31 research outputs found

    Trading on Preconceptions: Why World War I Was Not a Failure of Economic Interdependence

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    World War I is generally viewed by both advocates and critics of commercial liberal theory as the quintessential example of a failure of economic integration to maintain peace. Yet this consensus relies on both methodologically flawed inference and an incomplete accounting of the antecedents to the war. Crucially, World War I began in a weakly integrated portion of Europe with which highly integrated powers were entangled through the alliance system. Crises among the highly interdependent European powers in the decades leading up to the war were generally resolved without bloodshed. Among the less interdependent powers in Eastern Europe, however, crises regularly escalated to militarized violence. Moreover, the crises leading to the war created increased incentives for the integrated powers to strengthen commitments to their less interdependent partners. In attempting to make these alliances more credible, Western powers shifted foreign policy discretion to the very states that lacked strong economic disincentives to fight. Had globalization pervaded Eastern Europe, or if the rest of Europe had been less locked into events in the east, Europe might have avoided a “Great War.” </jats:p

    Interpreting the First World War in Benjamin Britten\u27s "War Requiem"

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    "In seinem War Requiem stellte der Komponist, selbst bekennender Pazifist, 17 Jahre nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges, die Verbindung zum Ersten Weltkrieg her, indem er den lateinischen Requiemstext mit Kriegsgedichten des englischen Offiziers Wilfred Owen verflocht, stets von MĂ€nnersolostimmen gesungen." Das Requiem wurde 1962 in der von deutschen Bomben zerstörten und neu aufgebauten Kathedrale von Coventry uraufgefĂŒhrt. Der Autor analysiert dies in humanistischer Sichtweise, um es fĂŒr den fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifenden (Projekt-)Unterricht - z.B. im Geschichts-, Musik-, Religions- oder Philosophieunterricht, aber auch im Englischunterricht - fĂŒr die Lehrervorbereitung anzubieten. Er behandelt die Dramaturgie in Text und Musikstruktur dieses Requiems und geht dabei auch auf die symboltrĂ€chtige UrauffĂŒhrung ein. (DIPF/Orig./av)The "War Requiem" was first performed in 1962 in the by German bombs destroyed and rebuilt Coventry Cathedral. The autor analyzes it in a humanistic view in order to offer it for a cross-disciplinary project as teaching in history, music, religion or philosophy classes, but also in English for the teacher preparation. He outlines the dramatic text and musical structure of the Requiem, and goes into the symbolic world premiere

    Ethnic cleansing, massacres and genocide. A historical reflection essay

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    Dieser Geschichtsaufsatz behandelt das in der Überschrift umrissene schwierige Thema in historisch ĂŒbergreifender Perspektive. Er weist moralisierende Sichtweisen zurĂŒck und stellt stattdessen den geschichtlichen Vergleich in den Mittelpunkt seiner - natĂŒrlich kursorisch bleibenden - Betrachtungen. Ausgehend von der inhaltlich eskalierenden Zusammengehörigkeit von „ethnischer SĂ€uberung“, „Massaker“ und „Völkermord / Genozid“ fĂŒhrt er zahlreiche historische Beispiele an. FĂŒr eine theoretische ErklĂ€rung lehnt er neuere Nationalismustheorien als irrelevant ab und greift u. a. auf Tocquevilles: ‚Der alte Staat und die Revolution’ zurĂŒck. Er fragt danach, was zeitlich, sachsysthematisch und strukturgeschichtlich den „ethnischen SĂ€uberungen“ vorausging. So behandelt er beispielhaft die alten Imperien und den ‚Pax imperialis’, um weiter auf den Nationalstaat bis zur Französischen Revolution und danach auf neo-imperiale Nationalismen und moderne postimperiale Nachfolgestaaten nĂ€her einzugehen. Er erkennt eine tödliche Mischung aus neo-imperialen Ambitionen und der Vorstellung einer unteilbaren einheitlichen Nation und schlussfolgert, dass die einzige Alternative die Anerkennung gleichberechtigter HeterogenitĂ€ten fĂŒr alle MinoritĂ€ten ist.This historical essay deals with the difficult topic outlined in the title from a comprehensive historical perspective. It rejects a moralizing point of view and instead focuses on an historical comparative approach – that naturally remains cursory – in its analyses. Beginning with the thematically escalating connectedness of “ethnic cleansing”, “massacre” and “genocide” he lists numerous historical examples. He rejects the latest theories of nationalism as theoretical explanation, considering them irrelevant, and takes up Tocqueville’s ‘The old state and the revolution’ among others. He examines what preceded “ethnic cleansings” in time, factually and structurally. He uses old empires and ‘pax imperialis’ as examples and continues by taking a closer look at the national state up to the French revolution and then neo-imperial nationalisms and modern post-imperial successor states. He identifies a deadly mixture of neo-imperial ambitions and the notion of an indivisible unified nation, and concludes that the only alternative is the acceptance of heterogeneities with equal rights for all minorities

    Nations and Nationalism in the Modern World

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    The author surveys nation and nationalism in modern history. The author evaluates the development of these concepts in Europe, as well in nations of the Third World, specifically focusing on the important role played by India. Further, the author traces the impact of colonialism and decolonialism on the rise of nationalism, tracing also the impact of other landmark historical events such as the Cold War. The author highlights certain important factors such as pre-colonial continuities, national boundaries, imperial pan-nationalism, and ethnic sub-nationalism. The author also undertakes a chronological survey, examining the interaction of industrialisation, modernisation, and nationalism. The author also examines the impact of pre- and post-colonial conflicts and histories in Africa and Asia and its impact on the understanding of nationalism. (Editor’s abstract.

    Décolonisation et conflits post-coloniaux en Afrique. Quelques remarques préliminaires

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    Les Ă©tudes approfondies des circonstances historiques rĂ©centes de la dissolution de l’Empire colonial français nous amĂšnent Ă  examiner de plus prĂšs et dans une perspective historique plus large, certaines des plus dĂ©solantes sĂ©quelles de la dĂ©colonisation : les nombreux conflits post-coloniaux, internes ou entre Etats dĂ©colonisĂ©s, en Afrique et en Asie. AprĂšs quelques remarques gĂ©nĂ©rales, l’analyse prĂ©sentĂ©e ici concernera essentiellement l’Afrique, pour des raisons pratiques, encore qu’on ne..

    Imperialismus im 20. Jahrhundert. Gedenkschrift fĂŒr George W. F. Hallgarten

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    Radkau J, Geiss I, eds. Imperialismus im 20. Jahrhundert. Gedenkschrift fĂŒr George W. F. Hallgarten. MĂŒnchen: Beck; 1976