194 research outputs found

    Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Contains report on one research project.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DA36-039-AMC-03200(E)

    Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Contains report on one research project

    Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Contains research objectives and reports on one research project.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 36-039-AMC-03200(E

    Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Contains reports on four research projects

    Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Contains research objectives and reports on one research project

    Molecular spintronics: Coherent spin transfer in coupled quantum dots

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    Time-resolved Faraday rotation has recently demonstrated coherent transfer of electron spin between quantum dots coupled by conjugated molecules. Using a transfer Hamiltonian ansatz for the coupled quantum dots, we calculate the Faraday rotation signal as a function of the probe frequency in a pump-probe setup using neutral quantum dots. Additionally, we study the signal of one spin-polarized excess electron in the coupled dots. We show that, in both cases, the Faraday rotation angle is determined by the spin transfer probabilities and the Heisenberg spin exchange energy. By comparison of our results with experimental data, we find that the transfer matrix element for electrons in the conduction band is of order 0.08 eV and the spin transfer probabilities are of order 10%.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; minor change

    Destruction of the Mott Insulating Ground State of Ca_2RuO_4 by a Structural Transition

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    We report a first-order phase transition at T_M=357 K in single crystal Ca_2RuO_4, an isomorph to the superconductor Sr_2RuO_4. The discontinuous decrease in electrical resistivity signals the near destruction of the Mott insulating phase and is triggered by a structural transition from the low temperature orthorhombic to a high temperature tetragonal phase. The magnetic susceptibility, which is temperature dependent but not Curie-like decreases abruptly at TM and becomes less temperature dependent. Unlike most insulator to metal transitions, the system is not magnetically ordered in either phase, though the Mott insulator phase is antiferromagnetic below T_N=110 K.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications

    Fermi velocity engineering in graphene by substrate modification

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    The Fermi velocity is one of the key concepts in the study of a material, as it bears information on a variety of fundamental properties. Upon increasing demand on the device applications, graphene is viewed as a prototypical system for engineering Fermi velocity. Indeed, several efforts have succeeded in modifying Fermi velocity by varying charge carrier concentration. Here we present a powerful but simple new way to engineer Fermi velocity while holding the charge carrier concentration constant. We find that when the environment embedding graphene is modified, the Fermi velocity of graphene is (i) inversely proportional to its dielectric constant, reaching ~2.5×106\times10^6 m/s, the highest value for graphene on any substrate studied so far and (ii) clearly distinguished from an ordinary Fermi liquid. The method demonstrated here provides a new route toward Fermi velocity engineering in a variety of two-dimensional electron systems including topological insulators.Comment: accepted in Scientific Report

    Functionalized boron nitride membranes with ultrafast solvent transport performance for molecular separation

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    Pressure-driven, superfast organic solvent filtration membranes have significant practical applications. An excellent filtration membrane should exhibit high selectivity and permeation in aqueous and organic solvents to meet increasing industrial demand. Here, we report an amino functionalized boron nitride (FBN) based filtration membrane with a nanochannel network for molecular separation and permeation. This membrane is highly stable in water and in several organic solvents and shows high transport performance for solvents depending on the membranes' thickness. In addition, the FBN membrane is applicable for solute screening in water as well as in organic solvents. More importantly, the FBN membranes are very stable in acidic, alkaline and oxidative media for up to one month. The fast-flow rate and good separation performance of the FBN membranes can be attributed to their stable networks of nanochannels and thin laminar structure, which provide the membranes with beneficial properties for practical separation and purification processes

    Vibrational properties of single-wall nanotubes and monolayers of hexagonal BN

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    We report a detailed study of the vibrational properties of BN single-walled nanotubes and of the BN monolayer. Our results have been obtained from a well-established Tight-Binding model complemented with an electrostatic model to account for the long-range interactions arising from the polar nature of the material, and which are not included in the Tight-Binding model. Our study provides a wealth of data for the BN monolayer and nanotubes, such as phonon band structure, vibrational density of states, elastic constants, etc. For the nanotubes we obtain the behavior of the optically active modes as a function of the structural parameters, and we compare their frequencies with those derived from a zone-folding treatment applied to the phonon frequencies of the BN monolayer, finding general good agreement between the two.Comment: 14 pages with 10 postscript figures, to appear in PRB, January 15th 200