21 research outputs found

    Geith (Karl-Ernst). Carolus Magnus: Studien zur Darstellung Karls des Grossen in der deutschen Literatur des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts

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    Gellinek Christian. Geith (Karl-Ernst). Carolus Magnus: Studien zur Darstellung Karls des Grossen in der deutschen Literatur des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 61, fasc. 3, 1983. Langues et littératures modernes — Moderne taal- en letterkunde. pp. 634-637

    Geith (Karl-Ernst). Carolus Magnus: Studien zur Darstellung Karls des Grossen in der deutschen Literatur des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts

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    Gellinek Christian. Geith (Karl-Ernst). Carolus Magnus: Studien zur Darstellung Karls des Grossen in der deutschen Literatur des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 61, fasc. 3, 1983. Langues et littératures modernes — Moderne taal- en letterkunde. pp. 634-637

    Going Dutch – gone American:Germans settling North America

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    This book demonstrates the most important features of the migration process of Germans, mostly from the North and Northwest, to North America (US and Canada) during the 17th to the 20th centuries. Two thirds of the places founded or cofounded by German settlers in North America bear "North" German names, one third "South" German names. This non-linear distribution pattern is indirectly dependent on the old dividing line called "Benrather Linie", separating distinctive speech patterns. These in turn influenced the name giving of places in Germany according to the multi-volume Deutsche Städtebücher. In the US this distribution pattern is rather exact, in Canada it is less pronounced. This phenomenon is governed by a sort of perceptual geography, and by the·old, ultimately Hanseatic, custom of cohesion or cohort feeling

    Visio Thurkilli, relatore, ut videtur, Radulpho de Coggeshall, Ă©d. Paul Gerhard Schmidt, 1978

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    Gellinek Christian. Visio Thurkilli, relatore, ut videtur, Radulpho de Coggeshall, éd. Paul Gerhard Schmidt, 1978. In: Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 24e année (n°95-96), Juillet-décembre 1981. pp. 310-311

    A propos du système de pouvoir dans la « Chanson de Roland »

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    Gellinek Christian. A propos du système de pouvoir dans la « Chanson de Roland ». In: Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 19e année (n°73), Janvier-mars 1976. pp. 39-46

    "Those damn' Dutch":The beginning of German immigration in North America during the Thirty Years War

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    This ethnographic study focuses on one strong component of the American mosaic. Its sociohistorical data narrate briefly the fate of two generations of early "Dutch", that is, Low-German speaking immigrants from the Northwestern German Territories. Tables and maps illustrate the traces left by these settlers from the time of their early arrival in 1607, rather than later on in 1683. The areas of settlement stretch from Virginia to Maine. Mostly coastal dwellers, quite often of Friesian extraction, they had less trouble communicating in 17th century Seaboard English than was hitherto assumed. This lively written study aims at readers interested in roots, in genealogical and technological heritage, in a stream of proto-Americans, and in early Americana in general. In short, it is for students and teachers of the New World, where the English sea captain John Smith once swore about "those damn' Dutch" who, behind his back in 1608, would build homes for the Indians near Fort James, Virginia