1,071 research outputs found
Dissipative Taylor-Couette flows under the influence of helical magnetic fields
The linear stability of MHD Taylor-Couette flows in axially unbounded
cylinders is considered, for magnetic Prandtl number unity. Magnetic fields
varying from purely axial to purely azimuthal are imposed, with a general
helical field parameterized by \beta=B_\phi/B_z. We map out the transition from
the standard MRI for \beta=0 to the nonaxisymmetric Azimuthal MagnetoRotational
Instability (AMRI) for \beta\to \infty. For finite \beta, positive and negative
wave numbers m, corresponding to right and left spirals, are no longer
identical. The transition from \beta=0 to \beta\to\infty includes all the
possible forms of MRI with axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric modes. For the
nonaxisymmetric modes, the most unstable mode spirals in the opposite direction
to the background field. The standard (\beta=0) MRI is axisymmetric for weak
fields (including the instability with the lowest Reynolds number) but is
nonaxisymmetric for stronger fields. If the azimuthal field is due in part to
an axial current flowing through the fluid itself (and not just along the
central axis), then it is also unstable to the nonaxisymmetric Tayler
instability, which is most effective without rotation. For large \beta this
instability has wavenumber m=1, whereas for \beta\simeq 1 m=2 is most unstable.
The most unstable mode spirals in the same direction as the background field.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure
Recent Results From the Opportunity Rover's Exploration of Endeavour Crater, Mars
The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity is beginning its 11th year of exploration and as of sol 3535 (1/3/14 UTC) has traversed 38,729 m (based on wheel turns) across the plains of Meridiani and the rim of the approx. 22 km wide Noachian Endeavour Crater. Opportunity has investigated ancient sulfate-rich sand-stones (Burns formation) that dominate the plains and formed in ancient playa and dune environments, characterized impact breccias (Shoemaker formation) and their aqueous alteration on Endeavour's Cape York rim segment, and investigated extensive aqueous alteration of rocks on Cape York's Matijevic Hill that stratigraphically underlie Shoemaker formation and predate the Endeavour-forming event. In this abstract results from Opportunity's recent exploration of Endeavour's rim are covered, focusing on comparing what was found on Matijevic Hill with observations acquired on Murray Ridge, where Opportunity will spend its sixth winter at Cook Haven
PYTi-NiCr Signatures in the Columbia Hills are Present in Certain Martian Meteorites
Uniquely high levels of phosphorus and titanium were observed in several samples [1-3] by the APXS x-ray fluorescence measurements as the MER Spirit rover climbed Husband Hill (Columbia Hills, Gusev crater, Mars). A careful study of many such samples and their geochemical variability has revealed additional elements in this pattern, and that the derived multi-element signature is also unambiguously manifested in several martian meteorites
Chemical Alteration on Mars Indicated by the Iron-Manganese Ratio
The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometers (APXS) onboard the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) have measured the chemical compositions of over 400 samples on the surface of Mars. Fe and Mn are among the elements which are well established by this instrumentation. Fe2+ and Mn2+ have nearly the same ionic radii and distribute similarly in primary igneous rocks, maintaining a consistent Fe:Mn ratio. Upon exposure to an oxidative weathering environment, Fe 3+ and Mn4+ are commonly formed, and elemental fractionation can occur. Thus, altered samples will typically exhibit a Fe:Mn ratio different from precursor materials
Automated Grouping of Opportunity Rover Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer Compositional Data
The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) conducts high-precision in situ measurements of rocks and soils on both active NASA Mars rovers. Since 2004 the rover Opportunity has acquired around 440 unique APXS measurements, including a wide variety of compositions, during its 42+ kilometers traverse across several geological formations. Here we discuss an analytical comparison algorithm providing a means to cluster samples due to compositional similarity and the resulting automated classification scheme. Due to the inherent variance of elements in the APXS data set, each element has an associated weight that is inversely proportional to the variance. Thus, the more consistent the abundance of an element in the data set, the more it contributes to the classification. All 16 elements standard to the APXS data set are considered. Careful attention is also given to the errors associated with the composition measured by the APXS - larger uncertainties reduce the weighting of the element accordingly. The comparison of two targets, i and j, generates a similarity score, S(sub ij). This score is immediately comparable to an average ratio across all elements if one assumes standard weighted uncertainty. The algorithm facilitates the classification of APXS targets by chemistry alone - independent of target appearance and geological context which can be added later as a consistency check. For the N targets considered, a N by N hollow matrix, S, is generated where S = S(sup T). The average relation score, S(sub av), for target N(sub i) is simply the average of column i of S. A large S(sub av) is indicative of a unique sample. In such an instance any targets with a low comparison score can be classified alike. The threshold between classes requires careful consideration. Applying the algorithm to recent Marathon Valley targets indicates similarities with Burns formation and average-Mars-like rocks encountered earlier at Endeavour Crater as well as a new class of felsic rocks
Postcards from Mars: Insights into Martian Geochemical Processes from the Curiosity Rover
With the successful landing of the Mars Curiosity Rover
in August 2012, we now have the most capable geochemical
laboratory ever to travel to another planet roving Mars’ Gale
crater. The geochemical instrument suite includes the
Chemistry Camera (ChemCam), which uses a laser to vaporize
geologic targets and performs atomic emission spectroscopy
on the vapor from distances of up to 7m. This provides a
geochemical surveying capability that enables rapid
identification of unique specimens and accumulation of a large
set of rock and fines compositions as the rover traverses. The
Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) provides high
quality “bulk” elemental analyses for major, minor and a few
trace elements through a touch deployment on the surface of a
rock or soil, and is an upgraded version of similar instruments
previously flown to Mars. The addition of x-ray diffraction
through the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument
and volatile, isotope, and organic analyses with the Sample
Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite, give Curiosity the
capability to assess the geochemical history of the planet more
deeply than previously possible.
