11 research outputs found
Analysis of ITT scan bearing package (bearing package S/N 7-1004)
A geostationary operational environments satellite (GOES) East-West scan-bearing assembly was examined after having completed two and one-half years of operation. The following results were found: (1) lubrication breakdown was found in both bearings; (2) patchy wear-bands running only approximately half-way around the races indicated a load distribution in the ball groups consistent with a very low preload; (3) contact angles of 31.2 deg (S/N 1004) and 28.7 deg (S/N 1004A) were found in bearings whose contact angles are supposed to be 20+/-2 deg; and (4) contamination was present in the bearings
Design of a high-speed reliable ball bearing
A high-speed, reliable ball bearing has been designed for at least fifteen years of operation in space effectors, MWA's, and RWA's. Advanced bearing concepts have been used in this design, such as: no ball retainer, which eliminates all retainer-related problems; an external lubricazing system that will supply the lubricant at a specified flow rate; and a cartridge assembly that will allow the instrument user to purchase a ready to use bearing assembly, with lubricator. Currently, two assemblies are on life test at 12,000 RPM and have accumulated over 20,000 hours each, with consistent low-torque losses. This paper will describe each of the salient features
Touchdown Ball-Bearing System for Magnetic Bearings
The torque-limited touchdown bearing system (TLTBS) is a backup mechanical-bearing system for a high-speed rotary machine in which the rotor shaft is supported by magnetic bearings in steady-state normal operation. The TLTBS provides ball-bearing support to augment or supplant the magnetic bearings during startup, shutdown, or failure of the magnetic bearings. The TLTBS also provides support in the presence of conditions (in particular, rotational acceleration) that make it difficult or impossible to control the magnetic bearings or in which the magnetic bearings are not strong enough (e.g., when the side load against the rotor exceeds the available lateral magnetic force)
Development of software that can predict damper curves on shock absorbers
This thesis features the development of a software program with a plot function (a setting bank) for data curves, obtained when car dampers are tested in a dynamometer, which measures forces at given velocities. Advanced dampers have many different adjusting possibilities and it was desired to collect data about this for a number of damper types, in a software program that can be used to predict damper curves without having to perform actual tests. The goal was to make it easier for customers (mostly consisting of competitions teams) to test and evaluate different settings to a chosen damper in a fast and simple way, without having to use expensive testing equipment that also is a big time consumer. The project was performed at Öhlins USA Inc. in Hendersonville, North Carolina. It is a subsidiary to Öhlins Racing AB, that manufactures performance shock absorbers for cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles and ATVs for both competition and commercial use. The project was initiated by evaluating and deciding different measuring methods, to see what equipment would be used and how the data collection would be performed. A literature study was also performed to get a better understanding about dampers and their functioning and anatomy. Work began by collecting empirical data at different velocities for a number of different settings, with a dynamometer. Because of the number of possible settings and the time elapse when collecting data, all settings were not actually collected. Most of them were instead calculated mathematically from the collected data. This resulted in data consisting of forces and velocities for a great number of damper settings. Both internal (when hardware in the damper is changed) and external (when changes are made to the hardware). When the data collection and the calculations were done, the software program itself was created with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visual Basic. The software lets the user select a damper type and its settings and then plot a graph that corresponds to the damper curve that would be obtained in a real testing rig. The results of the project was a working setting bank that can plot damper curves for a number of Öhlins damper models, by using the collected and calculated data. To increase the accuracy of the curves towards reference data, future studies might need to be performed which uses even better mathematical models and considers flow resistance in the damper
Development of software that can predict damper curves on shock absorbers
This thesis features the development of a software program with a plot function (a setting bank) for data curves, obtained when car dampers are tested in a dynamometer, which measures forces at given velocities. Advanced dampers have many different adjusting possibilities and it was desired to collect data about this for a number of damper types, in a software program that can be used to predict damper curves without having to perform actual tests. The goal was to make it easier for customers (mostly consisting of competitions teams) to test and evaluate different settings to a chosen damper in a fast and simple way, without having to use expensive testing equipment that also is a big time consumer. The project was performed at Öhlins USA Inc. in Hendersonville, North Carolina. It is a subsidiary to Öhlins Racing AB, that manufactures performance shock absorbers for cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles and ATVs for both competition and commercial use. The project was initiated by evaluating and deciding