322 research outputs found

    Classical Ottoman Socio-Economic System and Waqfs

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    Osmanlılar, devletlerine “devlet-i alıyye-i ebed müddet” adını vermişlerdi. Osmanlı devleti bu adı hak edercesine uzun yaşamış siyasi sistemlerden biri olmayı, oluşturduğu sosyal-iktisadi düzen sayesinde başarmıştır. Bu düzenin idamesinde vakıfların hayati denilecek çok önemli katkıları oldu. Ama Osmanlı düzeni de aynı derecede önemli katkıları ile vakıf kurumuna yepyeni boyutlar kazandırmayı başarmıştır.Ottomans called their state with the name “the great state of eternity”. The fact that the Ottoman State was one of the long-lived political regimes and hence rightly deserving the attribution of such a ‘title’ was achieved by virtue of its socio-economic system. There were vitally important contributions of the waqfs into the sustainability of such a socio-economic system. On the other hand, however, the Ottoman state had succeeded in implementing radically new dimensions to the waqf institutions through equally significant contributions

    Osteomalazili hastalarda vitamin D tedavisine verilen cevabın değerlendirilmesi

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    Introduction: The current study aimed to examine the relationship between 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels and demographic, clinical and laboratory parameters and response to treatment in patients living in a Central Anatolian city of Turkey and diagnosed with osteomalacia.Methods: A total of 533 patients who live in the continental climate, older than 18 years old, and have 25(OH)D levels lower than 30 ng/ml were enrolled prospectively. Patients' age, body mass index (BMI), type of clothing, season in which they were diagnosed, type of treatment and duration were recorded. At the time of diagnosis, the patients were evaluated with clinical and laboratory parameters at 1st, 2nd, and 4th months.Results: Mean serum 25(OH)D level was 7.59±4.41 ng/mL at the time of diagnosis. 25(OH)D level was 24.42±14.77 ng/ml after treatment, with severe deficiency ( 0.05). However, as BMI increased, the response given to the treatment decreased.Conclusions: The current study showed that vitamin D deficiency is common in study population. The current findings demonstrate that treatment and follow-up should be continued until achieving normal serum 25(OH)D levels, taking into account geographic and ethnical structures to bring vitamin D levels to adequate levels.Giriş: Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin bir Orta Anadolu kentinde yaşayan, osteomalazi tanısı alan hastalarda 25 hidroksivitamin D [25(OH)D] düzeylerinin demografik, klinik ve laboratuvar parametreleriyle olan ilişkisi ve tedaviye yanıtının incelenmesi amaçlandı.Yöntem: Karasal iklimdeki şehirde, 25(OH)D 18 yaşından büyük olan 533 hasta prospektif olarak dahil edildi. Hastaların yaşı, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), giyim şekli, tanı aldığı mevsim, tedavi şekli ve süresi kaydedildi. Hastalar tanı anında, 1., 2. ve 4. aylarda klinik ve laboratuvar parametreleri ile değerlendirildi.Bulgular: Tanı anında ortalama serum 25(OH)D 7,59±4,41 ng/mL idi. Hastaların %74’ünde ciddi eksiklik (0,05). Ancak VKİ arttıkça tedaviye verilen cevabın azaldığı bulundu.Sonuç: Bu çalışma, bölgemizde vitamin D eksikliğinin yaygın olarak görüldüğünü ortaya koymuştur. Bulgularımız D vitamini düzeyini yeterli seviyeye çıkarmak için coğrafik ve etnik yapıların da göz önünde bulundurularak, normal serum 25(OH)D düzeyine ulaşıncaya kadar tedavi ve takibe devam edilmesi gerektiğini göstermektedir

    A biological perspective on interpreting interaction effect

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    Factorial experiments are commonly employed in agricultural research as in other branches of applied sciences. In these experiments, inferences related to the interaction are essential. However, many researchers are still unable to analyze this type of experiment and interpret the results in the correct way. This is because researchers focus on interpreting the main effects although there is a significant interaction effect. Of course, meaningful main effects can exist even in the presence of an interaction, especially if interactions do not affect the main effects. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand thoroughly in which situations only the interaction effect(s), in which cases only the main effect(s), and in which cases the interpretation of the main effects will be meaningful although the interaction effect is significant. In this study, evaluating factorial experiments has been discussed in detail, especially in studies related to animal science. It has also been focused on the importance of considering both statistical and practical significance while interpreting the statistical analysis results

