238 research outputs found

    X-ray Evidence for Multiple Absorbing Structures in Seyfert Galaxies

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    We have used X-ray spectra to measure attenuating columns in a large sample of Seyfert galaxies. Over 30 of these sources have resolved radio jets, allowing the relative orientation of the nucleus and host galaxy to be constrained. We have discovered that the distribution of absorbing columns is strongly correlated with the relative orientation of the Seyfert structures. This result is inconsistent with unification models including only a torus and is instead most readily explained if a second absorber is included: in addition to a Compton-thick, parsec-scale torus there would also be a larger-scale absorber with N_H < 10^{23} cm^{-2}. The second absorber is aligned with the host galactic plane while the torus is arbitrarily misaligned.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in "Multiwavelength AGN Surveys" (Cozumel, December 8-12 2003), ed. R. Maiolino and R. Mujica, Singapore: World Scientific, 2004. Additional material may be found at http://space.mit.edu/home/jonathan/research.htm

    Chandra observation of the TeV source HESS J1834-087

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    Chandra ACIS observed the field of the extended TeV source HESS J1834-087 for 47 ks. A previous XMM-Newton EPIC observation of the same field revealed a point-like source (XMMU J183435.3-084443) and an offset region of faint extended emission. In the low-resolution, binned EPIC images the two appear to be connected. However, the high-resolution Chandra ACIS images do not support the alleged connection. Instead, in these images XMMU J183435.3-084443 is resolved into a point source, CXOU~J183434.9--084443 (L=2.5 x 10e33 ergs/s, for a distance of 4 kpc; photon index 1.1), and a compact (~20'') nebula with an isotropic morphology and a softer spectrum (L=4.2 x10e33 ergs/s, photon index 2.7). The nature of the nebula is uncertain. We discuss a dust scattering halo and a pulsar-wind nebula as possible interpretations. Based on our analysis of the X-ray data, we re-evaluate the previously suggested interpretations of HESS J1834-087 and discuss a possible connection to the Fermi LAT source 1FGL J1834.3-0842c. We also obtained an upper limit of 3 x 10e-14 ergs/s cm^2 on the unabsorbed flux of the SGR J1833--0832 (in quiescence), which happened to be in the ACIS field of view.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Highly Relativistic Kiloparsec-Scale Jet of the Gamma-Ray Quasar 0827+243

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    We present Chandra X-ray (0.2-8 keV) and Very Large Array radio (15 and 5 GHz) images of the γ\gamma-ray bright, superluminal quasar 0827+243. The X-ray jet bends sharply--by ~90 deg., presumably amplified by projection effects--5'' from the core. Only extremely weak radio emission is detected between the nuclear region and the bend. The X-ray continuum spectrum of the combined emission of the knots is rather flat, with a slope of 0.4±0.2-0.4\pm 0.2, while the 5-15 GHz spectra are steeper for knots detected in the radio. These characteristics, as well as non-detection of the jet in the optical band by the Hubble Space Telescope, pose challenges to models for the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the jet features. The SEDs could arise from pure synchrotron emission from either a single or dual population of relativistic electrons only if the minimum electron energy per unit mass γmin1000\gamma_{\min} \gtrsim 1000. Alternatively, the X-ray emission could result from inverse Compton scattering of the Cosmic Microwave Background photons by electrons with Lorentz factors as low as γ15\gamma \sim 15. In all models, the bulk Lorentz factor of the jet flow Γ20\Gamma\gtrsim 20 found on parsec scales must continue without substantial deceleration out to 800 kpc (deprojected) from the nucleus. Deceleration does appear to occur at and beyond the sharp bend, such that the flow could be only mildly relativistic at the end of the jet.Comment: 28 pages with 9 figures. Revised version corrects eq. A1 & A4 (which incorrectly divided by 4pi) and entries in tables. Minor changes are made in the text. submitted to Ap

