130 research outputs found

    Do-it-yourself: construction of a custom cDNA macroarray platform with high sensitivity and linear range

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    Background: Research involving gene expression profiling and clinical applications, such as diagnostics and prognostics, often require a DNA array platform that is flexibly customisable and cost-effective, but at the same time is highly sensitive and capable of accurately and reproducibly quantifying the transcriptional expression of a vast number of genes over the whole transcriptome dynamic range using low amounts of RNA sample. Hereto, a set of easy-to-implement practical optimisations to the design of cDNA-based nylon macroarrays as well as sample (33)P-labeling, hybridisation protocols and phosphor screen image processing were analysed for macroarray performance. Results: The here proposed custom macroarray platform had an absolute sensitivity as low as 50,000 transcripts and a linear range of over 5 log-orders. Its quality of identifying differentially expressed genes was at least comparable to commercially available microchips. Interestingly, the quantitative accuracy was found to correlate significantly with corresponding reversed transcriptase - quantitative PCR values, the gold standard gene expression measure (Pearson's correlation test p < 0.0001). Furthermore, the assay has low cost and input RNA requirements (0.5 mu g and less) and has a sound reproducibility. Conclusions: Results presented here, demonstrate for the first time that self-made cDNA-based nylon macroarrays can produce highly reliable gene expression data with high sensitivity and covering the entire mammalian dynamic range of mRNA abundances. Starting off from minimal amounts of unamplified total RNA per sample, a reasonable amount of samples can be assayed simultaneously for the quantitative expression of hundreds of genes in an easily customisable and cost-effective manner

    Expression of the Inhibitory CD200 Receptor Is Associated with Alternative Macrophage Activation

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    Classical macrophage activation is inhibited by the CD200 receptor (CD200R). Here, we show that CD200R expression was specifically induced on human in vitro polarized macrophages of the alternatively activated M2a subtype, generated by incubation with IL-4 or IL-13. In mice, peritoneal M2 macrophages, elicited during infection with the parasites Taenia crassiceps or Tryponosoma brucei brucei, expressed increased CD200R levels compared to those derived from uninfected mice. However, in vitro stimulation of mouse peritoneal macrophages and T crassiceps infection in IL-4-/- and IL-4R-/- mice showed that, in contrast to humans, induction of CD200R in mice was not IL-4 or IL-13 dependent. Our data identify CD200R as a suitable marker for alternatively activated macrophages in humans and corroborate observations of distinct species- and/or site-specific mechanisms regulating macrophage polarization in mouse and man. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base

    Development of the nanobody display technology to target lentiviral vectors to antigen-presenting cells

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    Lentiviral vectors (LVs) provide unique opportunities for the development of immunotherapeutic strategies, as they transduce a variety of cells in situ, including antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Engineering LVs to specifically transduce APCs is required to promote their translation towards the clinic. We report on the Nanobody (Nb) display technology to target LVs to dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages. This innovative approach exploits the budding mechanism of LVs to incorporate an APC-specific Nb and a binding-defective, fusion-competent form of VSV. G in the viral envelope. In addition to production of high titer LVs, we demonstrated selective, Nb-dependent transduction of mouse DCs and macrophages both in vitro and in situ. Moreover, this strategy was translated to a human model in which selective transduction of in vitro generated or lymph node (LN)-derived DCs and macrophages, was demonstrated. In conclusion, the Nb display technology is an attractive approach to generate LVs targeted to specific cell types

    FIZZ1 and Ym as Tools to Discriminate between Differentially Activated Macrophages

