5,619 research outputs found

    IMPULSE moment-by-moment test:An implicit measure of affective responses to audiovisual televised or digital advertisements

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    IMPULSE is a novel method for detecting affective responses to dynamic audiovisual content. It is an implicit reaction time test that is carried out while an audiovisual clip (e.g., a television commercial) plays in the background and measures feelings that are congruent or incongruent with the content of the clip. The results of three experiments illustrate the following four advantages of IMPULSE over self-reported and biometric methods: (1) being less susceptible to typical confounds associated with explicit measures, (2) being easier to measure deep-seated and often nonconscious emotions, (3) being better able to detect a broad range of emotions and feelings, and (4) being more efficient to implement as an online method.Published versio

    Development of indole sulfonamides as cannabinoid receptor negative allosteric modulators

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    This Letter was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (SULSA) in 2011Peer reviewedPostprin

    Sooo Sweeet!:Presence of long vowels in brand names lead to expectations of sweetness

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    Throughout the history of languages, poets and writers have used linguistic tools to enhance euphony in their creations. One of the widely used tools to convey melody in any written (or spoken) creative art form is the use of long vowels. This paper examines the linkages between long (vs. short) vowel sounds and taste expectations of sweetness. Across four studies, we demonstrate that people expect products with brand names containing long vowels to taste sweeter than those including short vowel sounds. In studies 1 and 2, we demonstrate this association with the use of self-reported measures, and in studies 3 and 4, we employ indirect measures (implicit taste-shape correspondence and Single Category Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT) paradigm) to show the effect holds at a subconscious level of processing. Previous research in this field has typically linked vowel position (high vs. low or front vs. back) with product or brand attribute expectations. This paper contributes to the growing body of literature in this field by demonstrating the importance of vowel length in sound symbolism, and more precisely, how it pertains to the taste continuum.Published versio

    Walking Toward a Convergence in Aging Research

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    Onion gene expression in response to ethylene and 1-MCP

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    Onion is regarded as a non-climacteric vegetable. In onions, however, ethylene can suppress sprouting while the ethylene binding inhibitor, 1-MCP (1- methylcyclopropene) can also suppress sprout growth yet, it is unknown how ethylene and 1-MCP elicit the same response. In this study, onions were treated with 10 μL L-1 ethylene or 1 μL L-1 1-MCP individually or in combination for 24 h at 20°C before or after curing (six weeks) at 20 or 28°C then stored at 1°C. Following curing, a subset of these same onions was stored separately under continuous air or ethylene (10 μL L- 1) at 1°C Onions treated with ethylene and 1-MCP in combination after curing for 24 h had reduced sprout growth as compared with the control 25 weeks after harvest. Sprout growth following storage beyond 25 weeks was only reduced through continuous ethylene treatment. This observation was supported by a higher proportion of down-regulated genes characterised as being involved in photosynthesis measured using a newly developed onion microarray. Physiological and biochemical data suggested that ethylene was being perceived in the presence of 1-MCP since sprout growth was reduced in onions treated with 1-MCP and ethylene applied in combination but not when applied individually. A cluster of probes representing transcripts up-regulated by 1-MCP alone but down-regulated by ethylene alone or in the presence of 1-MCP support this suggestion. Ethylene and 1-MCP both down52 regulated a probe tentatively annotated as an ethylene receptor as well as EIN3, suggesting that both treatments down-regulate the perception and signalling events of ethylene

    La investigación turística publicada en revistas turísticas y no turísticas: análisis bibliométrico de la producción de las universidades catalanas

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    Los objetivos de este estudio son analizar la producción científica sobre turismo en Cataluña y explorar las diferencias entre las revistas turísticas y no turísticas. Mediante un análisis bibliométrico y de contenido, se muestra la producción desde varios ángulos: la distribución de la producción entre autores, centros y revistas; los tipos de revistas; las temáticas y regiones investigadas; y las disciplinas científicas empleadas. Una conclusión es el importante papel que han desempeñado las revistas no turísticas, especialmente las geográficas, en la difusión del conocimiento turístico

    Aspectos epidemiológicos del dolor en pacientes con cefalea tensional

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    Fundamento. La cefalea tensional es la más prevalente de las cefaleas primarias tanto en atención primaria, como en medicina del trabajo o en las consultas de neurología, con importantes repercusiones en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Para efectuar un tratamiento de fisioterapia, es necesario conocer las características de la cefalea y su posible etiología, valorar los aspectos que pueden ser modificados, seleccionando así el más eficaz. El objetivo es analizar los aspectos epidemiológicos de la cefalea tensional en una muestra de pacientes, características de su dolor, diferencias sociodemográficas observadas e intensidad de sus crisis de dolor. Métodos. La muestra está formada por 84 pacientes diagnosticados de cefalea tensional, de entre 18-65 años, evaluados mediante entrevista clínica estructurada. No-validada, con selección previa y participación voluntaria. Resultados y Conclusiones. De los 84 pacientes, todos ellos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y respondieron a la entrevista, el 81% eran mujeres con edad media de 39,76 años (dt 11,38). El 36,9% siente dolor en la zona occipital, el 35,7% en la zona interparietal y el 27,4% en la región frontal. El 97,6% padecían dolor bilateralmente, el 81% refirieron dolor no pulsátil, y de severidad media a moderada el 92,9%. En el 71,4% el dolor no aumentaba con la actividad física. La intensidad media del dolor fue de 6,49 (dt 1,69). La mitad de los pacientes refirieron que el dolor se desencadena por la tos, al sonarse, al esfuerzo, o con la ingesta de alcohol. El mayor factor de agravación es el estrés (70,2%), aliviándoles la relajación en el 50% de los casos. La cefalea tensional es más frecuente en las mujeres, con edades en torno a los 40 años y con antecedentes familiares de cefaleas primarias. El dolor es de características holocraneales por lo general, aunque con predominio de irradiación en la zona occipital e interparietal, afectan con intensidad media, se agravan por el estrés, y se alivian con las técnicas de relajación y con el sueño.Background. Tension-type headache is the most prevalent type of primary headaches, both in primary health care and occupational medicine or in neurology consultations, with important repercussions on patients’ quality of life. To carry out a physiotherapy treatment, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the headache and its probable etiology, and take into account the aspects that can be modified, in order to choose the most effective treatment. The objective is to analyse the epidemiological aspects of tension-type headache in a sample of patients, characteristics of their pain, observed socio-demographic differences and intensity of their pain crises. Methods. The sample is made up of 84 patients diagnosed with tension-type headache, assessed through structured clinical interview. Not validated, with previous selection and voluntary participation. Results and Conclusions. Out of 84 patients, all of them met the inclusion criteria and replied to the interview), 81% were women, with mean age of 39,76 years (sd 11,38); 36,9% feeling pain in the occipital region, 35,7% in the interparietal area and 27.4% in the frontal region. 97,6% suffered from bilateral pain, 81% described non-throbbing pain, and 92,9% related pain of medium to moderate severity. In 71,4% of cases pain did not increase with physical activity. The average intensity of pain was 6,49 (sd 1,69). Half the patients related that the pain was triggered off by cough, during exertion and when blowing their nose, or with alcohol intake. The biggest aggravation factor was stress (70,2%), and patients were relieved by relaxation techniques in 50% of cases. Tension-type headache is more frequent in women, with approximate mean age of 40 years and with history of primary headaches in their family. The generalised characteristics of the pain affect with medium intensity pain to the whole head, with more predominance in interparietal and occipital regions, gets worse with stress and is relieved by relaxation and sleep