102 research outputs found

    The L&E of Intellectual Property – Do we get maximum innovation with the current regime?

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    Innovation is crucial to economic growth – the essential path for lifting much of the world population out of dire poverty and for maintaining the living standard of those who already have. To stimulate innovation, the legal system has to support the means through which innovators seek to get rewarded for their efforts. Amongst these means, some, such as the first mover advantage or 'lead time,' are not directly legal; but secrets and intellectual property rights are legal institutions supported for the specific purpose of stimulating innovation. Whilst the protection of secrets has not changed very much over recent years, intellectual property (or IP) has. IP borrows some features from ordinary property rights, but is also distinct, in that, unlike physical goods, information, the object of IP, is not inherently scarce; indeed as information and communication technologies expand, the creation and distribution of information is becoming ever cheaper and in many circumstances abundant, so that selection is of the essence ('on the internet, point of view is everything'). Where rights on information extend too far, their monopolising effect may hamper innovation. The paper investigates the underlying structure of IP rights and surveys what we know empirically about the incentive effects of IP as about industries that flourish without formal IP

    Performance evaluation of digital pulse position modulation for wavelength division multiplexing FSO systems impaired by interchannel crosstalk

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    Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) has been proposed for fibre, intersatellite, free space and indoor optical communication systems. Digital pulse position modulation (DPPM) is a more power efficient modulation format than on-off keying (OOK) and a strong contender for the modulation of free-space systems. Although DPPM obtains this advantage in exchange for a bandwidth expansion, WDM systems using it are still potentially attractive, particularly for moderate coding levels. However, WDM systems are susceptible to interchannel crosstalk and modelling this in a WDM DPPM system is necessary. Models of varying complexity, based on simplifying assumptions, are presented and evaluated for the case of a single crosstalk wavelength. For a single crosstalk, results can be straightforwardly obtained by artificially imposing the computationally convenient constraint that frames (and thus slots also) align. Multiple crosstalk effects are additionally investigated, for the most practically relevant cases of modest coding level, and using both simulation and analytical methods. In general, DPPM maintains its sensitivity advantage over OOK even in the presence of crosstalk while predicting lower power penalty at low coding level in WDM systems

    From the cell membrane to the nucleus: unearthing transport mechanisms for Dynein

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    Mutations in the motor protein cytoplasmic dynein have been found to cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, spinal muscular atrophy, and severe intellectual disabilities in humans. In mouse models, neurodegeneration is observed. We sought to develop a novel model which could incorporate the effects of mutations on distance travelled and velocity. A mechanical model for the dynein mediated transport of endosomes is derived from first principles and solved numerically. The effects of variations in model parameter values are analysed to find those that have a significant impact on velocity and distance travelled. The model successfully describes the processivity of dynein and matches qualitatively the velocity profiles observed in experiments

    LSST Science Book, Version 2.0

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    A survey that can cover the sky in optical bands over wide fields to faint magnitudes with a fast cadence will enable many of the exciting science opportunities of the next decade. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will have an effective aperture of 6.7 meters and an imaging camera with field of view of 9.6 deg^2, and will be devoted to a ten-year imaging survey over 20,000 deg^2 south of +15 deg. Each pointing will be imaged 2000 times with fifteen second exposures in six broad bands from 0.35 to 1.1 microns, to a total point-source depth of r~27.5. The LSST Science Book describes the basic parameters of the LSST hardware, software, and observing plans. The book discusses educational and outreach opportunities, then goes on to describe a broad range of science that LSST will revolutionize: mapping the inner and outer Solar System, stellar populations in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, the structure of the Milky Way disk and halo and other objects in the Local Volume, transient and variable objects both at low and high redshift, and the properties of normal and active galaxies at low and high redshift. It then turns to far-field cosmological topics, exploring properties of supernovae to z~1, strong and weak lensing, the large-scale distribution of galaxies and baryon oscillations, and how these different probes may be combined to constrain cosmological models and the physics of dark energy.Comment: 596 pages. Also available at full resolution at http://www.lsst.org/lsst/sciboo