    Evaluating performance and determining optimum sample size for regression tree and automatic linear modeling

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    This study was carried out for two purposes: comparing performances of Regression Tree and Automatic Linear Modeling and determining optimum sample size for these methods under different experimental conditions. A comprehensive Monte Carlo Simulation Study was designed for these purposes. Results of simulation study showed that percentage of explained variation estimates of both Regression Tree and Automatic Linear Modeling was influenced by sample size, number of variables, and structure of variance covariance matrix. Automatic Linear Modeling had higher performance than Regression Tree under all experimental conditions. It was concluded that the Regression Tree required much larger samples to make stable estimates when comparing to Automatic Linear Modeling

    Genetic parameters and genetic trend of some yield traits of Holstein Friesian cattle population in Tropical Region (Teke)

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    This study was conducted to determine the milk yield and reproduction characteristics, genetic trend, and breeding values of Holstein cattle reared in Teke region (Antalya, Burdur, Denizli, and Isparta provinces) of Turkey. In this study, 9844 lactation and reproductive records of Holstein Friesian dairy cattle for the period of 2010 to 2017 were used. For this purpose, variance components and the heritability were calculated based on calving interval (CI) and number of inseminations per conception (NIC) from fertility characteristics and lactation length (LL), 305-day milk yield (305 DMY), and dry period (DP). It was determined that CI, NIC, LL, 305 DMY, and DP were 0.11, 0.10, 0.11, 0.33, and 0.01, respectively. The genetic trend of 305 DMY was 111.5 kg/year. The average breeding value was negative between 2005 and 2009 and positive between 2010 and 2015. In conclusion, the fact that especially 305 DMY heritability was generally higher in this study than the values reported by other studies conducted in Turkey and the genetic trend for 305 DMY was positive and high indicates that breeding value of Holstein cattle in the Teke region is high. Therefore, it can be recommended to continue the pedigree breeding of Holstein cattle in this region, keep pedigree and yield records meticulously, estimate breeding values for selecting animals with superior yield characteristics and using them in future generations, and include current biotechnological methods in breeding program to increase the efficiency in selection. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V

    Velocity distribution in natural streams

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    Velocity profiles were investigated for a natural stream by entropy theory. Flow was measured by Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) at different times and periods during seven site visits on the Sarımsaklı stream, which flows through central Anatolia in Turkey. Entropy parameter M was calculated with two different approaches. One of them is linear distribution between mean and maximum velocities at these stations and the entropy parameter was calculated as M=2.9. Second one is the best entropy parameter which can be calculated by using umax and zmax for measured verticals and found as M=2.83. Both approaches show good harmony with the measured data along the verticals. Errors between measured (um) and calculated (uc) velocities for the whole depths were calculated. The relative mean errors for the seven measurements and each vertical is determined as 5.65% for the SDE (Sarımsaklı Dam Entrance) station

    A Study on the Relationship between the Levels of Loneliness and Smartphone Addiction of Students who are Studying at the Faculty of Sports Science

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between loneliness and smartphone addiction of students studying at the faculty of sports sciences. The study was conducted with the correlational survey method. The study group consisted of a total of 281 students, 61 females (21.7%) and 220 males (78.3%). In the study, Mobile telephone addiction scale developed by Sar, Ayas, and Horzum (2015) was used to investigate the mobile phone addiction levels of the participants. Loneliness scale developed by Demir (1989) was used to measure loneliness levels. According to the results of the study, there was no statistically significant difference between loneliness and smartphone addiction of students according to gender and academic achievement variables. On the other hand, there was a significant difference between loneliness and smartphone addiction according to the departments of the students. Looking at the relationship between loneliness and smartphone addiction levels, it was concluded that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between all sub-dimensions of smartphone addiction and smartphone addiction total score

