2,789 research outputs found

    Numerical and experimental assessment of the modal curvature method for damage detection in plate structures

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    This paper is concerned with the use of numerically obtained modal curvatures for damage detection in both isotropic and composite laminated plates. Numerical simulations are carried out by using COMSOL Multiphysics as FEM solver of the governing equations, in which a Mindlin-Reissner plate model is assumed and defects are introduced as localized smoothed variations of the baseline (healthy) configuration. Experiments are also performed on steel and aluminum plates using scanning laser vibrometry. This study confirms that the central difference method greatly amplifies the measurement errors and its application leads to ineffective predictions for damage detection, even after denoising. As a consequence, different numerical techniques should be explored to allow the use of numerically obtained modal curvatures for structural health monitoring. Herein, the Savitzky-Golay filter (or least-square smoothing filter) is considered for the numerical differentiation of noisy data

    Numerical and experimental assessment of the modal curvature method for damage detection in plate structures

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    Use of modal curvatures obtained from modal displacement data for damage detection in isotropic and composite laminated plates is addressed through numerical examples and experimental tests. Numerical simulations are carried out employing COMSOL Multiphysics as finite element solver of the equations governing the Mindlin-Reissner plate model. Damages are introduced as localized non-smooth variations of the bending stiffness of the baseline (healthy) configuration. Experiments are also performed on steel and aluminum plates using scanning laser vibrometry. The obtained results confirm that use of the central difference method to compute modal curvatures greatly amplifies the measurement errors and its application leads to unreliable predictions for damage detection, even after denoising. Therefore, specialized ad hoc numerical techniques must be suitably implemented to enable structural health monitoring via modal curvature changes. In this study, the Savitzky-Golay filter (also referred to as least-square smoothing filter) is considered for the numerical differentiation of noisy data. Numerical and experimental results show that this filter is effective for the reliable computation of modal curvature changes in plate structures due to defects and/or damages

    Birth, life and survival of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies

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    Advances on the formation and survival of the so-called Tidal Dwarf Galaxies (TDGs) are reviewed. The understanding on how objects of the mass of dwarf galaxies may form in debris of galactic collisions has recently benefited from the coupling of multi-wavelength observations with numerical simulations of galaxy mergers. Nonetheless, no consensual scenario has yet emerged and as a matter of fact the very definition of TDGs remains elusive. Their real cosmological importance is also a matter of debate, their presence in our Local Group of galaxies as well. Identifying old, evolved, TDGs among the population of regular dwarf galaxies and satellites may not be straightforward. However a number of specific properties (location, dark matter and metal content) that objects of tidal origin should have are reminded here. Examples of newly discovered genuine old TDGs around a nearby elliptical galaxy are finally presented.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, invited talk at JENAM 2010 symposium on "Dwarf Galaxies", v2:reference and acknowledgements update

    A simplified high-throughput method for pyrethroid knock-down resistance (kdr) detection in Anopheles gambiae

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    BACKGROUND: A single base pair mutation in the sodium channel confers knock-down resistance to pyrethroids in many insect species. Its occurrence in Anopheles mosquitoes may have important implications for malaria vector control especially considering the current trend for large scale pyrethroid-treated bednet programmes. Screening Anopheles gambiae populations for the kdr mutation has become one of the mainstays of programmes that monitor the development of insecticide resistance. The screening is commonly performed using a multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) which, since it is reliant on a single nucleotide polymorphism, can be unreliable. Here we present a reliable and potentially high throughput method for screening An. gambiae for the kdr mutation. METHODS: A Hot Ligation Oligonucleotide Assay (HOLA) was developed to detect both the East and West African kdr alleles in the homozygous and heterozygous states, and was optimized for use in low-tech developing world laboratories. Results from the HOLA were compared to results from the multiplex PCR for field and laboratory mosquito specimens to provide verification of the robustness and sensitivity of the technique. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The HOLA assay, developed for detection of the kdr mutation, gives a bright blue colouration for a positive result whilst negative reactions remain colourless. The results are apparent within a few minutes of adding the final substrate and can be scored by eye. Heterozygotes are scored when a sample gives a positive reaction to the susceptible probe and the kdr probe. The technique uses only basic laboratory equipment and skills and can be carried out by anyone familiar with the Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. A comparison to the multiplex PCR method showed that the HOLA assay was more reliable, and scoring of the plates was less ambiguous. CONCLUSION: The method is capable of detecting both the East and West African kdr alleles in the homozygous and heterozygous states from fresh or dried material using several DNA extraction methods. It is more reliable than the traditional PCR method and may be more sensitive for the detection of heterozygotes. It is inexpensive, simple and relatively safe making it suitable for use in resource-poor countries