    Variable Iron K-alpha Lines in Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We find that variability of the iron K-alpha line is common in Seyfert 1 galaxies. Using data from the ASCA archive for objects that have been observed more than once during the mission, we study the time-averaged spectra from individual observations, thereby probing variability on timescales that range from days to years. Since the statistics of the data do not warrant searches for line variability in terms of a complex physical model, we use a a simple Gaussian to model the gross shape of the line, and then use the centroid energy, intensity and equivalent width as robust indicators of changes in the line profile. We find that ~70% of Seyfert 1s (ten out of fifteen) show variability in at least one of these parameters: the centroid energy, intensity, and equivalent width vary in six, four, and eight sources respectively. Due to the low S/N, limited sampling and time averaging, we consider these results to represent lower limits to the rate of incidence of variability. In most cases changes in the line do not appear to track changes in the continuum. In particular, we find no evidence for variability of the line intensity in NGC 4151, suggesting an origin in a region larger than the putative accretion disk, where most of the iron line has been thought to originate. Mkn 279 is investigated on short timescales. The time-averaged effective line energy is 6.5 keV in the galaxy rest frame. As the continuum flux increases by 20% in a few hours, the Fe K line responds with the effective line energy increasing by 0.22 keV (~10,500 km s^-1). Problems with the ASCA and Rosat calibration that affect simultaneous spectral fits are discussed in an appendix.Comment: 26 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Observations of Magnetic Fields and Relativistic Beaming in Four Quasar Jets

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    We discuss the physical properties of four quasar jets imaged with the Chandra X-ray Observatory in the course of a survey for X-ray emission from radio jets. These objects have sufficient counts to study their spatially resolved properties, even in the 5 ks survey observations. We have acquired Australia Telescope Compact Array data with resolution matching Chandra. We have searched for optical emission with Magellan, with sub-arcsecond resolution. The radio to X-ray spectral energy distribution for most of the individual regions indicates against synchrotron radiation from a single-component electron spectrum. We therefore explore the consequences of assuming that the X-ray emission is the result of inverse Compton scattering on the cosmic microwave background. If particles and magnetic fields are near minimum energy density in the jet rest frames, then the emitting regions must be relativistically beamed, even at distances of order 500 kpc from the quasar. We estimate the magnetic field strengths, relativistic Doppler factors, and kinetic energy flux as a function of distance from the quasar core for two or three distinct regions along each jet. We develop, for the first time, estimates in the uncertainties in these parameters, recognizing that they are dominated by our assumptions in applying the standard synchrotron minimum energy conditions. The kinetic power is comparable with, or exceeds, the quasar radiative luminosity, implying that the jets are a significant factor in the energetics of the accretion process powering the central black hole. The measured radiative efficiencies of the jets are of order 10^(-4).Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journal, Part

    A survey of X-ray emission from 100 kpc radio jets

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    We have completed a Chandra snapshot survey of 54 radio jets that are extended on arcsec scales. These are associated with flat spectrum radio quasars spanning a redshift range z=0.3 to 2.1. X-ray emission is detected from the jet of approximately 60% of the sample objects. We assume minimum energy and apply conditions consistent with the original Felten-Morrison calculations in order to estimate the Lorentz factors and the apparent Doppler factors. This allows estimates of the enthalpy fluxes, which turn out to be comparable to the radiative luminosities.Comment: Conference Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 313, Extragalactic jets from every angle, pp. 219-224, 4 figure

    Continuing a Chandra Survey of Quasar Radio Jets

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    We are conducting an X-ray survey of flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) with extended radio structures. We summarize our results from the first stage of our survey, then we present findings from its continuation. We have discovered jet X-ray emission from 12 of our first 20 Chandra targets, establishing that strong 0.5-7.0 keV emission is a common feature of FSRQ jets. The X-ray morphology is varied, but in general closely matches the radio structure until the first sharp radio bend. In the sources with optical data as well as X-ray detections we rule out simple synchrotron models for X-ray emission, suggesting these systems may instead be dominated by inverse Compton (IC) scattering. Fitting models of IC scattering of cosmic microwave background photons suggests that these jets are aligned within a few degrees of our line of sight, with bulk Lorentz factors of a few to ten and magnetic fields a bit stronger than 10510^{-5} G. In the weeks prior to this meeting, we have discovered two new X-ray jets at z>1z > 1. One (PKS B1055+201) has a dramatic, 2020''-long jet. The other (PKS B1421-490) appears unremarkable at radio frequencies, but at higher frequencies the jet is uniquely powerful: its optically-dominated, with jet/core flux ratios of 3.7 at 1 keV and 380 at 480 nm.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures. To appear in `X-Ray and Radio Connections', ed. L.O. Sjouwerman and K.K. Dyer (published electronicly at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/events/xraydio/). Additional material and higher resolution figures may be found at http://space.mit.edu/home/jonathan/jets