298 research outputs found

    Serial Snacker : Diabetesaiheinen mobiilipeli Androidille

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda diabetesaiheinen mobiilipeli, jonka avulla diabetesta sairastavat, 10 - 17-vuotiaat nuoret voivat opetella hallitsemaan oman sairautensa hoitoa. Pelin tarkoitus oli opastaa laskemaan ravinnosta saatavia hiilihydraatteja ja pistämään omaan insuliiniherkkyyteen sopiva annos insuliinia. Pelin tuli olla informatiivinen, hauska, mielenkiintoinen ja houkutteleva. Mobiilialustan vuoksi peli haluttiin pitää yksinkertaisena. Lisäksi 2D-grafiikoita pidettiin alustalle sopivina. Informatiivisuuden ja hauskuuden yhdistäminen teki suunnittelusta haastavan. Peli toteutettiin Unitylla Android-käyttöjärjestelmälle. Unity valittiin, koska se oli entuudestaan tuttu. Grafiikoiden luomiseen käytettiin sähköisiä piirustustyökaluja Paint X Litea ja MS Paintia. Toteutuksen suurimpia kokonaisuuksia olivat pelaajahahmon ja vihollisten luominen sekä tason rakentaminen. Hahmojen luomisen vaiheita olivat piirtäminen, animoiminen ja ohjelmoiminen. Tason rakentamisessa hyödynnettiin automatisointia, mutta viimeistely tehtiin käsin. Pelille annettiin nimeksi Serial Snacker. Toteutuksen aikana tavoite muuttui. Pelistä haluttiin monimutkaisempi versio tietokoneelle; pelin laajentamisen katsottiin parantavan sitä. Samalla siirryttiin piirretyistä 2D-grafiikoista 3D-grafiikoihin. Unreal Enginellä toteutettiin demo, joka hyödynsi aiemmin luotuja grafiikoita. Tähän vaiheeseen valittiin Unreal, koska sitä pidettiin kiinnostavana vaihtoehtona Unitylle. 3D-mallinnukseen käytettiin Blenderiä. Lopputuotteena syntyi kaksi demoa: yhden tason käsittävä mobiilipelialku sekä konseptia esittelevä, tietokoneella pyöritettävä pieni taso. Mobiilipeli vastasi alun perin asetettuja tavoitteita muuten kuin laajudeltaan. Syynä suppeuteen oli tavoitteiden muuttuminen. Toinen demo jäi huomattavan suppeaksi teknisten ongelmien vuoksi. Unrealin havaittiin vaativan kehityskoneelta huomattavasti enemmän kuin Unityn. Kehityskoneen suorituskyky ei riittänyt laajempaan toteutukseen. Pelin idea vaikutti lupaavalta, ja täysi versio halutaan toteuttaa.The original purpose of this thesis was to create a mobile game aimed towards the 10 - 17 year old youngsters freshly diagnosed with diabetes. The game was meant to guide the player to estimate the carbon hydrates consumed during a meal and to decide the amount of insulin to be injected based on their insulin sensitivity. The game needed to be both fun and informative which was found challenging in the designing phase. It also had to be kept simple due to the mobile platform. The game would be made in 2D for it was regarded the best solution for this platform. The game was made with Unity which the author was already familiar with. Drawing tools Paint X Lite and MS Paint were used to create graphics. The target platform was Android. The game has a player character and enemies which were made by drawing, animating and programming. The level uses an algorithm to build itself automatically. The game was given the name Serial Snacker. However, the goal was later changed as the client desired a pc game instead of the planned mobile game. The platform was switched because the game needed to be more complex which meant that mobile was no longer a viable option. It also felt natural to switch to 3D graphics. The new game was designed and a small demo was made with Unreal Engine. Unreal was a new experience and it was chosen for this phase because it was thought to be an interesting alternative to Unity. Blender was used to create a 3D model. As a result of this thesis, two demos were made. The first one was a one-level game for Android and the other was a piece of a level meant to be run on pc. The Android demo met the original goals except for the amount of content designed. It was left short after the idea for a new game was conceived. The pc demo did not reach its goals due to performance issues on the computer used for development. The idea, after all, was found solid and the game is wished to be realized later

    The Electronic Procurement Initiation And Adoption In The Construction Industry (Abstract)

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    Penyelidikan ini bertujuan mengenal pasti faktor-faktor penting yang memberi kesan terhadap pengenalan dan penerimaan pemerolehan elektronik (electronic procurement, EP) dalam industri pembinaan Malaysia. This research aims to identify the essential factors that affect the initiation and the adoption of electronic procurement (EP) in the Malaysian construction industry