    Endothelial Function in Pre-diabetes, Diabetes and Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: A Review

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    Diabetes mellitus worsens cardiovascular risk profile of affected individuals. Its worldwide increasing prevalence and its negative influences on vascular walls morphology and function are able to induce the expression of several morbidities which worsen the clinical conditions of the patients getting them running towards a reduced survival curve. Although overt diabetes increases the mortality rate of individuals due to its pathogenesis, poor information are in literature about the role of pre-diabetes and family history of diabetes mellitus in the outcome of general population. This emphasizes the importance of early detection of vascular impairment in subjects at risk of developing diabetes. The identification of early stages of atherosclerotic diseases in diabetic persons is a fundamental step in the risk stratification protocols followed-up by physicians in order to have a complete overview about the clinical status of such individuals. Common carotid intima-media thickness, flow-mediated vasodilatation, pulse wave velocity are instrumental tools able to detect the early impairment in cardiovascular system and stratify cardiovascular risk of individuals. The aim of this review is to get a general perspective on the complex relationship between cardiovascular diseases onset, pre-diabetes and family history of diabetes. Furthermore, it points out the influence of diabetes on heart function till the expression of the so-called diabetic cardiomyopathy

    Characterization of mixed lymphocyte reaction blocking antibodies (MLR-Bf) in human pregnancy

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    BACKGROUND: It is known that during normal pregnancy and after immunotherapy blocking antibodies are developed, these antibodies inhibit mixed lymphocyte reaction and are also anti-mitogenic in nature. Mixed lymphocyte reaction blocking antibodies are specific to the husband's lymphocytes. In the present study an attempt has been made to characterize the mixed lymphocyte reaction blocking antibodies in normal pregnancy and in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion after immunotherapy. METHODS: Serum was obtained from women of different gestational windows of pregnancy (Ist, IInd, IIIrd trimesters and post delivery period of normal pregnancy), recurrent spontaneous aborters from pre and post immunization. Healthy (male and females) controls were screened for the presence of mixed lymphocyte reaction blocking antibodies. The standard mixed lymphocyte reaction technique was used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of serum in the mixed lymphocyte reaction. Each serum was tested for cytotoxic antibodies. Immunoglobulin G and its isotypes were isolated according to the standard protocol. RESULTS: In the present study we have observed that there was significant inhibition of proliferation response when immunoglobulin G from different trimesters of pregnancy were added to one way mixed lymphocyte reaction or to phytohemagglutinin activated lymphocyte proliferation assay. Similar pattern was seen when immunoglobulin G isolated from adequately immunized women with recurrent spontaneous abortion was used. It was further confirmed that amongst all the isotypes of immunoglobulin G, only immunoglobulin G-3 was found to be positive for the inhibitory effect. CONCLUSIONS: Present study indicates that mixed lymphocyte reaction blocking antibodies are immunoglobulin G-3 in nature. It is developed during pregnancy and also after immunotherapy in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion who subsequently have the successful pregnancy

    First detection of a disk free of volatile elements around a young A-type star: A possible sign of collisions between rocky planets