different measuring methods, to see what equipment would be used and how the data collection would be performed. A literature study was also performed to get a better understanding about dampers and their functioning and anatomy. Work began by collecting empirical data at different velocities for a number of different settings, with a dynamometer. Because of the number of possible settings and the time elapse when collecting data, all settings were not actually collected. Most of them were instead calculated mathematically from the collected data. This resulted in data consisting of forces and velocities for a great number of damper settings. Both internal (when hardware in the damper is changed) and external (when changes are made to the hardware). When the data collection and the calculations were done, the software program itself was created with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visual Basic. The software lets the user select a damper type and its settings and then plot a graph that corresponds to the damper curve that would be obtained in a real testing rig. The results of the project was a working setting bank that can plot damper curves for a number of Öhlins damper models, by using the collected and calculated data. To increase the accuracy of the curves towards reference data, future studies might need to be performed which uses even better mathematical models and considers flow resistance in the damper
Development of software that can predict damper curves on shock absorbers
This thesis features the development of a software program with a plot function (a setting bank) for data curves, obtained when car dampers are tested in a dynamometer, which measures forces at given velocities. Advanced dampers have many different adjusting possibilities and it was desired to collect data about this for a number of damper types, in a software program that can be used to predict damper curves without having to perform actual tests. The goal was to make it easier for customers (mostly consisting of competitions teams) to test and evaluate different settings to a chosen damper in a fast and simple way, without having to use expensive testing equipment that also is a big time consumer. The project was performed at Öhlins USA Inc. in Hendersonville, North Carolina. It is a subsidiary to Öhlins Racing AB, that manufactures performance shock absorbers for cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles and ATVs for both competition and commercial use. The project was initiated by evaluating and deciding different measuring methods, to see what equipment would be used and how the data collection would be performed. A literature study was also performed to get a better understanding about dampers and their functioning and anatomy. Work began by collecting empirical data at different velocities for a number of different settings, with a dynamometer. Because of the number of possible settings and the time elapse when collecting data, all settings were not actually collected. Most of them were instead calculated mathematically from the collected data. This resulted in data consisting of forces and velocities for a great number of damper settings. Both internal (when hardware in the damper is changed) and external (when changes are made to the hardware). When the data collection and the calculations were done, the software program itself was created with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visual Basic. The software lets the user select a damper type and its settings and then plot a graph that corresponds to the damper curve that would be obtained in a real testing rig. The results of the project was a working setting bank that can plot damper curves for a number of Öhlins damper models, by using the collected and calculated data. To increase the accuracy of the curves towards reference data, future studies might need to be performed which uses even better mathematical models and considers flow resistance in the damper
Motivation och yrkesval : Vad driver studenter att vilja arbeta som managementkonsult?
Vad som motiverar olika grupper har länge diskuteras och har varit en viktig del i hur företag är strukturerade och hur de arbetar. Arbetsuppgifter och arbetsformer är föränderliga och på senare tid har rollen som konsult vuxit fram som en frekvent förekommande och även attraktiv arbetsform. Ett av de mest attraktiva yrkena för studenter är yrket som managementkonsult, vilket är ett varierande men påfrestande yrke med relativt låg finansiell ersättning per nedlagd tid. Denna attraktion säger till viss del emot vad erkända motivationsteorier menar motiverar dessa personer och därmed studenters val av yrke. Uppfattningar om Generation Y, personer födda mellan 1979-1994, menar att finansiella belöningar är viktigt för denna grupp. Samtidigt menar Self-determination Theory att detta borde tränga bort den inre motivationen, som enligt undersökningar gjorda för uppsatsen, är viktig i val av yrke. Enligt dessa undersökningar attraheras respondenterna inte till yrket som managementkonsult på grund av pengarna. Det är framförallt personlig utveckling samt intressanta och varierande arbetsuppgifter som lockar personer som studerar management. Vidare har det påvisats viktigt att få lära ut sin kunskap till andra, vilket ligger i linje med yrkets karaktär. Det sistnämnda kan vara en trend som gjort konsult som arbetsform attraktivt, vilket är öppet för vidare forskning. Även de indikationer som visat att den finansiella ersättningen är mindre viktig i val av yrke i Uppsala och kanske även Sverige kan undersökas djupare, i kontrast mot att undersökningarna för uppfattningarna om Generation Y är gjorda i USA
Motivation och yrkesval : Vad driver studenter att vilja arbeta som managementkonsult?
