35 research outputs found

    サル ノウドウミャク ニ オケル 2-methylthio ADP ニ ヨル ナイヒ イゾンセイ シカン サヨウ キジョ ニ ツイテ

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    学位授与機関: 滋賀医科大学 博士(医学)第650号 平成24年3月9日Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 114(2), p.180-188

    The Changes in the Lipid Composition of Mung Bean Seeds as Affected by Processing Methods

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.This study was conducted to assess in detail the possible effects of some technological processes such as soaking, germination, cooking, soaking + cooking, and germination + cooking on the lipid composition of mung bean seeds of Giza 1 variety. TLC analysis of mung bean lipids showed that the phospholipids and triglycerides recorded the highest percentage among lipid fractions (32.26 and 30.10%), while the 1,3 diglycerides constituted the least percentage (2.80%) in mung bean seeds. The soaking, germination and cooking processes caused a decrease in the phospholipids, triglycerides and hydrocarbons accompanied with an increase in monoglycerides, 1,2-(2,3)-diglycerides, sterols and free fatty acids. Eleven fractions were separated from phospholipids class of the studied samples; seven of these fractions were identified. The major component of phospholipids was phosphatidyl choline, amounting to 21.30, 17.84, 16.21, 13.87, 13.20 and 11.47% of the total phospholipids in raw, soaked, germinated, raw-cooked, soaked-cooked and germinated-cooked mung bean seeds, respectively. Gas liquid chromatography of the total lipids of mung bean seeds showed that the unsaturated fatty acids represented 69.58, 64.35, 63.3, 63.16, 61.84 and 61.12%, while the levels of saturated fatty acids were low being 30.37, 34.05, 35.66, 34.64, 37.93 and 38.75% of the total fatty acids in raw, soaked, germinated, raw-cooked, soaked-cooked and germinated-cooked, respectively. The total essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic) represented the highest proportion of fatty acids (50.10% of the total fatty acids)

    Protective activity of sweet sorghum and sugarcane syrups against oxidative stress induced by cadmium in albino rats

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    The present study was designed to investigate the effect of sweet sorghum and sugarcane syrups as antioxidants on oxidative stress biomarkers and the lipid profile i.e. serum total triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL-C)) in male rats. Cadmium was received orally to rats daily at a dose of 10mg/L in drinking water. Rats were divided into four groups,-eight rats for each- as follow: (I) control group, (II) cadmium treated group, (III) sweet sorghum syrup solution (500 ppm) once daily at a dose of 1 ml/kg body weight of cadmium acetate solution, (IV) sugarcane syrup solution (500 ppm) and cadmium acetate solution. Bioactive compounds of syrups under investigation were identified, total phenolic and flavonoid contents were determined as well. Results cleared that the effect of variation in varieties on total phenol (mg GAE/ml sample) and antioxidant activity determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) assay of syrup was significant (P≤0.05) while it was not significant (P˃0.05) on total flavonoid (mg CE/ml sample).The highest total phenolic content was recorded by sweet sorghum syrup (1.87 mg GAE/ml sample) meanwhile, total flavonoid content varied between (1.09 and 1.36 mg CE/ml sample). Results also cleared that G.T.54-9 sugarcane and Rex sweet sorghum syrup samples exhibited significant (P≤0.05) scavenging activity compared to commercial sugarcane sample that gave lower scavenging activity (97.16, 96.07 and 74.22, respectively).Sweet sorghum and sugarcane syrups significantly affected (P≤0.05) absolute weight of organs and relative weight of both heart and kidney, while the effect on relative weight of liver was not significant (P>0.05). The treatment of sweet sorghum and sugarcane syrups during cadmium acetate administration in rats led to reduction in alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), antioxidant enzymes, urea, creatinine and biomarkers in rat livers, like reduced glutathione , catalase ,malondialdehyde ,serum total triglyceride, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol and low density lipoproteins cholesterol back near to normal when compared to control rats. In general, the treatment with sugarcane syrup reduced the cadmium acetate induced hepatotoxicity in rats

