421 research outputs found

    Entanglement of hard-core bose gas in degenerate levels under local noise

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    Quantum entanglement properties of the pseudo-spin representation of the BCS model is investigated. In case of degenerate energy levels, where wave functions take a particularly simple form, spontaneous breaking of exchange symmetry under local noise is studied. Even if the Hamiltonian has the same symmetry, it is shown that there is a non-zero probability to end up with a non-symmetric final state. For small systems, total probability for symmetry breaking is found to be inversely proportional to the system size

    Decoherence induced spontaneous symmetry breaking

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    We study time dependence of exchange symmetry properties of Bell states when two qubits interact with local baths having identical parameters. In case of classical noise, we consider a decoherence Hamiltonian which is invariant under swapping the first and second qubits. We find that as the system evolves in time, two of the three symmetric Bell states preserve their qubit exchange symmetry with unit probability, whereas the symmetry of the remaining state survives with a maximum probability of 0.5 at the asymptotic limit. Next, we examine the exchange symmetry properties of the same states under local, quantum mechanical noise which is modeled by two identical spin baths. Results turn out to be very similar to the classical case. We identify decoherence as the main mechanism leading to breaking of qubit exchange symmetry.Comment: 12 page

    Photoinduced Changes of Reflectivity in Single Crystals of YBa2Cu3O6.5 (Ortho II)

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    We report measurements of the photoinduced change in reflectivity of an untwinned single crystal of YBa2Cu3O6.5 in the ortho II structure. The decay rate of the transient change in reflectivity is found to decrease rapidly with decreasing temperature and, below Tc, with decreasing laser intensity. We interpret the decay as a process of thermalization of antinodal quasiparticles, whose rate is determined by an inelastic scattering rate of quasiparticle pairs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Invariant quantum discord in qubit-qutrit systems under local dephasing

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    We investigate the dynamics of quantum discord and entanglement for a class of mixed qubit-qutrit states assuming that only the qutrit is under the action of a dephasing channel. We demonstrate that even though the entanglement in the qubit-qutrit state disappears in a finite time interval, partial coherence left in the system enables quantum discord to remain invariant throughout the whole time evolution

    Observation of a metal-to-insulator transition with both Mott-Hubbard and Slater characteristics in Sr_2IrO_4 from time-resolved photocarrier dynamics

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    We perform a time-resolved optical study of Sr_2IrO_4 to understand the influence of magnetic ordering on the low energy electronic structure of a strongly spin-orbit coupled J_(eff) = 1/2 Mott insulator. By studying the recovery dynamics of photoexcited carriers, we find that upon cooling through the Néel temperature T_N the system evolves continuously from a metal-like phase with fast (∼50 fs) and excitation density independent relaxation dynamics to a gapped phase characterized by slower (∼500 fs) excitation density-dependent bimolecular recombination dynamics, which is a hallmark of a Slater-type metal-to-insulator transition. However our data indicate that the high energy reflectivity associated with optical transitions into the unoccupied J_(eff) = 1/2 band undergoes the sharpest upturn at TN, which is consistent with a Mott-Hubbard type metal-to-insulator transition involving spectral weight transfer into an upper Hubbard band. These findings show Sr_2IrO_4 to be a unique system in which Slater- and Mott-Hubbard-type behaviors coexist and naturally explain the absence of anomalies at T_N in transport and thermodynamic measurements

    Quantum correlations in a few-atom spin-1 Bose-Hubbard model

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    We study the thermal quantum correlations and entanglement in spin-1 Bose-Hubbard model with two and three particles. While we use negativity to calculate entanglement, more general non-classical correlations are quantified using a new measure based on a necessary and sufficient condition for zero-discord state. We demonstrate that the energy level crossings in the ground state of the system are signalled by both the behavior of thermal quantum correlations and entanglement

    Band-dependent Quasiparticle Dynamics in Single Crystals of the Ba0.6_{0.6}K0.4_{0.4}Fe2_2As2_2 Superconductor Revealed by Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

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    We report on band-dependent quasiparticle dynamics in Ba0.6_{0.6}K0.4_{0.4}Fe2_2As2_2 (Tc=37KT_c = 37 K) measured using ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. In the superconducting state, we observe two distinct relaxation processes: a fast component whose decay rate increases linearly with excitation density and a slow component with an excitation density independent decay rate. We argue that these two components reflect the recombination of quasiparticles in the two hole bands through intraband and interband processes. We also find that the thermal recombination rate of quasiparticles increases quadratically with temperature. The temperature and excitation density dependence of the decays indicates fully gapped hole bands and nodal or very anisotropic electron bands.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Second harmonic generation as a probe of broken mirror symmetry

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    The notion of spontaneous symmetry breaking has been used to describe phase transitions in a variety of physical systems. In crystalline solids, the breaking of certain symmetries, such as mirror symmetry, is difficult to detect unambiguously. Using 1TT-TaS2_2, we demonstrate here that rotational-anisotropy second harmonic generation (RA-SHG) is not only a sensitive technique for the detection of broken mirror symmetry, but also that it can differentiate between mirror symmetry-broken structures of opposite planar chirality. We also show that our analysis is applicable to a wide class of different materials with mirror symmetry-breaking transitions. Lastly, we find evidence for bulk mirror symmetry-breaking in the incommensurate charge density wave phase of 1TT-TaS2_2. Our results pave the way for RA-SHG to probe candidate materials where broken mirror symmetry may play a pivotal role
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