144 research outputs found

    La scuola secondaria superiore in Italia dal 1945 ad oggi

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    L'escola secundària superior a Itàlia des de 1945 cap aquí: Aspectes socials, polítics i educatius. L'autor descabdella un discurs sobre l'evolució de l'escola secundària italiana, mirant d'esbrinar quines han estat i són els obstacles, les rèmores socials i polítiques que n'han caracteritzat el desenvolupament. Es remet a la Llei Casati del 1859, sense la qual no s'entendrien certes "obstinades permanències", que només s'expliquen en el context històric de la Itàlia unitària. L'exploració històrica de l'evolució de l'ensenyament secundari italià a través del període feixista i republicà fins als nostres dies el duu a establir que l'escola secundària ha d'assegurar una formació general que permeti el jove d'inserir-se després amb profit en el món del treball. L'escola -també l'escola secundària superior- no ha d'oferir una professionalització específica, perquè en ella mateixa és un lloc de potenciació de la intel•ligència i de la disponibilitat humana de produir cultura. La reforma del secundari superior s'ha de basar, a judici de Genovesi, en el criteri d e la unificació en estreta interacció amb el de l'opcionalitat,i des d'aquesta perspectiva la professionalització esdevé l'objectiu principal de la formació de l'individu, una professionalització entesa no tant com la capacitat d'exercir exclusivament treballs parcel•lats i ocasionals com l'exercici racional i competent d'un ofici o professió amb totes les potencialitats ètiques i cognoscitives que implica l'exercici professional.Higher secondary school in Italy from 1945 up to now. Social, political and educational aspects. Professor Genovesi analyzes the evolution of the Italian secondary school system, indicating which have been and are the obstacles and the social and political hindrances having affected it, from the old Casati Law of 1859 on. The historical exploration of the changes in the Italian secondary education throught the fascist and republican period up to the present days brings the author to the conclusion that higher (secondary) education has to ensure a general formation or training allowing young people's professional insertion to society in a profitable way. Higher secondary school-and school in general- has not to offer an specific,narrow, professionalization, because it is by itself an space for improving the human intelligence and the availability to produce culture. Higher (secondary) education reform has to be based, according Genovesi, on the ideas of unification and optionality,and from this outlook the professionalization becomes the chief aim of human formation, a professionalization conceived as the availability to exerce or practise in a rational and competent way a profession with all the ethic and cognoscitive potentialities of the professional practice

    Recuperació diferencial de la covada en formigues (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Leptothorax)

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    Els elements de la covada (ous, larves, prenimfes i nimfes) representen una inversió variable i creixent, d'energia i temps. Es pot suposar que en una situació en què calgui transportar tota la covada (migració, perill sobtat) hi haurà una tria diferenciada per part de les obreres i que primer es recuperan les nimfes i que els ous seran els darrers elements recuperats. S'ha posat a prova aquesta hipòtesi amb cok:mies senceres d'espècies diferents de Leptothorax, i sembla que les dades li donen suport.Differential intracolony brood recovery in ants Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Leptothorax ants showed a sharp preference when choosing from pupae, larvae and eggs under a stress situation. In an ant colony, developmental stages represent distinct levels of energy investment in food, time and management by workers. The protection given to distinct stages is expected to be proportional to that cost. We tested this prediction and data seem to support it

    Full-dose atorvastatin versus conventional medical therapy after non-ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction in patients with advanced non-revascularisable coronary artery disease

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    Aims: This study tested the hypothesis that the addition of full-dose atorvastatin (80 mg/day) to conventional medical treatment could reduce ischaemic recurrences after non-ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction (NSTE-AMI) in patients with severe and diffuse coronary artery disease (CAD) not amenable to any form of mechanical revascularisation. Methods and results: The study was an open-label, randomised, controlled, blinded end-point classification trial, employing the PROBE (Prospective Open Treatment and Blinded End Point Evaluation) design. A total of 290 patients (mean age 74.6 +/- 9.6 years) with NSTE-AMI and angiographic evidence of severe and diffuse CAD, not amenable to revascularisation by either coronary surgery or angioplasty, were randomised to atorvastatin 80 mg/day (n = 144) or conventional medical treatment (n = 146). A primary end point event (combination of cardiovascular death, non-fatal acute myocardial reinfarction and disabling stroke within 12 months of randomisation) occurred in 16.0% of patients treated with atorvastatin 80 mg/day and in 26.7% of patients receiving conventional treatment (HR 0.56; 95% CI 0.33-0.93, p = 0.027). The study was not blinded. Consequently, a bias in the assessment of clinical outcome cannot be completely excluded. Conclusions: In conclusion, when compared with a conventional treatment strategy, full-dose therapy with atorvastatin 80 mg/day provides greater protection against ischaemic recurrences after NSTE-AMI in patients with severe, diffuse, non-revascularisable CAD

    Hypertension in children and adolescents A consensus document from ESC Council on Hypertension, European Association of Preventive Cardiology, European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging, Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions, ESC Council for Cardiology Practice and Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology

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    Definition and management of arterial hypertension in children and adolescents are uncertain, due to different positions of current guidelines. The European Society of Cardiology task-force, constituted by Associations and Councils with interest in arterial hypertension, has reviewed current literature and evidence, to produce a Consensus Document focused on aspects of hypertension in the age range of 6-16 years, including definition, methods of measurement of blood pressure, clinical evaluation, assessment of hypertension-mediated target organ damage, evaluation of possible vascular, renal and hormonal causes, assessment and management of concomitant risk factors with specific attention for obesity, and anti-hypertensive strategies, especially focused on life-style modifications. The Consensus Panel also suggests aspects that should be studied with high priority, including generation of multi-ethnic sex, age and height specific European normative tables, implementation of randomized clinical trials on different diagnostic and therapeutic aspects, and long-Term cohort studies to link with adult cardiovascular risk. Finally, suggestions for the successful implementation of the contents of the present Consensus document are also given

    Pisa Progetto Suburbio: paesaggi fluviali di età romana La campagna di scavo 2021 all’Area Scheibler

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    Since the 20th century ‘80s the Area Scheibler, located in the Western outskirts of Pisa, has been the place of findings and rescue excavations. Such discoveries testify the long-lasting history of this sector of the ancient suburb from the Iron Age to the Early Middle Age, with a consistent Roman phase. Core reading performed and geoelectrical investigation outlined that the area was crossed by a large fluvial channel, the disappeared Auser river. Investigated areas are located to the East (Area 4) and the West (Area 5) of the water course, of- fering a wide picture of the ancient landscape. From our investigation a complex stratigraphic sequence emerged: it was possible to recognise a fluvial landscape consist- ing of river bank protection structures, piers, navalia, and the probable remains of a via helciaria. Such evidence are signifi- cantly related to the close site of the Roman shipwrecks of Pisa San Rossore, dating from the second century BC. to the 5th century AD

    Dai balconi ai parchi urbani: buone pratiche per un giardinaggio consapevole

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    Prodotto nell’ambito del progetto LIFE15 GIE/IT/001039 “Alien Species Awareness Program”(ASAP), è un opuscolo di tipo tecnico-pratico che intende fornire alcune informazioni di base sulle piante esotiche invasive presenti in Italia nonché, seguendo le buone pratiche dettate nel Codice di condotta definito nell’ambito della Convenzione di Berna, proporre un numero non esaustivo di specie native da utilizzare in alternativa alle piante esotiche invasive inserite nella Lista di Rilevanza Unionale e per le quali vi è divieto di importazione, commercio, possesso, riproduzione, trasporto, utilizzo e rilascio in natura. E’ indirizzato a tutti coloro che sono coinvolti direttamente o indirettamente nella produzione, commercializzazione e impiego delle piante ornamentali: aziende florovivaistiche importatori di piante e tutti coloro che svolgono un ruolo nella progettazione e realizzazione di aree verdi quali gli Architetti paesaggisti, i Dottori Forestali, i Dottori Agronomi e a tutti gli appassionati di giardinaggio. La scelta di utilizzare specie autoctone nel verde urbano risponde anche all’esigenza di garantire una migliore tutela e conservazione della biodiversità negli spazi urbani

    Using the IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa to inform decision-making

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    The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) is an important tool for biological invasion policy and management and has been adopted as an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) standard to measure the severity of environmental impacts caused by organisms living outside their native ranges. EICAT has already been incorporated into some national and local decision-making procedures, making it a particularly relevant resource for addressing the impact of non-native species. Recently, some of the underlying conceptual principles of EICAT, particularly those related to the use of the precautionary approach, have been challenged. Although still relatively new, guidelines for the application and interpretation of EICAT will be periodically revisited by the IUCN community, based on scientific evidence, to improve the process. Some of the criticisms recently raised are based on subjectively selected assumptions that cannot be generalized and may harm global efforts to manage biological invasions. EICAT adopts a precautionary principle by considering a species’ impact history elsewhere because some taxa have traits that can make them inherently more harmful. Furthermore, non-native species are often important drivers of biodiversity loss even in the presence of other pressures. Ignoring the precautionary principle when tackling the impacts of non-native species has led to devastating consequences for human well-being, biodiversity, and ecosystems, as well as poor management outcomes, and thus to significant economic costs. EICAT is a relevant tool because it supports prioritization and management of non-native species and meeting and monitoring progress toward the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Target 6

    A Next-Generation Liquid Xenon Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics

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    The nature of dark matter and properties of neutrinos are among the mostpressing issues in contemporary particle physics. The dual-phase xenontime-projection chamber is the leading technology to cover the availableparameter space for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), whilefeaturing extensive sensitivity to many alternative dark matter candidates.These detectors can also study neutrinos through neutrinoless double-beta decayand through a variety of astrophysical sources. A next-generation xenon-baseddetector will therefore be a true multi-purpose observatory to significantlyadvance particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, solar physics, andcosmology. This review article presents the science cases for such a detector.<br