    Milk Yield And Reproductive Traits Of Holstein Cattle Population İn Turkey

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    Çalışmada Türkiye’de yetiştirilen Siyah Alaca sığırların süt ve döl verim kayıtları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Türkiye Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Merkez Birliği’ne bağlı işletmelere ait 1992-2012 yıllarının ait verileri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, 10 ilden seçilen 194408 laktasyon kaydı değerlendirilmiş olup 305 gün süt verimi (305 GSV), laktasyon süresi (LS), kuruda kalma süresi (KKS) ve buzağılama aralığı (BA) özelliklerine ait parametreler ve doğum yılı, laktasyon sırası, buzağılama ayı, il ve buzağılama yaşının bu özelliklere etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada 305 GSV, LS, KKS ve BA özellekliklerine ait ortalamalar sırasıyla 6010±3,480, 364,33±0,184, 61,78±0,067 ve 416,59±0,270 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, doğum yılı, laktasyon sırası, buzağılama ayı, il ve buzağılama yaşının 305 GSV, LS, KKS ve BA üzerine etkisi istatistik olarak önemli bulunurken (p0,05). Turkey Holstein Friesian dairy cattle population 305 GSV was increased to the years (p <0.01) and LS, KKS and BA were found to be not similar for years. These parameters could be used as selection criteria and to increase the success of the selection in breeding studies

    Twıp Çeliklerinin Debriyaj Kapağı Rijitlik Davranışlarının İncelenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi-- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2017Conference Paper -- İstanbul Technical University, Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2017Bu çalışmanın amacı kuru kavramalı debriyajlarda sıkça kullanılan endüstriyel çeliklere alternatif olarak son yıllarda otomotiv sektöründe talep görmeye başlayan TWIP980 çeliğinin debriyajlarda kullanılmasının incelenmesi ve çalışma koşulları altında debriyaj kapaklarının rijitlik farkının karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesidir. Kapak rijitliğinin fonksiyonelliğe olan etkisinin yüksek öneme sahip olmasından dolayı çalışma koşullarına göre optimize edilmesi gerekir. TWIP çelikleri (Eşleştirme ile indüklenen plastisite) gelişmiş yüksek mukavemetli çeliklerin (AHHS) bir üyesidir, yüksek mukavemet ve uzama oranlarından dolayı hafifleştirme çalışmalarında çok tercih edilen çelikler arasına katılmıştır. CO2 emisyon azaltımı, enerji tasarrufu, maliyet tasarrufu gibi birçok avantajları mevcuttur. Bu makalede DD14 ve TWIP980 çeliklerinin debriyaj kapağındaki rijitlik davranışları karşılaştırmalı FEA analizleri ile incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre endüstriyel çelik malzeme kalınlığına göre %50 daha ince TWIP çeliği kullanıldığında kapak rijitliğinde endüstriyel çeliğe göre %76 düşüş olmaktadır. Bu durum debriyaj gibi hassas fonksiyonelliğe sahip olan komponentlerde AHHS çelikleri için ileri analiz aşamalarının gerekliliğini göstermektedir.The aim of this study is to investigate the usage of TWIP980 steel in clutches which have been demanded in automotive sector recently as an alternative to industrial steels and to compare the stiffness difference of clutch covers between industrial mild steel and TWIP980 under operating conditions. Since the cover stiffness has high effect on functioning, it needs to be well optimized according to the operating conditions. TWIP steels are a member of advanced high strength steels (AHHS) which are highly preferred steels due to high strength and elongation ratios for lightening studies. CO2 emission reduction, energy saving, cost saving are the main advantages of TWIP steels. In this article, the stiffness behavior of industrial mild steel and TWIP980 steels in the clutch cover was investigated by comparative FEA analysis. According to the analysis results, If the TWIP steel is 50% thinner than the DD14 steel material thickness, cover stiffness would be 76% lower than the industrial mild steel. This condition shows that for the clutch components which has precise functionality AHHS steels usage needs to be deeply investigated