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    The Government of Kenya introduced Sessional Paper no 10 in 1965 that stated that for the economy to grow as a whole and as fast as possible, development money should be invested where it will yield the largest increase in net output. It further stated that this approach favored development of areas with abundant natural resources, good land and rainfall, transport and power facilities and people receptive to and active in development. For many years, this statement guided direction of government resources hence neglecting ASAL areas. Even though, and with promulgation of Constitution (2010), Kenya as a water scarce country did devolve water provision to counties, the question of whether administration of devolved water services has assisted in solving challenges related to water provision as desired and anticipated by target six (6) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as Kenya’s Vision 2030 still remain unresolved. The purpose of this study was therefore to establish the role of administration of devolved water services, transformational leadership and planning on water provision in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya. Specifically, the study determined the effect of administration of devolved water services, analyzed the moderating effect of transformational leadership on the relationship between administration of devolved water services and water provision, assessed the moderating effect of planning on the relationship between administration of devolved water services and water provision, and as established joint moderating effect of transformational leadership and planning on the relationship between administration of devolved water services and water provision in ASAL in Kenya. The study used positivism research orientation and was guided by the cross-sectional survey research design targeting 113 sub-counties within the 23 ASAL counties with a sample of the 89 sub counties. A structured questionnaire was used in collecting primary data from sub-county water officers with secondary data collection being done via desk study. Findings are expected to contribute useful information for ASAL Counties to formulate an action plan for water provision. The study found that there is significant positive relationship between administration of devolved water services and water provision in ASAL in Kenya given R-Square = 0.901 with F-Calculated (3, 70) = 211.613 > F-Critical (3, 70) = 2.74 and a p-value = 0.000 < 0.05. In addition, transformational leadership has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between administration of devolved water services and water provision in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya given that ΔR2 = 0.009, ΔF(1, 70) = 10.017, b = .181, t(72) = 13.923, p-Value=0.000 < 0.05. Further, planning has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between administration of devolved water services and water provision in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya given that ΔR2 = 0.003, ΔF(1, 70) = 25.1907, b = 0.763, t(72) = 5.824, p-Value=0.000 < 0.05. Moreover, the joint moderating effect of transformational leadership and planning on the relationship between administration of devolved water services and water provision in ASAL in Kenya is significantly different from their separate effect given change in R-Square = 0.041 compared with separate moderating effects (0.009 for transformational leadership and 0.003 for planning) with p-value = 0.000 < 0.05. As part of recommendation, policy framework should be enhanced to ensure effective, efficient water sector governance, coordination and leadership


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    ABSTRAKSI: Aplikasi kompresi citra bertujuan untuk meminimalisasikan suatu jumlah data untuk di simpan maupun untuk di transmisikan. Karena pada jaman sekarang bandwidth adalah suatu barang yang mahal dan terbatas. Untuk itu dikembangkan lah beberapa teknik kompresi citra, yang bertujuan untuk lebih mengefektifkan jumlah data agar tidak terlalu memerlukan banyak bandwidth untuk di transmisikan atau tidak memerlukan banyak memory untuk di simpan. Aplikasi kompresi citra bertujuan untuk meminimalisasikan suatu jumlah data untuk di simpan maupun untuk di transmisikan. Karena pada jaman sekarang bandwidth adalah suatu barang yang mahal dan terbatas. Untuk itu dikembangkan lah beberapa teknik kompresi citra, yang bertujuan untuk lebih mengefektifkan jumlah data agar tidak terlalu memerlukan banyak bandwidth untuk di transmisikan atau tidak memerlukan banyak memory untuk di simpan. Berdasarkan hasil keseluruhan pengujian citra bahwa metode kombinasi transformasi wavelet diskrit dan kuantisasi adaptif memiliki performansi yang cukup baik dilihat dari rata - rata PSNR yang di dapat sebesar 31,228 dB dan tingkat kompresi rata – rata sebesar 61,412 %Kata Kunci : kompresi citra, lossy compression, Transformasi wavelet,ABSTRACT: Image compression application purpose to minimize a data size for transmission process or storage. Because in this era bandwidth is a expensive things and limited. To solve that problem, the author develop digital image compression technique to minimize the bits sum which represent the digital image. In this final project, the author also develop a lossy commpresion method, that is image compression using combination discrete wavelet transform and adaptif scalar quantization. DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) is a technique to decomposite an image into four subbands i.e. diagonal subband, horizontal subband, vertical subband, and approximation subband. And adaptif scalar quantization is process to make a minimum value become a low presision value. The performance of this system is known by count PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and compression level. Based on the simulation results, compression using discrete wavelet transform and adaptif scalar quantization has a good performance. The average PSNR are 31,228 dB, the average compression level are 61,412 %Keyword: Image compression, lossy compression, Wavelet Transformation

    Numerical Simulation of Air Bubbles in Super-Saturated Water, Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach

