5 research outputs found

    Human cerebellum and corticocerebellar connections involved in emotional memory enhancement

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    Emotional information is better remembered than neutral information. Extensive evidence indicates that the amygdala and its interactions with other cerebral regions play an important role in the memory-enhancing effect of emotional arousal. While the cerebellum has been found to be involved in fear conditioning, its role in emotional enhancement of episodic memory is less clear. To address this issue, we used a whole-brain functional MRI approach in 1,418 healthy participants. First, we identified clusters significantly activated during enhanced memory encoding of negative and positive emotional pictures. In addition to the well-known emotional memory-related cerebral regions, we identified a cluster in the cerebellum. We then used dynamic causal modeling and identified several cerebellar connections with increased connection strength corresponding to enhanced emotional memory, including one to a cluster covering the amygdala and hippocampus, and bidirectional connections with a cluster covering the anterior cingulate cortex. The present findings indicate that the cerebellum is an integral part of a network involved in emotional enhancement of episodic memory

    Resting-state functional connectivity remains unaffected by preceding exposure to aversive visual stimuli

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    While much is known about immediate brain activity changes induced by the confrontation with emotional stimuli, the subsequent temporal unfolding of emotions has yet to be explored. To investigate whether exposure to emotionally aversive pictures affects subsequent resting-state networks differently from exposure to neutral pictures, a resting-state fMRI study implementing a two-group repeated-measures design in healthy young adults (N = 34) was conducted. We focused on investigating (i) patterns of amygdala whole-brain and hippocampus connectivity in both a seed-to-voxel and seed-to-seed approach, (ii) whole-brain resting-state networks with an independent component analysis coupled with dual regression, and (iii) the amygdala's fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations, all while EEG recording potential fluctuations in vigilance. In spite of the successful emotion induction, as demonstrated by stimuli rating and a memory-facilitating effect of negative emotionality, none of the resting-state measures was differentially affected by picture valence. In conclusion, resting-state networks connectivity as well as the amygdala's low frequency oscillations appear to be unaffected by preceding exposure to widely used emotionally aversive visual stimuli in healthy young adults

    The brain’s functional architecture and its links to emotion processing and episodic memory during the resting-state and an encoding task

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    Episodic memory, i.e., the conscious memory for personally experienced events within a particular spatio-temporal context, and emotion processing represent salient features of the clinical picture of many mental disorders, and are tightly intertwined with cognitive functioning. Over the past three decades, cognitive neuroscience research using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has seen two major shifts: firstly, a shift away from region- based to network-based modeling of brain function, and, secondly, more credit is given to the state of the brain during rest. Alongside this progress, substantial advances in fMRI technology and analysis methods have been achieved. There has also been an increase in awareness of the importance of statistical power and inter-individual variability in brain function. The acknowledgment that the brain works as a network consisting of interacting subnetworks and brain regions, a concept falling under the term functional connectivity, has been a milestone in the field of fMRI-based cognitive neuroscience. This PhD project sought to combine these developments to investigate the brain’s functional architecture in relation to episodic memory and emotion processing in healthy young adults. To investigate whether exposure to emotionally aversive pictures affects subsequent resting-state networks differently from exposure to neutral pictures, Study 1 incorporated a resting-state EEG-fMRI study (n = 34), in which we focused on investigating (i) patterns of amygdala whole-brain and hippocampus connectivity, (ii) whole-brain resting-state networks, and (iii) the amygdala's regional low-frequency fluctuations, all while EEG-recording potential fluctuations in vigilance. Despite the successful emotion induction, none of the resting-state measures was differentially affected by picture valence. In Study 2, the major aim was to address the extent to which differential brain responsivity during encoding might explain inter-individual differences in episodic memory performance. For this purpose, we analyzed a large sample of adults (n = 1,434) who underwent a picture encoding task in a single MR scanner. Complementing a voxel-based with a network-based approach, Study 2 found that responsivity in some of the regions implicated in successful encoding, as well as responsivity of six functional connectivity networks (FCN), were associated with inter-individual differences in memory performance. Alongside these two core projects, two other studies, based on the sample from Study 2, looked into emotional memory. Study 3 aimed at investigating the involvement of functional activation clusters and their interactions in the effect of emotional memory enhancement (n = 1,418). The results underline the involvement of cortico-cerebellar interactions and localized cerebellar activity. Finally, Study 4 used prediction modeling to investigate FCN responsivity to negative pictures and its links to behavior (n = 1,147). The primary objectives were to (i) assess which FCNs are important for negative picture encoding, (ii) detect subjects with peculiarities in FCN responsivity, and (iii) find links between peculiarities between this measure and emotion-related behavioral phenotypes. The main finding was that individuals with peculiarities in network responsivity to negative pictures tend to also have peculiarities in an emotion-related behavioral phenotype. Overall, this work has strengthened the central assumption that the brain functions as a network during states of resting and episodic memory encoding. The temporal unfolding of emotion processing seems to be not reflected in a subsequent state of rest (Study 1). Brain activity during a task of encoding can be summarized to robust FCNs. The responsivity of six of these FCNs is linked to later free recall performance of the encoded stimuli (Study 2). The cerebellum and its interactions with the cerebrum are involved in emotional memory enhancement (Study 3). Among the healthy, there are individuals with peculiar emotion responsivity on a neurofunctional level (Study 4), a finding which sets the path for future studies to investigate whether it could be a neurofunctional marker for being in an antecedent stage to develop a mental disorder. Together, the findings point to a multifactorial nature of complex behavior. Identifying neurofunctional markers based on inter-individual differences in memory and emotion processing may open the possibility for studying associations with other phenotypes, such as psychological traits, genetic or epigenetic makeup, or individual metabolomic profiles. Our work contributes to the growing understanding of the neurofunctional underpinnings of emotion processing and episodic memory

    Neurofunctional underpinnings of individual differences in visual episodic memory performance

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    Abstract Episodic memory, the ability to consciously recollect information and its context, varies substantially among individuals. While prior fMRI studies have identified certain brain regions linked to successful memory encoding at a group level, their role in explaining individual memory differences remains largely unexplored. Here, we analyze fMRI data of 1,498 adults participating in a picture encoding task in a single MRI scanner. We find that individual differences in responsivity of the hippocampus, orbitofrontal cortex, and posterior cingulate cortex account for individual variability in episodic memory performance. While these regions also emerge in our group-level analysis, other regions, predominantly within the lateral occipital cortex, are related to successful memory encoding but not to individual memory variation. Furthermore, our network-based approach reveals a link between the responsivity of nine functional connectivity networks and individual memory variability. Our work provides insights into the neurofunctional correlates of individual differences in visual episodic memory performance