1,003 research outputs found

    The Effect of Hot Gas in WMAP's First Year Data

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    By cross-correlating templates constructed from the 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Extended Source (XSC) catalogue with WMAP's first year data, we search for the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signature induced by hot gas in the local Universe. Assuming that galaxies trace the distribution of hot gas, we select regions on the sky with the largest projected density of galaxies. Under conservative assumptions on the amplitude of foreground residuals, we find a temperature decrement of -35 ±\pm 7 μ\muK (∼5σ\sim 5\sigma detection level, the highest reported so far) in the ∼\sim 26 square degrees of the sky containing the largest number of galaxies per solid angle. We show that most of the reported signal is caused by known galaxy clusters which, when convolved with the average beam of the WMAP W band channel, subtend a typical angular size of 20--30 arcmins. Finally, after removing from our analyses all pixels associated with known optical and X-ray galaxy clusters, we still find a tSZ decrement of -96 ±\pm 37 μ\muK in pixels subtending about ∼\sim 0.8 square degrees on the sky. Most of this signal is coming from five different cluster candidates in the Zone of Avoidance (ZoA), present in the Clusters In the ZoA (CIZA) catalogue. We found no evidence that structures less bound than clusters contribute to the tSZ signal present in the WMAP data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, matches accepted version in ApJ Letter

    Evidence for a Low Bulk Crustal Density for Mars from Gravity and Topography

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    Knowledge of the average density of the crust of a planet is important in determining its interior structure. The combination of high-resolution gravity and topography data has yielded a low density for the Moons crust, yet for other terrestrial planets the resolution of the gravity field models has hampered reasonable estimates. By using well-chosen constraints derived from topography during gravity field model determination using satellite tracking data, we show that we can robustly and independently determine the average bulk crustal density directly from the tracking data, using the admittance between topography and imperfect gravity. We find a low average bulk crustal density for Mars, 2582 209 kgm3. This bulk crustal density is lower than that assumed until now. Densities for volcanic complexes are higher, consistent with earlier estimates, implying large lateral variations in crustal density. In addition, we find indications that the crustal density increases with depth

    Saturn as a radio source

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    Magnetospheric radio emissions, Saturn electrostatic discharges, inferred source locations, and emission theories are addressed

    Estimation of crust and lithospheric properties for Mercury from high-resolution gravity and topography

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    We have analyzed the entire set of radiometric tracking data from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission. This analysis employed a method where standard Doppler tracking data were transformed into line-of-sight accelerations. These accelerations have greater sensitivity to small-scale features than standard Doppler. We estimated a gravity model expressed in spherical harmonics to degree and order 180 and showed that this model is improved, as it has increased correlations with topography in areas where tracking data were collected when the spacecraft altitude was low. The new model was used in an analysis of the localized admittance between gravity and topography to determine properties of Mercury’s lithosphere. Four areas with high correlations between gravity and topography were selected. These areas represent different terrain types: the high-Mg region, the Strindberg crater plus some lobate scarps, heavily cratered terrain, and smooth plains. We employed a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to estimate crustal density, load density, crustal thickness, elastic thickness, load depth, and a load parameter that describes the ratio between surface and depth loading. We find densities around 2600 kg m−3 for three of the areas, with the density for the fourth area, the northern rise, being higher. The elastic thickness is generally low, between 11 and 30 km

    Detailed study of the microwave emission of the supernova remnant 3C 396

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    We have observed the supernova remnant 3C~396 in the microwave region using the Parkes 64-m telescope. Observations have been made at 8.4 GHz, 13.5 GHz, and 18.6 GHz and in polarisation at 21.5 GHz. We have used data from several other observatories, including previously unpublished observations performed by the Green Bank Telescope at 31.2 GHz, to investigate the nature of the microwave emission of 3C 396. Results show a spectral energy distribution dominated by a single component power law emission with α=(−0.364±0.017)\alpha=(-0.364 \pm 0.017). Data do not favour the presence of anomalous microwave emission coming from the source. Polarised emission at 21.5 GHz is consistent with synchrotron-dominated emission. We present microwave maps and correlate them with infrared (IR) maps in order to characterise the interplay between thermal dust and microwave emission. IR vs. microwave TT plots reveal poor correlation between mid-infrared and microwave emission from the core of the source. On the other hand, a correlation is detected in the tail emission of the outer shell of 3C 396, which could be ascribed to Galactic contamination.Comment: published in MNRA

    Postharvest loss in the supply chain for vegetables - The case of tomato, yardlong bean, cucumber and chili in Lao PDR

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    AVRDC Publication 06-684Christian Genova II, Katinka Weinberger, Thongsavath Chanthasombath, Bouthsakone Inthalungdsee, Kham Sanatem, Kethongsa Somsa

    The discrimination of abrupt changes in speed and direction of visual motion

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    AbstractA random dot pattern that moved within an invisible aperture was used to present two motions contiguously in time. The motions differed slightly either in speed (Experiments 1 and 3) or in direction (Experiments 2 and 4) and the subject had to discriminate the sign of the change (e.g. increment or decrement). The same discrimination task was performed when the two motions were temporally separated by 1 s. In Experiments 1 and 2 discrimination thresholds were measured with motion durations of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 s and mean speeds of 2, 4, 8, and 16°/s. In Experiments 3 and 4 thresholds were measured with aperture widths of 5 and 20 cm. The discrimination of contiguous motions progressively deteriorated with decreasing duration and mean speed of motion. For the lowest value of duration the Weber fraction for contiguous speeds was more than three times as the Weber fractions for separate speeds. For the same low value of duration the thresholds for discrimination of direction of contiguous motions were only about 50% higher than the thresholds for separate motions. The Weber fraction for contiguous speeds was ca. three times higher with the smaller aperture than with the larger one, provided the ratio ‘aperture width/mean speed’ (i.e. the lifetime of the moving dots) was less than 0.3 s. Aperture width did not affect the discrimination of direction of contiguous motions. The discrimination of contiguous motions is discussed together with the known data for detection of changes in speed and direction. It is suggested that both, detection of changes in speed and discrimination of the sign of speed changes, may be performed by a common visual mechanism

    Postharvest loss in the supply chain for vegetables - The case of tomato, yardlong bean, cucumber and chili in Lao PDR

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    AVRDC Publication 06-684Christian Genova II, Katinka Weinberger, Thongsavath Chanthasombath, Bouthsakone Inthalungdsee, Kham Sanatem, Kethongsa Somsa

    VOFilter, Bridging Virtual Observatory and Industrial Office Applications

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    VOFilter is an XML based filter developed by the Chinese Virtual Observatory project to transform tabular data files from VOTable format into OpenDocument format. VOTable is an XML format defined for the exchange of tabular data in the context of the Virtual Observatory (VO). It is the first Proposed Recommendation defined by International Virtual Observatory Alliance, and has obtained wide support from both the VO community and many Astronomy projects. OpenOffice.org is a mature, open source, front office applications suite with the advantage of native support of industrial standard OpenDocument XML file format. Using the VOFilter, VOTable files can be loaded in OpenOffice.org Calc, a spreadsheet application, and then displayed and analyzed as other spreadsheet files. Here, the VOFilter acts as a connector, bridging the coming VO with current industrial office applications. Virtual Observatory and technical background of the VOFilter are introduced. Its workflow, installation and usage are presented. Existing problems and limitations are also discussed together with the future development plans.Comment: Accepted for publication in ChJAA (9 pages, 2 figures, 185KB
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