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    Aims. We present the first detailed analysis of the astrophysical parameters of the poorly studied Sco-Cen member HD 152384 and its circumstellar environment. Methods. We analyse newly obtained optical-near-IR X-shooter spectra, as well as archival TESS data, of HD 152384. In addition, we use literature photometric data to construct a detailed spectral energy distribution (SED) of the star. Results. The photospheric absorption lines in the spectrum of HD 152384 are characteristic of an A0 V star, for which we derive a stellar mass of 2.1 ± 0.1 M⊙ and a stellar age > 4.5 Myr. Superimposed on the photospheric absorption, the optical spectrum also displays double-peaked emission lines of Ca II, Fe I, Mg I, and Si I, typical of circumstellar disks. Notably, all hydrogen and helium lines appear strictly in absorption. A toy model shows that the observed emission line profiles can be reproduced by emission from a compact (radius < 0.3 au) disk seen at an inclination of ∼24°. Further evidence for the presence of circumstellar material comes from the detection of a moderate IR excess in the SED, similar to those found in extreme debris disk systems. Conclusions. We conclude that HD 152384 is surrounded by a tenuous circumstellar disk that, although rich in refractory elements, is highly depleted of volatile elements. To the best of our knowledge, such a disk is unique among young stars. However, it is reminiscent of the disks seen in some white dwarfs, which have been attributed to the disruption of rocky planets. We suggest that the disk around HD 152384 may have a similar origin and may be due to collisions in a newly formed planetary system

    A large ongoing outbreak of hepatitis A predominantly affecting young males in Lazio, Italy; August 2016 - March 2017

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    The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is mainly transmitted through the faecal-oral route. In industrialized countries HAV infection generally occurs as either sporadic cases in travelers from endemic areas, local outbreak within closed/semi-closed population and as foodborne community outbreak. Recently, an increasing number of HAV infection clusters have been reported among young men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM). The Lazio Regional Service for the epidemiology and control for infectious diseases (SeRESMI) has noticed an increase of acute hepatitis A (AHA) since September 2016. Temporal analysis carried out with a discrete Poisson model using surveillance data between January 2016 and March 2017 evidenced an ongoing outbreak of AHA that started at the end of August. Molecular investigation carried out on 130 out of 513 cases AHA reported until March 2017 suggests that this outbreak is mainly supported by an HAV variant which is currently spreading within MSM communities across Europe (VRD_521_2016). The report confirms that AHA is an emerging issue among MSM. In addition through the integration of standard (case based) surveillance with molecular investigation we could discriminate, temporally concomitant but epidemiologically unrelated, clusters due to different HAV variants. As suggested by the WHO, in countries with low HAV circulation, vaccination programmes should be tailored on the local epidemiological patterns to prevent outbreaks among high risk groups and eventual spillover of the infection in the general population

    A large ongoing outbreak of hepatitis A predominantly affecting young males in Lazio, Italy; August 2016 - March 2017

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    The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is mainly transmitted through the faecal-oral route. In industrialized countries HAV infection generally occurs as either sporadic cases in travelers from endemic areas, local outbreak within closed/semi-closed population and as foodborne community outbreak. Recently, an increasing number of HAV infection clusters have been reported among young men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM). The Lazio Regional Service for the epidemiology and control for infectious diseases (SeRESMI) has noticed an increase of acute hepatitis A (AHA) since September 2016. Temporal analysis carried out with a discrete Poisson model using surveillance data between January 2016 and March 2017 evidenced an ongoing outbreak of AHA that started at the end of August. Molecular investigation carried out on 130 out of 513 cases AHA reported until March 2017 suggests that this outbreak is mainly supported by an HAV variant which is currently spreading within MSM communities across Europe (VRD_521_2016). The report confirms that AHA is an emerging issue among MSM. In addition through the integration of standard (case based) surveillance with molecular investigation we could discriminate, temporally concomitant but epidemiologically unrelated, clusters due to different HAV variants. As suggested by the WHO, in countries with low HAV circulation, vaccination programmes should be tailored on the local epidemiological patterns to prevent outbreaks among high risk groups and eventual spillover of the infection in the general population
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