8 research outputs found
TRANSVAC research infrastructure - Results and lessons learned from the European network of vaccine research and development
TRANSVAC was a collaborative infrastructure project aimed at enhancing European translational vaccine research and training. The objective of this four year project (2009-2013), funded under the European Commission's (EC) seventh framework programme (FP7), was to support European collaboration in the vaccine field, principally through the provision of transnational access (TNA) to critical vaccine research and development (R&D) infrastructures, as well as by improving and harmonising the services provided by these infrastructures through joint research activities (JRA). The project successfully provided all available services to advance 29 projects and, through engaging all vaccine stakeholders, successfully laid down the blueprint for the implementation of a permanent research infrastructure for early vaccine R&D in Europe
Development and qualification of the parallel line model for the estimation of human influenza haemagglutinin content using the single radial immunodiffusion assay
Infection with human influenza virus leads to serious respiratory disease. Vaccination is the most common and effective prophylactic measure to prevent influenza. Influenza vaccine manufacturing and release is controlled by the correct determination of the potency-defining haemagglutinin (HA) content. This determination is historically done by single radial immunodiffusion (SRID), which utilizes a statistical slope-ratio model to estimate the actual HA content. In this paper we describe the development and qualification of a parallel line model for analysis of HA quantification by SRID in cell culture-derived whole virus final monovalent and trivalent influenza vaccines. We evaluated plate layout, sample randomization, and validity of data and statistical model. The parallel line model was shown to be robust and reproducible. The precision studies for HA content demonstrated 3.8–5.0% repeatability and 3.8%–7.9% intermediate precision. Furthermore, system suitability criteria were developed to guarantee long-term stability of this assay in a regulated production environment. SRID is fraught with methodological and logistical difficulties and the determination of the HA content requires the acceptance of new and modern release assays, but until that moment, the described parallel line model represents a significant and robust update for the current global influenza vaccine release assay.
CTL escape and increased viremia irrespective of HIV-specific CD4+ T-helper responses in two HIV-infected individuals
We investigated whether development of mutations leads to loss of CD8 T-cell recognition in HIV-1 infection and is possibly linked to alterations in HIV-1-specific CD4+ T-cell responses in 2 HIV-infected individuals. In patient, H434 full genome sequencing of HIV-1 biological clones at early and late time points during disease progression showed development of fixed mutations in 16 predicted HIV-specific CTL epitopes. Loss of T-cell recognition and reactivity against wild-type and mutant epitopes was observed primarily for the HLA-B27-restricted KK10 epitope and HLA-A2-restricted SL9 epitope. Similarly, in patient H671, decreasing numbers of HLA-A3-restricted CD8+ T cells specific for the wild-type RK9 epitope was observed after CTL escape. Only in patient H434 loss of CTL responses was paralleled by a decrease in HIV-specific IL-2+ CD4+ T-helper responses. This suggests that loss of T-cell reactivity may not be directly linked to HIV-specific CD4+ T-cell responses but that increased viremia after CTL escape may influence CD4+ T-helper responses
Prefigurative politics and social change: a typology drawing on transition studies
Recent years have seen a surge of interest in prefigurative politics, which refers to the political strategies that model a future society on a micro level and aim to instantiate radical social change in and through practice. While most previous studies have focused on defining the concept and categorizing various types of prefiguration, this paper contributes by investigating under what circumstances prefiguration leads to revolutionary social change. The paper takes an original approach to these issues by turning to transition studies and the socio-technical change literature. This field focuses on the technical equivalence of prefiguration: namely, the relationship between small-scale niche innovations and large-scale technological transitions. Through theoretical discussions and empirical illustrations, this paper presents a typology of five transition pathways through which prefigurative strategies may result in a range of social change outcomes from reformative to revolutionary transformation