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    Although it is well-established that macrophages can occur in distinct activation states, the molecular characteristics of differentially activated macrophages, and particularly those of alternatively activated macrophages (aaMφ), are still poorly unraveled. Recently, we demonstrated that the expression of FIZZ1 and Ym is induced in aaMφ as compared with classically activated macrophages (caMφ), elicited in vitro or developed in vivo during infection with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. In the present study, we analyzed the expression of FIZZ1 and Ym in caMφ and aaMφ elicited during Trypanosoma congolense infection and show that the use of FIZZ1 and Ym for the identification of aaMφ is not limited to T. b. brucei infection and is independent of the organ sources from which macrophages are obtained. We also demonstrate that FIZZ1 can be used to discriminate between different populations of aaMφ. Furthermore, we studied the effects of various stimuli, and combinations thereof, on the expression of FIZZ1 and Ym in macrophages from different mouse strains and demonstrate that regulation of the expression of FIZZ1 and Ym in macrophages is not dependent on the mouse strain. Finally, we show that these genes can be used to monitor the macrophage activation status without the need to obtain pure macrophage populations

    MIF contributes to Trypanosoma brucei associated immunopathogenicity development

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    African trypanosomiasis is a chronic debilitating disease affecting the health and economic well-being of many people in developing countries. The pathogenicity associated with this disease involves a persistent inflammatory response, whereby M1-type myeloid cells, including Ly6C(high) inflammatory monocytes, are centrally implicated. A comparative gene analysis between trypanosusceptible and trypanotolerant animals identified MIF (macrophage migrating inhibitory factor) as an important pathogenic candidate molecule. Using MIF-deficient mice and anti-MIF antibody treated mice, we show that MIF mediates the pathogenic inflammatory immune response and increases the recruitment of inflammatory monocytes and neutrophils to contribute to liver injury in Trypanosoma brucei infected mice. Moreover, neutrophil-derived MIF contributed more significantly than monocyte-derived MIF to increased pathogenic liver TNF production and liver injury during trypanosome infection. MIF deficient animals also featured limited anemia, coinciding with increased iron bio-availability, improved erythropoiesis and reduced RBC clearance during the chronic phase of infection. Our data suggest that MIF promotes the most prominent pathological features of experimental trypanosome infections (i.e. anemia and liver injury), and prompt considering MIF as a novel target for treatment of trypanosomiasis-associated immunopathogenicity

    Paul Eelen : reflections on life and work

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    This manuscript is part of a special issue to commemorate professor Paul Eelen, who passed away on August 21, 2016. Paul was a clinically oriented scientist, for whom learning principles (Pavlovian or operant) were more than salivary responses and lever presses. His expertise in learning psychology and his enthusiasm to translate this knowledge to clinical practice inspired many inside and outside academia. Several of his original writings were in the Dutch language. Instead of editing a special issue with contributions of colleagues and friends, we decided to translate a selection of his manuscripts to English to allow wide access to his original insights and opinions. Even though the manuscripts were written more than two decades ago, their content is surprisingly contemporary. This introductory article presents a reflection on Paul’s career and legacy and introduces the selected manuscripts that are part of this special issue

    Anti-human PD-L1 Nanobody for immuno-PET imaging : validation of a conjugation strategy for clinical translation

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    Immune checkpoints, such as programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), limit T-cell function and tumor cells use this ligand to escape the anti-tumor immune response. Treatments with monoclonal antibodies blocking these checkpoints have shown long-lasting responses, but only in a subset of patients. This study aims to develop a Nanobody (Nb)-based probe in order to assess human PD-L1 (hPD-L1) expression using positron emission tomography imaging, and to compare the influence of two different radiolabeling strategies, since the Nb has a lysine in its complementarity determining region (CDR), which may impact its affinity upon functionalization. The Nb has been conjugated with the NOTA chelator site-specifically via the Sortase-A enzyme or randomly on its lysines. [68Ga]Ga-NOTA-(hPD-L1) Nbs were obtained in &gt;95% radiochemical purity. In vivo tumor targeting studies at 1 h 20 post-injection revealed specific tumor uptake of 1.89 ± 0.40%IA/g for the site-specific conjugate, 1.77 ± 0.29%IA/g for the random conjugate, no nonspecific organ targeting, and excretion via the kidneys and bladder. Both strategies allowed for easily obtaining 68Ga-labeled hPD-L1 Nbs in high yields. The two conjugates were stable and showed excellent in vivo targeting. Moreover, we proved that the random lysine-conjugation is a valid strategy for clinical translation of the hPD-L1 Nb, despite the lysine present in the CDR