1,885 research outputs found

    COMX 115S.01C: Introduction to Interpersonal Communications

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    Offshore landslide hazard curves from mapped landslide size distributions

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 124(4), (2019): 3320-3334, doi:10.1029/2018JB017236.We present a method to calculate landslide hazard curves along offshore margins based on size distributions of submarine landslides. The method utilizes 10 different continental margins that were mapped by high‐resolution multibeam sonar with landslide scar areas measured by a consistent Geographic Information System procedure. Statistical tests of several different probability distribution models indicate that the lognormal model is most appropriate for these siliciclastic environments, consistent with an earlier study of the U.S. Atlantic margin (Chaytor et al., 2009, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2008.08.007). Parameter estimation is performed using the maximum likelihood technique, and confidence intervals are determined using likelihood profiles. Pairwise comparison of size distributions for the 10 margins indicates that the U.S. Atlantic and Queen Charlotte margins are different than most other margins. These margins represent end‐members, with the U.S. Atlantic margin having the highest mean scar area and the Queen Charlotte margin the lowest. We demonstrate that empirical, offshore landslide hazard curves can be developed from the landslide size distributions, if the duration of mapped landslide activity is known. This study indicates that the shape parameter of the size distribution is similar among all 10 margins, and thus, the shape of the hazard curves is also similar. Significant differences in hazard curves among the margins are therefore related to differences in mean sizes and, potentially, differences in the duration of landslide activity.The authors gratefully acknowledge the constructive comments of this manuscript by Joshu Mountjoy, Tom Parsons, and anonymous reviewer. We also thank Yehuda Ben Zion for managing this manuscript and the scientists who provided the bathymetry data. Margin and landslide polygon shape files and information on bathymetry data sources are available at GSA Repository item number 2016187.2019-10-0

    Activation of Extracellular-signal Regulated Kinase (ERK1/2) by Fluid Shear is Ca\u3csup\u3e2+\u3c/sup\u3e- and ATP-dependent in MC3T3-E1 Osteoblasts

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    To determine the role of Ca2+ signaling in activation of the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) pathway, we subjected MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblastic cells to inhibitors of Ca2+ signaling during application of fluid shear stress (FSS). FSS only activated ERK1/2, rapidly inducing phosphorylation within 5 min of the onset of shear. Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 (pERK1/2) was significantly reduced when Cai2+ was chelated with BAPTA or when Ca2+ was removed from the flow media. Inhibition of both the L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel and the mechanosensitive cation-selective channel blocked FSS-induced pERK1/2. Inhibition of phospholipase C with U73122 significantly reduced pERK1/2. This inhibition did not result from blockage of intracellular Ca2+ release, but a loss of PKC activation. Recent data suggests a role of ATP release and purinergic receptor activation in mechanotransduction. Apyrase-mediated hydrolysis of extracellular ATP completely blocked FSS-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2, while the addition of exogenous ATP to static cells mimicked the effects of FSS on pERK1/2. Two P2 receptors, P2Y2 and P2X7, have been associated with the anabolic responses of bone to mechanical loading. Using both iRNA techniques and primary osteoblasts isolated from P2X7 knockout mice, we found that the P2X7, but not the P2Y2, purinergic receptor was involved in ERK1/2 activation under FSS. These data suggest that FSS-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation requires Ca2+-dependent ATP release, however both increased Cai2+ and PKC activation are needed for complete activation. Further, this ATP-dependent ERK1/2 phosphorylation is mediated through P2X7, but not P2Y2, purinergic receptors

    Otra cara de América. Los Brigadistas y su legado de esperanza

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    Este libro rinde homenaje a un grupo de hombres y mujeres justos y generosos. Frente a eso que llaman globalización, un mundo sin fronteras para el dinero, bienvenida sea esta reivindicación del internacionalismo de la solidaridad humana. De cada tres voluntarios de la Brigada Lincoln, uno cayó peleando por España, y bajo tierra española quedó. Ellos sentían que en España se estaba jugando el destino de la libertad en el mundo, y sabían lo que confirmó, muchos años después, Salvador Allende, en un país del sur que también es América: "Vale la pena morir por las cosas sin las cuales no vale la pena vivir". Los brigadistas que sobrevivieron, y regresaron a los Estados Unidos, fueron castigados, perseguidos, despojados, calumniados. Han pasado los años, y ya son pocos los que pueden contar esta historia. Pero ellos siguen cometiendo la porfiada diablura de luchar y de amar: con un pie en la tumba y el otro pie bailando, como dice uno de los aquí retratados

    Enabling EASEY deployment of containerized applications for future HPC systems

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    The upcoming exascale era will push the changes in computing architecture from classical CPU-based systems in hybrid GPU-heavy systems with much higher levels of complexity. While such clusters are expected to improve the performance of certain optimized HPC applications, it will also increase the difficulties for those users who have yet to adapt their codes or are starting from scratch with new programming paradigms. Since there are still no comprehensive automatic assistance mechanisms to enhance application performance on such systems, we are proposing a support framework for future HPC architectures, called EASEY (Enable exASclae for EverYone). The solution builds on a layered software architecture, which offers different mechanisms on each layer for different tasks of tuning. This enables users to adjust the parameters on each of the layers, thereby enhancing specific characteristics of their codes. We introduce the framework with a Charliecloud-based solution, showcasing the LULESH benchmark on the upper layers of our framework. Our approach can automatically deploy optimized container computations with negligible overhead and at the same time reduce the time a scientist needs to spent on manual job submission configurations.Comment: International Conference on Computational Science ICCS2020, 13 page

    Size distribution of submarine landslides and its implication to tsunami hazard in Puerto Rico

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 33 (2006): L11307, doi:10.1029/2006GL026125.We have established for the first time a size frequency distribution for carbonate submarine slope failures. Using detailed bathymetry along the northern edge of the carbonate platform north of Puerto Rico, we show that the cumulative distribution of slope failure volumes follows a power-law distribution. The power-law exponent of this distribution is similar to those for rock falls on land, commensurate with their interpreted failure mode. The carbonate volume distribution and its associated volume-area relationship are significantly different from those for clay-rich debris lobes in the Storegga slide, Norway. Coupling this relationship with tsunami simulations allows an estimate of the maximum tsunami runup and the maximum number of potentially damaging tsunamis from landslides to the north shore of Puerto Rico

    Robust Receptive Vocabulary Instruction for Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities Who Use AAC

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    Robust vocabulary instruction is an important part of comprehensive English language arts (ELA) instruction. Vocabulary instruction supports students in learning the meaning of words to build a receptive vocabulary that they can rely on to comprehend the words they read and hear. Many students with significant cognitive disabilities (SCD) and complex communication needs (CCN) struggle to read or understand grade-level words, concepts, and texts. Explicit vocabulary instruction can play an important role in addressing this area of need. Addressing the vocabulary needs of students with SCD and CCN in a comprehensive way calls for a greater investment of instructional time to build their receptive vocabulary and conceptual understandings of new vocabulary. It calls for leveraging the high frequency expressive vocabulary students are likely to have available on their augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems to make meaningful connections and demonstrate their understanding of new vocabulary. The aim is successful comprehension across ELA and other academic domains through a robust and expanding receptive vocabulary that extends beyond the words commonly programmed onto AAC systems. Finally, vocabulary instruction should be one part of a comprehensive approach to ELA instruction, with substantial time and effort also devoted to reading and writing instruction so that one day students with SCD and CCN can use spelling and writing to bridge the gap between the words they know and the words they have access to use expressively