Both CheMin and SAM accept sieved fines from either
Curiosity’s scoop or drill. To date, sampling has occurred at
the Rocknest aeolian drift deposit and a fine-grained mudstone
called John Klein. At Rocknest, CheMin found a mix of
primary igneous minerals and amorphous materials. SAM
found that Rocknest fines contain significant bound volatiles
that can be released upon heating, largely associated with the
amorphous material. Because APXS and ChemCam data
support the fines being representative of those found at other
sites on Mars, Curiosity results show that martian fines are a
good source of water, CO2 and other volatiles that could be
leveraged by living organisms, including future human
explorers. At John Klein, early results are consistent with an
ancient aqueous habitable environment. Analyses of isotopes
and organics also provide exciting windows into martian
habitability and volatile evolution. These early geochemical
results will be discussed
Investigation of Martian Aqueous Processes Using Multiple Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) Datasets
The APXS instruments flown on the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) Spirit and Opportunity and the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity were based on the same fundamental design. The calibration effort of the MSL APXS used the same reference standards analyzed in the MER calibration which ensures that data produced by all three instruments provide the same compositional results for the same sample. This cross-calibration effort is unprecedented and allows direct comparisons and contrasts of samples analyzed at Gusev Crater by Spirit, Meridiani Planum by Opportunity, and Gale Crater by Curiosity
Silica Retention and Enrichment in Open-System Chemical Weathering on Mars
Chemical signatures of weathering are evident in the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) datasets from Gusev Crater, Meridiani Planum, and Gale Crater. Comparisons across the landing sites show consistent patterns indicating silica retention and/or enrichment in open-system aqueous alteration
Mineralogy of Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale Crater from the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin instrument
Gale crater was selected as the landing site for the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover because of orbital evidence for a variety of secondary minerals in the lower slopes of Aeolis Mons (aka Mount Sharp) that indicate changes in aqueous conditions over time. Distinct units demonstrate orbital spectral signatures of hematite, phyllosilicate (smectite), and sulfate minerals, which suggest that ancient aqueous environments in Gale crater varied in oxidation potential, pH, and water activity. Vera Rubin ridge (VRR) is the first of these units identified from orbit to have been studied by Curiosity. Orbital near-infrared data from VRR show a strong band at 860 nm indicative of hematite. Before Curiosity arrived at VRR, the hypotheses to explain the formation of hematite included (1) precipitation at a redox interface where aqueous Fe2+ was oxidized to Fe3+, and (2) acidic alteration of olivine in oxic fluids. Studying the composition and sedimentology of the rocks on VRR allow us to test and refine these hypotheses and flesh out the depositional and diagenetic history of the ridge. Here, we focus on the mineralogical results of four rock powders drilled from and immediately below VRR as determined by CheMin
Classification Scheme for Diverse Sedimentary and Igneous Rocks Encountered by MSL in Gale Crater
The Curiosity Rover landed in a lithologically and geochemically diverse region of Mars. We present a recommended rock classification framework based on terrestrial schemes, and adapted for the imaging and analytical capabilities of MSL as well as for rock types distinctive to Mars (e.g., high Fe sediments). After interpreting rock origin from textures, i.e., sedimentary (clastic, bedded), igneous (porphyritic, glassy), or unknown, the overall classification procedure (Fig 1) involves: (1) the characterization of rock type according to grain size and texture; (2) the assignment of geochemical modifiers according to Figs 3 and 4; and if applicable, in depth study of (3) mineralogy and (4) geologic/stratigraphic context. Sedimentary rock types are assigned by measuring grains in the best available resolution image (Table 1) and classifying according to the coarsest resolvable grains as conglomerate/breccia, (coarse, medium, or fine) sandstone, silt-stone, or mudstone. If grains are not resolvable in MAHLI images, grains in the rock are assumed to be silt sized or smaller than surface dust particles. Rocks with low color contrast contrast between grains (e.g., Dismal Lakes, sol 304) are classified according to minimum size of apparent grains from surface roughness or shadows outlining apparent grains. Igneous rocks are described as intrusive or extrusive depending on crystal size and fabric. Igneous textures may be described as granular, porphyritic, phaneritic, aphyric, or glassy depending on crystal size. Further descriptors may include terms such as vesicular or cumulate textures
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