28 research outputs found

    The Role of China in 2 Degree World: The Needs for Change in Energy System Planning

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    AbstractChina is taking the crucial role to fulfill the global 2-degree target, which is claimed that the global temperature should be kept below 2 degrees by 2100. China is now the top CO2 emitter in the world and has much potential in carbon mitigation, and is now on the stage of its 12th five years plan and facing the problem of energy system optimization.This paper presents an assessment of possible changes in energy system planning in China within a 2 degree world. Our study is based on China-ESPT, a bottom-up and technological based optimization model with rich technical details at sectorial levels, including industry, power generation, and transportation, residential and commercial sectors. Three scenarios are designed referring to three kinds of mitigation pathways to fulfill the global 2-degree target: Equal per capita cumulative principle (EPC), grandfather principle (GF), and contraction and convergence (CC). The results show us the effect of carbon mitigation pathway, and relevant changes for energy system infrastructure, it is possible to evaluate both mitigation policies and technology innovation. Besides, we also considered the total cost for the adjustment of energy system. This analysis offers good reference and strong support for China's policy design and optimization both in short term by year 2020 and long term by year 2050. Under the 2-degree global target scheme, China should find its own way to both meet the global target as a main role and make optimal and cost-effective adjustment for energy system via a sustainable development way

    Geographic differential privacy for mobile crowd coverage maximization

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    For real-world mobile applications such as location-based advertising and spatial crowdsourcing, a key to success is targeting mobile users that can maximally cover certain locations in a future period. To find an optimal group of users, existing methods often require information about users' mobility history, which may cause privacy breaches. In this paper, we propose a method to maximize mobile crowd's future location coverage under a guaranteed location privacy protection scheme. In our approach, users only need to upload one of their frequently visited locations, and more importantly, the uploaded location is obfuscated using a geographic differential privacy policy. We propose both analytic and practical solutions to this problem. Experiments on real user mobility datasets show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art geographic differential privacy methods by achieving a higher coverage under the same level of privacy protection

    Multi-Name Credit Derivatives

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    The problem addressed in this report is that of pricing multi-name credit derivatives. These are default guarantee contracts on a basket of “names” whose default rates are correlated

    Quantifying co-benefit potentials in the Chinese cement sector during 12th Five Year Plan: an analysis based on marginal abatement cost with monetized environmental effect

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    International audienceIncreasing urbanization in China has led to growing demands for better air quality and human welfare. Global warming and local pollutants, such as SO2, NOx and PMs are the two main issues during China's development. However, these two topics are always studied separately and the co-benefits of mitigation measures are always ignored. Therefore, the interaction between carbon mitigation and local pollutant reduction measures should receive more attention. This paper presents a case study of co-benefits in the cement sector, which is the main building materials sector during urbanization. Different with the Ex-ternE methodology based on doseeresponse functions, a simplified method built upon benefit transfer is introduced to evaluate the co-benefits of mitigation measures and their impact on marginal abatement cost during 12th Five Year Plan period (2011 e2015). The result shows that the co-benefits of 18 main carbon mitigation technologies are significant when considering the environmental effect. The range of co-benefit varies from-3 RMB/tCO2 to 267 RMB/tCO2, with Co-control technologies in the upstream of the production chain have better co-benefits than downstream technologies, and energy conservation is the most critical issue in increasing co-benefits. Co-benefits should be integrated into project evaluation through various modes in order to promote the most cost-effective mitigation technologies

    Estimating the location of a camera with respect to a 3d model

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    An algorithm is presented to estimate the position of a hand-held camera with respect to a 3d world model constructed from range data and color imagery. Little prior knowledge is assumed about the camera position. The algorithm includes stages that (1) generate an ordered set of initial model-to-image mapping estimates, each accurate only in a small region of the image and of the model, (2) refinement of each initial estimate through a combination of 3d-to-2d matching, robust parameter estimation, region growth, and model selection, and (3) testing the resulting projections for accuracy, stability and randomness. A key issue during stage (2) is that initially the model-to-image mapping is well-approximated by a 2d-to-2d transformation based on a local model surface approximation, but eventually the algorithm must transition to the 3d-to-2d projection necessary to solve the position estimation problem. The algorithm accomplishes this by expanding the region along the approximation surface first and then making a transition to expand fully in 3d. The overall algorithm is shown to effectively determine the location of the camera over a 100m x 100m area of our campus. 1

    Desequilíbrio imunológico periférico mediado por células Th17/Treg em pacientes com rinite alérgica

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    Introdução: A rinite alérgica (RA) é uma doença não infecciosa da mucosa nasal mediada por IgE após o contato com alérgenos. Objetivo: Investigar as células Th17 periféricas e CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 + células T reguladoras (Treg) e a expressão sérica de citocinas em pacientes com RA. Métodos: De março a maio de 2012, foi coletado o sangue periférico de 14 pacientes com RA (grupo RA) e seis indivíduos saudáveis (grupo controle). A detecção das células Th17 e células Treg foi realizada através da citometria de fluxo e os níveis séricos de IL -17 e TGF- β1. Foram medidos por ELISA. Resultados: A percentagem de células Th17 no grupo RA foi bem maior do que no grupo controle (p < 0,01). A proporção de células Treg no grupo RA também foi drasticamente menor quando comparada ao grupo controle (p < 0,01). No grupo RA, o nível sérico de IL-17 foi significativamente maior do que no grupo controle (p < 0,01). Conclusão: O desequilíbrio de células Th17/Treg periféricas desempenha um papel importante na patogênese da RA

    Automatic robust image registration system: Initialization, estimation, and decision

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    Our goal is a highly-reliable, fully-automated image registration technique that takes two images and correctly aligns them or decides that they can not be aligned. The technique should handle image pairs having low overlap, variations in scale, large illumination differences (e.g. day and night), substantial scene changes, and different modalities. Our approach is a combination of algorithms for initialization, estimation and refinement, and decision-making. It starts by extracting and matching keypoints. Rank-ordered matches are tested individually in succession. Each is used to generate a similarity transformation estimate in a small region of each image surrounding the matched keypoints. A generalization of the recently developed Dual-Bootstrap algorithm is then applied to generate an image-wide transformation estimate through a combination of matching and reestimation, model selection, and region growing, all driven by a new multiscale feature extraction technique. After convergence of the Dual-Bootstrap, the transformation is accepted if it passes a correctness test that combines measures of accuracy, stability and non-randomness; otherwise the process starts over with the next keypoint match. Experimental results on a suite of challenging image pairs shows the effectivenss of the complete system