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    Super-saturated water body can leads to the death of fish inhabiting it. A possible way to accelerate the reduction of the air concentration in water is to inject bubbles in order to increase the gas-liquid exchange surface. To investigate the effectiveness of this technique, two different methods, i.e., Lagrangian-Eulerian(L-E) and Eulerian-Eulerian(E-E), can be used to simulate the bubble-water mixture. Numerical simulations using these two different methods have been set up, and comparison between the results from these two methods have been conducted. A good match between the two methods when the fluid is quiescent is found, while there is a small difference when the liquid is allowed to flow by the drag of the buoyantly rising bubbles. Possible reasons for these differences will be described

    The Electronic Procurement Initiation And Adoption In The Construction Industry

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    This research aims to identify the essential factors that affect the initiation and the adoption of electronic procurement (EP) in the Malaysian construction industry. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory study was used to identify these factors in four different construction groups, namely, client, contractor, consultant, and supplier groups. In the quantitative study, the research focused on identifying the essential factors that affect the initiation and the adoption of EP in the Malaysian construction industry. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to identify these factors, which were grouped according to relatedness

    Effect of temperature, oxygen and light on the degradation of β-carotene, lutein and α-tocopherol in spray-dried spinach juice powder during storage

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    © 2019 The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between packaging parameters (transmission of light and oxygen) and storage temperatures (4, 20, 40 °C) on nutrient retention of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) juice, spray-dried in the absence of an added encapsulant. β-Carotene was more susceptible to degradation compared with lutein and α-tocopherol. Under our experimental conditions, it was observed that excluding low fluorescent light intensity and air by vacuum packaging at 20 °C did not seem to improve nutrient retention loss over time (p > 0.05). The rate of β-carotene, lutein and α-tocopherol loss displayed first order reaction kinetic with low activation energy of 0.665, 2.650 and 13.893 kJ/mol for vacuum, and 1.089, 4.923 and 14.142 kJ/mol for non-vacuum, respectively. The reaction kinetics and half-life for β-carotene, lutein and α-tocopherol at 4 °C and non-vacuumed were 2.2 × 10 −2 , 1.2 × 10 −2 , and 0.8 × 10 −2 day −1 , and 32.08, 58.25 and 85.37 day, respectively

    “Freedom Belongs to Everyone”: The Experiences of Yazidi Women in Bashiqa and Bahzani

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    This CREID Policy Briefing provides recommendations to address the marginalisation, discrimination and exclusion faced by Yazidi women in Bashiqa and Bahzani. Yazidi women in Bashiqa and Bahzani today are still living through the trauma and consequences of the genocide committed by the Islamic State (ISIS). In addition, they face a range of further challenges as marginalised women from a minority religion. While more Yazidi girls and young women are progressing in education, harmful social norms, customs and practices – originating from both wider Iraqi society and the Yazidi community itself – create barriers for Yazidi women who want or need to work outside of the home, access healthcare or engage in public life. Widows and divorced women face specific challenges as they are seen as without male protection. Yazidi women also face the stigma that comes from being a former captive of ISIS, and the discrimination that comes from being judged an “infidel” due to their religion

    Nutrient composition and digestibility of chloroplast rich fractions from green leaf materials

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    Green leaf material is recognized as a good source of many valuable nutrients including vitamins, fatty acids and minerals. Chloroplast-rich-fractions (CRFs) were prepared from green plant species and their nutrient composition compared with the whole leaf materials (WLMs). Digestibility of CRFs from spinach was also compared with the WLM using simulated in vitro oral, stomach and small intestinal conditions. The impact of pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 from guinea pig (gPLRP2) on the hydrolysis of galactolipids compared to neutral lipid, Tributyrin was subsequently determined in vitro. Porcine pancreatic lipase was also used against the same substrates compared to gPLRP2. Furthermore, spinach CRFs and WLMs were fed to zebrafish and the impact of CRFs and WLMs on growth performance and transition of certain compounds into zebrafish body was evaluated. Results indicated that compared with the WLM, the CRFs were enriched in more lipids and fatty acids, and more proteins and amino acids. Spinach CRFs possessed the highest α-tocopherol (62 mg 100 g-1 , dry weight (DW)), β-carotene (336 mg 100 g-1 DW) and lutein (341 mg 100 g-1 DW) contents, whilst grass CRFs had the highest alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) concentration (69.5 mg g-1). Of the minerals, iron was most notably concentrated in CRF. The digestive conditions caused changes in the structure and composition of the material providing some indication of its digestibility and bioaccessibility. Whilst PLRP2 was more active on galactolipids, with moderate reaction against the neutral lipid, pancreatin indicated higher activity on Tributyrin with almost no activity against MGDG. Diets with 10% zebrafish meal reduction improved growth rate with significant reduction in feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared to the control. CRFs diets showed greater ALA content and distinct pigmentation of zebrafish egg and flesh due to the CRF carotenoids. Overall, the results indicated that CRF is a potential digestible source of vital nutrients