 genes involved in oestrogen and pregnenolone biosynthesis and oestrogen-mediated signalling. In the discovery phase 14 polymorphisms showed a statistically significant association (P < 0.05). In the replication none of the findings were validated. In addition, a gene-based analysis was performed on the 208 selected genes. Four genes (NR5A2, MED1, NCOA2 and RUNX1) were associated with PDAC risk, but only NR5A2 showed an association (P = 4.08 × 10−5) below the Bonferroni-corrected threshold of statistical significance. In conclusion, despite differences in incidence between males and females, our study did not identify an effect of common polymorphisms in the oestrogen and pregnenolone pathways in relation to PDAC susceptibility. However, we validated the previously reported association between NR5A2 gene variants and PDAC risk

    Genetic polymorphisms in inflammatory genes and pancreatic cancer risk: a two-phase study on more than 14 000 individuals

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    There is overwhelming evidence that inflammation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of cancer and its progression. Inflammation is regulated through a complex network of genes and polymorphic variants in these genes have been found to be associated to risk of various human cancers, alone or in combination with environmental variables. Despite this, not much is known on the genetic variability of genes that regulate inflammation and risk of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). We performed a two-phase association study considering the genetic variability of 76 genes that are key players in inflammatory response. We analysed tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and regulatory SNPs on 7207 PDAC cases and 7063 controls and observed several associations with PDAC risk. The most significant association was between the carriers of the A allele of the CCL4-rs1719217 polymorphism, which was reported to be also associated with the expression level of the CCL4 gene, and increased risk of developing PDAC (odds ratio = 1.12, 95% confidence interval = 1.06-1.18, P = 3.34 × 10-5). This association was significant also after correction for multiple testing, highlighting the importance of using potentially functional SNPs in order to discover more genetic variants associated with PDAC risk

    Telomere length and male fertility

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    Over the past decade, telomeres have attracted increasing attention due to the role they play in human fertility. However, conflicting results have been reported on the possible association between sperm telomere length (STL) and leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and the quality of the sperm parameters. The aim of this study was to run a comprehensive study to investigate the role of STL and LTL in male spermatogenesis and infertility. Moreover, the association between the sperm parameters and 11 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), identified in the literature for their association with telomere length (TL), was investigated. We observed no associations between sperm parameters and STL nor LTL. For the individual SNPs, we observed five statistically significant associations with sperm parameters: considering a p &lt; 0.05. Namely, ACYP2-rs11125529 and decreased sperm motility (p = 0.03); PXK-rs6772228 with a lower sperm count (p = 0.02); NAF1-rs7675998 with increased probability of having abnormal acrosomes (p = 0.03) and abnormal flagellum (p = 0.04); ZNF208-rs8105767 and reduction of sperms with normal heads (p = 0.009). This study suggests a moderate involvement of telomere length in male fertility; however, in our analyses four SNPs were weakly associated with sperm variables, suggesting the SNPs to be pleiotropic and involved in other regulatory mechanisms independent of telomere homeostasis, but involved in the spermatogenic process

    La formazione post laurea in Medicine Tradizionali e Non Convenzionali, fra indicazioni nazionali e specificità regionali: il caso italiano

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    Il testo, risultato della prima e unica ricerca italiana sulla formazione in medicine tradizionali e non convenzionali mette in evidenza come le regioni si siano mosse prevalentemente in autonomia anche se al Nord le regioni hanno attivato corsi di formazion