31 research outputs found

    Nonlinear supratransmission in multicomponent systems

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    A method is proposed to solve the challenging problem of determining the supratransmission threshold (onset of instability of harmonic boundary driving inside a band gap) in multicomponent nonintegrable nonlinear systems. It is successfully applied to the degenerate three-wave resonant interaction in a birefringent quadratic medium where the process generates spatial gap solitons. No analytic expression is known for this model showing the broad applicability of the method to nonlinear systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Variational solution of the Gross-Neveu model; 2, finite-N and renormalization

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    We show how to perform systematically improvable variational calculations in the O(2N) Gross-Neveu model for generic N, in such a way that all infinities usually plaguing such calculations are accounted for in a way compatible with the renormalization group. The final point is a general framework for the calculation of non-perturbative quantities like condensates, masses, etc..., in an asymptotically free field theory. For the Gross-Neveu model, the numerical results obtained from a "two-loop" variational calculation are in very good agreement with exact quantities down to low values of N

    Energy transmission in the forbidden bandgap of a nonlinear chain

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    A nonlinear chain driven by one end may propagate energy in the forbidden band gap by means of nonlinear modes. For harmonic driving at a given frequency, the process ocurs at a threshold amplitude by sudden large energy flow, that we call nonlinear supratransmission. The bifurcation of energy transmission is demonstrated numerically and experimentally on the chain of coupled pendula (sine-Gordon and nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations) and sustained by an extremely simple theory.Comment: LaTex file, 6 figures, published in Phys Rev Lett 89 (2002) 13410

    Nonlinear magnetoinductive transmission lines

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    Power transmission in one-dimensional nonlinear magnetic metamaterials driven at one end is investigated numerically and analytically in a wide frequency range. The nonlinear magnetic metamaterials are composed of varactor-loaded split-ring resonators which are coupled magnetically through their mutual inductances, forming thus a magnetoiductive transmission line. In the linear limit, significant power transmission along the array only appears for frequencies inside the linear magnetoinductive wave band. We present analytical, closed form solutions for the magnetoinductive waves transmitting the power in this regime, and their discrete frequency dispersion. When nonlinearity is important, more frequency bands with significant power transmission along the array may appear. In the equivalent circuit picture, the nonlinear magnetoiductive transmission line driven at one end by a relatively weak electromotive force, can be modeled by coupled resistive-inductive-capacitive (RLC) circuits with voltage-dependent capacitance. Extended numerical simulations reveal that power transmission along the array is also possible in other than the linear frequency bands, which are located close to the nonlinear resonances of a single nonlinear RLC circuit. Moreover, the effectiveness of power transmission for driving frequencies in the nonlinear bands is comparable to that in the linear band. Power transmission in the nonlinear bands occurs through the linear modes of the system, and it is closely related to the instability of a mode that is localized at the driven site.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD: A Variational Approach

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    We develop a "variational mass" expansion approach, recently introduced in the Gross--Neveu model, to evaluate some of the order parameters of chiral symmetry breakdown in QCD. The method relies on a reorganization of the usual perturbation theory with the addition of an "arbitrary quark mass mm, whose non-perturbative behaviour is inferred partly from renormalization group properties, and from analytic continuation in mm properties. The resulting ansatz can be optimized, and in the chiral limit m→0m \to 0 we estimate the dynamical contribution to the "constituent" masses of the light quarks Mu,d,sM_{u,d,s}; the pion decay constant FπF_\pi and the quark condensate <qˉq>< \bar q q >.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Variational solution of the Gross-Neveu model; 1, the large-N limit

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    In this first paper we begin the application of variational methods to renormalisable asymptotically free field theories, using the Gross-Neveu model as a laboratory. This variational method has been shown to lead to a numerically convergent sequence of approximations for the anharmonic oscillator. Here we perform a sample calculation in lowest orders, which shows the superficially disastrous situation of variational calculations in quantum field theory, and how in the large-N limit all difficulties go away, as a warm up exercise for the finite-N case and for QCD