65 research outputs found

    Fiber-Optic Communications

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    Transparències de l'assignatura "Comunicacions Òptiques" del curs 4B d'enginyeria de telecomunicacions.2010/201

    A universal specification for multicore fiber crosstalk

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In order to transition multi-core fiber (MCF) technologies from their research state to volume production, the key design specifications have to be broadly agreed upon, first and foremost an acceptable level of inter-core crosstalk per unit length. Against common belief, we show that MCF crosstalk requirements per unit length are fairly independent of transmission distance in the context of modern coherent optical communication systems. As a consequence, a single value for the tolerable inter-core crosstalk per unit length can be used to specify MCFs, valid from metropolitan (~100 km) to trans-pacific (~10 000 km) deployment scenarios. The notion of a universal inter-core crosstalk specification allows for application-independent MCF designs (including a distance-independent optimum core density) and will facilitate the standardization and volume manufacturing of MCF.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Full-Field, Carrier-Less, Polarization-Diversity, Direct Detection Receiver based on Phase Retrieval

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    We realize dual-polarization full-field recovery using intensity only measurements and phase retrieval techniques based on dispersive elements. 30-Gbaud QPSK waveforms are transmitted over 520-km standard single-mode fiber and equalized from the receiver outputs using 2X2 MIMO

    Evaluation of probabilistic constellation shaping performance in Flex Grid over multicore fiber dynamic optical backbone networks [Invited]

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    In this paper, we present a worst-case methodology for estimating the attainable spectral efficiency over end-to-end paths across a Flex Grid over multicore fiber (MCF) optical network. This methodology accounts for physical link noise, as well as for the signal-to-noise ratio in the Add module (SNR TX ) of spatial-division-multiplexing-enabled reconfigurable optical add and drop multiplexers (SDM-ROADMs), introducing a dominant noise contribution over that of their Bypass and Drop modules. The proposed methodology is subsequently used to quantify the benefits that probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS) can bring to Flex-Grid/MCF dynamic optical backbone networks, compared to using traditional polarization-multiplexed modulation formats. In a first step, insight is provided into the spectral efficiency attainable along the precomputed end-to-end paths in two reference backbone networks, either using PCS or traditional modulation formats. Moreover, in each one of these networks, two SNR TX values are identified: the SNR TX yielding the maximum average paths’ spectral efficiency, as well as an SNR TX that, although slightly degrading the average paths’ spectral efficiency (by 10%), would yet enable a cost-effective SDM-ROADM Add module implementation. Extensive simulations are conducted to analyze PCS offered load gains under 1% bandwidth blocking probability. Furthermore, the study lastly focuses on finding out whether lower fragmentation levels in Flex-Grid/MCF dynamic optical backbone networks can push PCS benefits even further.Funding: Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2020-118011GB-C21, PID2020-118011GB-C22, RED2018-102585-T).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Actituds i comportaments dels alumnes davant del treball matemàtic fora de l'aula

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    En l'article "Treballem la matemàtica fora de l'aula", publicat en el primer número d'aquesta mateixa revista, reflexionàvem sobre la conveniència de fer activitats matemàtiques al carrer. En concret, prevèiem la realització d'un joc de ciutat matemàtic al voltant de la catedral de Tarragona. Després d'haver portat a terme aquesta experiència amb alumnes de 6è, 7è i 8è d'EGB, us oferim la valoració que hem fet de les actituds, comportaments i reaccions d'aquests alumnes durant l'execució d'aquest joc de ciutat i de l'activitat complementària que l'acompanya

    Treballem les matemàtiques fora de l’aula

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    Sovint s’utilitza el material didàctic per reforçar l’ensenyament i aprenentatge del càlcul, de la mesura i de la geometria. També força sovint prenem exemples de la realitat exterior per reforçar l’assimilació d’alguns coneixements. Però això només són models de la realitat. Si la volem presentar als alumnes amb tota la seva globalitat i complexitat, no ens queda cap més remei, ens cal sortir fora de l’aula, fora de l’escola a treballar les matemàtiques

    Cost-effective spatial super-channel allocation in Flex-Grid/MCF optical core networks

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    Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) is a key technology to cope with the bandwidth limitations of single mode fibers. Multi-Core Fibers (MCFs) are considered as a promising candidate technology to implement SDM, due to their low inter-core crosstalk (ICXT), experimentally proven in laboratory prototypes. Among the different channel allocation options making use of the newly enabled space dimension, the so-called spatial super-channel (Spa-SCh) is the most likely solution to be implemented, given the inherent cost reduction of the joint-switching operation (i.e., jointly switching a spectrum portion in all MCF cores at once). This work targets the cost-effective Spa-SCh allocation over MCF-enabled Flex-Grid optical core networks. To this goal, state-of-the-art 22-core MCFs are assumed, although the proposed solutions are applicable to any MCF type. In particular, we propose and evaluate a partial-core assignment as a cost-effective strategy to improve spectrum utilization and save Capital Expenditure (CapEx) costs by minimizing the number of optical transceivers used per Spa-SCh. Numerical results reveal that reductions up to 44% and 33% in the number of active transceivers in the network can be obtained in national- and continental-wide backbone networks, respectively, without affecting the network Grade-of-Service (GoS), measured in terms of Bandwidth Blocking Probability (BBP). To evaluate the impact of the ICXT, we also compare the performance of the MCF scenarios under study against equivalent Multi-Fiber (MF) ones. From the obtained results, ICXT in MCF scenarios requires the utilization of less efficient modulation formats, which reduces the admissible offered network load by up to 17% for a 1% BBP target. Furthermore, this lower spectral efficiency also demands an increase of the symbol rate per sub-channel up to a 26%, a key indicator of the modulator electronic complexity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Random number generation by coherent detection of quantum phase noise

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    In 2010 Qi et al. [Opt. Lett. 35(3), 312 (2010)] demonstrated a random number generator based on the drift of the phase of a laser due to spontaneous emission, The out-of-the-lab implementation of this scheme presents two main drawbacks: it requires a long and highly unbalanced interferometer to generate a random phase with uniform probability distribution, or alternatively, a shorter and slightly unbalanced interferometer that notwithstanding requires active stabilization and does not generate a uniform probability distribution without randomness extraction. Here we demonstrate that making use of the random nature of the phase difference between two independent laser sources and two coherent detectors we can overcome these limitations. The two main advantages of the system demonstrated are: i) it generates a probability distribution of quantum origin which is intrinsically uniform and thus in principle needs no randomness extraction for obtaining a uniform distribution, and ii) the phase is measured with telecom equipment routinely used for high capacity coherent optical communications. The speed of random bit generation is determined by the photodetector bandwidth and the linewidth of the lasers. As a by-product of our method, we have obtained images of how phase noise develops with time in a laser. This provides a highly visual alternative way of measuring the coherence time of a laser.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Una introducció a la proporcionalitat en forma de taller

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    Un dels aspectes més problemàtics de l'ensenyament de les Matemàtiques és el de la introducció del concepte de la proporcionalitat. Diem problemàtic, ja que comporta un canvi en l'estructura mental dels nostres alumnes. Fins a l'estudi d'aquest concepte els alumnes han treballat dins del marc d'una estructura additiva, si exceptuem evidentment l'estudi de la multiplicació/divisió i les fraccions (Vergnaud, 1983), i és precisament en aquest moment quan han de fer el canvi cap a la consolidació de l'estructura multiplicativa. Una estructura en la qual hauran de desenvolupar el seu pensament a partir d'aquest moment; això obliga a una introducció clara i entenedora del raonament proporcional