69 research outputs found

    DTN based Management Framework for Green On/Off Networks

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    National audienceThe increasing cost of powering high performance networking infrastructure has led to the proposal of various energy saving schemes. The On/Off technique, being the most common energy saving scheme, consists of powering down partially or entirely a network infrastructure for energy saving purposes. Despite their capability to achieve great energy savings, On/Off networks experience high packet-loss rates due to the absence of reliability on packet delivery. Moreover, they cannot guarantee any response time to user applications. This paper presents the design and implementation of MFO2N; Experimental results show a correlation between offered quality of service and overall network power consumption, revealing that a trade-off should be made

    Linux-based virtualization for HPC clusters

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    International audienceThere has been an increasing interest in virtualization in the HPC community, as it would allow to easily and efficiently share computing resources between users, and provide a simple solution for checkpointing. However, virtualization raises a number of interesting questions, on performance and overhead, of course, but also on the fairness of the sharing. In this work, we evaluate the suitability of KVM virtual machines in this context, by comparing them with solutions based on Xen. We also outline areas where improvements are needed, to provide directions for future works

    Towards a Green and Sustainable Software

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    International audienceInformation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are responsible around 2% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions [1]. On the other hand, the use of mobile devices (smartphone, tablet, etc.) is continually increasing. Due to the accessibility of the Internet and the cloud computing, users will use more and more software applications which will cause even an increasing effect on gas emission. Thus, an important research question is "how can we reduce or limit the energy consumption related to ICT and, in particular, related to software?" For a long time, proposed solutions focused only on the hardware design, however in recent years the software aspects have also become important. Our first objective is to compare the studies in the research area of energy efficient/green software. Relying on this survey, we will propose a methodology to measure the energy consumed by software at runtime

    Beyond CPU: Considering Memory Power Consumption of Software

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    International audienceICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are responsible around 2% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions (Gartner, 2007). And according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) recent reports, CO2 emissions due to ICTs are increasing widely. For this reason, many works tried to propose various tools to estimate the energy consumption due to software in order to reduce carbon footprint. However, these studies, in the majority of cases, takes into account only the CPU and neglects all others components. Whereas, the trend towards high-density packaging and raised memory involve a great increased of power consumption caused by memory and maybe memory can become the largest power consumer in servers. In this paper, we model and then estimate the power consumed by CPU and memory due to the execution of a software. Thus, we perform several experiments in order to observe the behavior of each component

    A Green approach to save energy consumed by software

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    International audienceThe availability of various services (i.e. eBank, eHospital) through the cloud has facilitated daily lives. It allows to make energy and money savings by preventing people from moving to accomplish a small task (for instance see his account at the bank). Furthermore, the availability of these services through mobile devices and their widely usage has a positive impact on energy saving. It is also worthwhile to consider technology addicts developing/using applications or software when estimating the growing impact of software on energy consumption

    Document d'aide au déploiement d'IPv6 sur Grid5000

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    Ce document présente succinctement les motivations pour l'utilisation d'IPv6 dans les grilles. Une analyse des opérations nécessaires pour son déploiement dans la plateforme Grid5000 est ensuite présentée et détaillée

    On Applying DTNs to a Delay Constrained Scenario in Wired Networks

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    International audienceThe Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) architecture has been successful in addressing communication issues such as disruption, variable delay, and network parti- tioning. DTN uses intermittently available links to communicate opportunistically regardless of delivery delay. In the literature, much work has been done mainly to improve the rate of message delivery and routing algorithms. However, previous work has not focused on guaranteeing the message delivery delay in a DTN scenario. In addition, real deployments of DTN systems have so far been mostly proof-of-concepts in research projects. We address the problem of delivery delay in a wired DTN scenario where messages are moved across a time-varying graph topology whose dynamics are known in advance and can be modified. We propose a framework that guarantees bounded delivery delay of users' data. To demonstrate the feasibility of our network management approach, we evaluate our framework on a 10-node wired DTN topology deployed on the Grid5000 platfor

    A Unified Monitoring Framework for Energy Consumption and Network Traffic

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    International audienceProviding experimenters with deep insight about the effects of theirexperiments is a central feature of testbeds. In this paper, wedescribe Kwapi, a framework designed in the context of the Grid'5000testbed, that unifies measurements for both energy consumption andnetwork traffic. Because all measurements are taken at theinfrastructure level (using sensors in power and network equipment),using this framework has no dependencies on the experiments themselves.Initially designed for OpenStack infrastructures, the Kwapi framework allowsmonitoring and reporting of energy consumption of distributed platforms. Inthis article, we present the extension of Kwapi to network monitoring, andoutline how we overcame several challenges: scaling to a testbed the size ofGrid'5000 while still providing high-frequency measurements; providing long-termloss-less storage of measurements; handling operational issues when deployingsuch a tool on a real infrastructure

    DSL-Lab: a Low-power Lightweight Platform to Experiment on Domestic Broadband Internet

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    International audienceThis article presents the design and building of DSL-Lab, a platform to experiment on distributed computing over broadband domestic Internet. Experimental platforms such as PlanetLab and Grid'5000 are promising methodological approaches to study distributed systems. However, both platforms focus on high-end service and network deployments only available on a restricted part of the Internet, leaving aside the possibility for researchers to experiment in conditions close to what is usually available with domestic connection to the Internet. DSL-Lab is a complementary approach to PlanetLab and Grid'5000 to experiment with distributed computing in an environment closer to how Internet appears, when applications are run on end-user PCs. DSL-Lab is a set of 40 low-power and low-noise nodes, which are hosted by participants, using the participants' xDSL or cable access to the Internet. The objective is to provide a validation and experimentation platform for new protocols, services, simulators and emulators for these systems. In this paper, we report on the software design (security, resources allocation, power management) as well as on the first experiments achieved

    DSL-Lab: a Platform to Experiment on Domestic Broadband Internet

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    This report presents the design and building of DSL-Lab, a platform for distributed computing and peer-to-peer experiments over the domestic broadband Internet. Experimental platforms such as PlanetLab and Grid'5000 are promising methodological approaches for studying distributed systems. However, both platforms focus on high-end services and network deployments on only a restricted part of the Internet, and as such, they do not provide experimental conditions of residential broadband networks. DSL-Lab is composed of 40 low-power and noiseless nodes, which are hosted by participants, using users' xDSL or cable access to the Internet. The objective is twofold: 1) to provide accurate and customized measures of availability, activity and performance in order to characterize and tune the models of such resources~; 2) to provide an experimental platform for new protocols, services and applications, as well as a validation tool for simulators and emulators targeting these systems. In this article, we report on the software infrastructure (security, resources allocation, power management) as well as on the first results and experiments achieved
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