    Introducing personal teaching environment for nontraditional teaching methods

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    Students use technology in various ways to learn. The differences in their learning goals and needs make it challenging for teachers to be more engaged in designing educational tasks, assisting, and coping with their students learning. This paper introduces a novel structure of a concept for teaching called Personal Teaching Environment (PTE). This contribution aims to provide teachers with PTE components (tools, connections and activities, and data sources) that can facilitate the fulfillment of their educational tasks for them. The main goal of this study is to define the concept of PTE and its components, as well as to investigate the most popular nontraditional teaching methods and to relate PTEs to these methods with application examples. Therefore, this paper addresses the following questions: (a) What is the structure of PTE, and how does it work? (b) What are nontraditional teaching methods’ advantages, frameworks, and successful implementation stories? and (c) How would you categorize the tool types of nontraditional teaching methods to serve PTE applications? A review was conducted to achieve these goals, and a total of 93 peer-reviewed articles pertaining to the most frequently studied nontraditional teaching methods were comprehensively studied and analyzed. The analysis resulted in practical guidelines, including the benefits and tool types of the five studied nontraditional teaching methods (flipped classroom, problem-based learning, gamification, case study, and social media-centered). Based on the results, the authors established significant examples for teachers who aim to use one or more of those nontraditional teaching methods through the adoption and utilization of the PTE applications.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2020/3

    An Adaptive Framework for Applying Cloud Computing In Virtual Learning Environment at Education a Case Study of “AASTMT”

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    This study aims to provide a Cloud Computing (CC) proposed framework using Application programming interface (API’s) to deliver connectivity and interaction of Software as a Service (SaaS) in Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) system at higher education institute. The framework is adopted and implemented to enhance the existing VLE to meet the incremental increasing of users’ needs and expectations. Different research's methodologies and techniques are used to measure the students and instructors satisfaction, and to measure the impact of the adoption of CC on business value for VLE as well. In addition, the study identifies and explores the idea of covering the gap between the advance of adopting CC as a new technology and the benefits of implementing cloud techniques in education. The findings of implementing the adopted framework equate the study expectations, where the user’s satisfaction significantly increased compared with the existing system. The users found that the system performance and response to their tasks are improved. Meanwhile, the users found that the new adopted system make it easier for them to achieve their academic activities and goals.© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer-review under responsibility of Universal Society for Applied Research

    Nonopioid versus opioid based general anesthesia technique for bariatric surgery: A randomized double-blind study

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of giving general anesthesia without the use of any opioids either systemic or intraperitoneal in bariatric surgery. Methods: Prospective randomized controlled trial. Obese patients (body mass index >50 Kg/m 2 ) undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomies were recruited and provided an informed signed consent. Patients were randomized using a computer generated randomization table to receive either opioid or non-opioid based anesthesia. The patient and the investigator scoring patient outcome after surgery were blinded to the anesthetic protocol. Primary outcomes were hemodynamics in the form of "heart rate, systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressure" on induction and ½ hourly thereafter. Pain monitoring through visual analog scale (VAS) 30 min after recovery, hourly for 2 h and every 4 h for 24 h was also recorded. Pain monitoring through VAS and post-operative nausea and vomiting 30 min after recovery were also recorded and finally patient satisfaction and acute pain nurse satisfaction. Results: There was no difference in background characteristics in both groups. There were no statistically significant differences in different outcomes as heart rate, mean blood pressure, O 2 saturation in different timings between groups at any of the determined eight time points but pain score and nurse satisfaction showed a trend to better performance with non-opioid treatment. Conclusion: Nonopioid based general anesthesia for Bariatric surgery is as effective as opioid one. There is no need to use opioids for such surgery especially that there was a trend to less pain in non-opioid anesthesia