Vad som motiverar olika grupper har länge diskuteras och har varit en viktig del i hur företag är strukturerade och hur de arbetar. Arbetsuppgifter och arbetsformer är föränderliga och på senare tid har rollen som konsult vuxit fram som en frekvent förekommande och även attraktiv arbetsform. Ett av de mest attraktiva yrkena för studenter är yrket som managementkonsult, vilket är ett varierande men påfrestande yrke med relativt låg finansiell ersättning per nedlagd tid. Denna attraktion säger till viss del emot vad erkända motivationsteorier menar motiverar dessa personer och därmed studenters val av yrke. Uppfattningar om Generation Y, personer födda mellan 1979-1994, menar att finansiella belöningar är viktigt för denna grupp. Samtidigt menar Self-determination Theory att detta borde tränga bort den inre motivationen, som enligt undersökningar gjorda för uppsatsen, är viktig i val av yrke. Enligt dessa undersökningar attraheras respondenterna inte till yrket som managementkonsult på grund av pengarna. Det är framförallt personlig utveckling samt intressanta och varierande arbetsuppgifter som lockar personer som studerar management. Vidare har det påvisats viktigt att få lära ut sin kunskap till andra, vilket ligger i linje med yrkets karaktär. Det sistnämnda kan vara en trend som gjort konsult som arbetsform attraktivt, vilket är öppet för vidare forskning. Även de indikationer som visat att den finansiella ersättningen är mindre viktig i val av yrke i Uppsala och kanske även Sverige kan undersökas djupare, i kontrast mot att undersökningarna för uppfattningarna om Generation Y är gjorda i USA
Motivation och yrkesval : Vad driver studenter att vilja arbeta som managementkonsult?
Vad som motiverar olika grupper har länge diskuteras och har varit en viktig del i hur företag är strukturerade och hur de arbetar. Arbetsuppgifter och arbetsformer är föränderliga och på senare tid har rollen som konsult vuxit fram som en frekvent förekommande och även attraktiv arbetsform. Ett av de mest attraktiva yrkena för studenter är yrket som managementkonsult, vilket är ett varierande men påfrestande yrke med relativt låg finansiell ersättning per nedlagd tid. Denna attraktion säger till viss del emot vad erkända motivationsteorier menar motiverar dessa personer och därmed studenters val av yrke. Uppfattningar om Generation Y, personer födda mellan 1979-1994, menar att finansiella belöningar är viktigt för denna grupp. Samtidigt menar Self-determination Theory att detta borde tränga bort den inre motivationen, som enligt undersökningar gjorda för uppsatsen, är viktig i val av yrke. Enligt dessa undersökningar attraheras respondenterna inte till yrket som managementkonsult på grund av pengarna. Det är framförallt personlig utveckling samt intressanta och varierande arbetsuppgifter som lockar personer som studerar management. Vidare har det påvisats viktigt att få lära ut sin kunskap till andra, vilket ligger i linje med yrkets karaktär. Det sistnämnda kan vara en trend som gjort konsult som arbetsform attraktivt, vilket är öppet för vidare forskning. Även de indikationer som visat att den finansiella ersättningen är mindre viktig i val av yrke i Uppsala och kanske även Sverige kan undersökas djupare, i kontrast mot att undersökningarna för uppfattningarna om Generation Y är gjorda i USA