1,124 research outputs found

    Corrosion-protective coatings from electrically conducting polymers

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    In a joint effort between NASA Kennedy and LANL, electrically conductive polymer coatings were developed as corrosion protective coatings for metal surfaces. At NASA Kennedy, the launch environment consist of marine, severe solar, and intermittent high acid and/or elevated temperature conditions. Electrically conductive polymer coatings were developed which impart corrosion resistance to mild steel when exposed to saline and acidic environments. Such coatings also seem to promote corrosion resistance in areas of mild steel where scratches exist in the protective coating. Such coatings appear promising for many commercial applications

    On the fundamental representation of Borcherds algebras with one imaginary simple root

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    Borcherds algebras represent a new class of Lie algebras which have almost all the properties that ordinary Kac-Moody algebras have, and the only major difference is that these generalized Kac-Moody algebras are allowed to have imaginary simple roots. The simplest nontrivial examples one can think of are those where one adds ``by hand'' one imaginary simple root to an ordinary Kac-Moody algebra. We study the fundamental representation of this class of examples and prove that an irreducible module is given by the full tensor algebra over some integrable highest weight module of the underlying Kac-Moody algebra. We also comment on possible realizations of these Lie algebras in physics as symmetry algebras in quantum field theory.Comment: 8 page

    Damage-free single-mode transmission of deep-UV light in hollow-core PCF

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    Transmission of UV light with high beam quality and pointing stability is desirable for many experiments in atomic, molecular and optical physics. In particular, laser cooling and coherent manipulation of trapped ions with transitions in the UV require stable, single-mode light delivery. Transmitting even ~2 mW CW light at 280 nm through silica solid-core fibers has previously been found to cause transmission degradation after just a few hours due to optical damage. We show that photonic crystal fiber of the kagom\'e type can be used for effectively single-mode transmission with acceptable loss and bending sensitivity. No transmission degradation was observed even after >100 hours of operation with 15 mW CW input power. In addition it is shown that implementation of the fiber in a trapped ion experiment significantly increases the coherence times of the internal state transfer due to an increase in beam pointing stability

    Effect of Build Orientation on the Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of a Biodegradable High Manganese Steel Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    In the last decade, additive manufacturing technologies like laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) have emerged strongly. However, the process characteristics involving layer-wise build-up of the part and the occurring high, directional thermal gradient result in significant changes of the microstructure and the related properties compared to traditionally fabricated materials. This study presents the influence of the build direction (BD) on the microstructure and resulting properties of a novel austenitic Fe-30Mn-1C-0.02S alloy processed via LPBF. The fabricated samples display a {011} texture in BD which was detected by electron backscatter diffraction. Furthermore, isolated binding defects could be observed between the layers. Quasi-static tensile and compression tests displayed that the yield, ultimate tensile as well as the compressive yield strength are significantly higher for samples which were built with their longitudinal axis perpendicular to BD compared to their parallel counterparts. This was predominantly ascribed to the less severe effects of the sharp-edged binding defects loaded perpendicular to BD. Additionally, a change of the Young’s modulus in dependence of BD could be demonstrated, which is explained by the respective texture. Potentiodynamic polarization tests conducted in a simulated body fluid revealed only slight differences of the corrosion properties in dependence of the build design

    Oriented Matroids -- Combinatorial Structures Underlying Loop Quantum Gravity

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    We analyze combinatorial structures which play a central role in determining spectral properties of the volume operator in loop quantum gravity (LQG). These structures encode geometrical information of the embedding of arbitrary valence vertices of a graph in 3-dimensional Riemannian space, and can be represented by sign strings containing relative orientations of embedded edges. We demonstrate that these signature factors are a special representation of the general mathematical concept of an oriented matroid. Moreover, we show that oriented matroids can also be used to describe the topology (connectedness) of directed graphs. Hence the mathematical methods developed for oriented matroids can be applied to the difficult combinatorics of embedded graphs underlying the construction of LQG. As a first application we revisit the analysis of [4-5], and find that enumeration of all possible sign configurations used there is equivalent to enumerating all realizable oriented matroids of rank 3, and thus can be greatly simplified. We find that for 7-valent vertices having no coplanar triples of edge tangents, the smallest non-zero eigenvalue of the volume spectrum does not grow as one increases the maximum spin \jmax at the vertex, for any orientation of the edge tangents. This indicates that, in contrast to the area operator, considering large \jmax does not necessarily imply large volume eigenvalues. In addition we give an outlook to possible starting points for rewriting the combinatorics of LQG in terms of oriented matroids.Comment: 43 pages, 26 figures, LaTeX. Version published in CQG. Typos corrected, presentation slightly extende

    Acúmulo e Velocidade de Liberação de Potássio de Resíduos de Plantas Anuais de Inverno Sob Diferentes Preparos de Solo

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    A manutenção dos resíduos vegetais sobre o solo, o tipo de resíduo e sua velocidade de decomposição são de grande importância no estudo da ciclagem de nutrientes. Este estudo foi desenvolvido na área experimental do IAPAR - Pato Branco-PR, onde foram avaliados seis resíduos de coberturas de inverno: tremoço azul (Lupinus angustifolius L.), ervilhaca comum (Vicia sativa L.), aveia preta (Avena strigosa S.), nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus L.), centeio (Secale cereale L.) e trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), sob Sistema Plantio Direto (SPD) e Sistema Cultivo Convencional (SCC) em um Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico. Foi avaliado: velocidade de liberação de potássio (K), matéria seca remanescente (MSR) em bolsas de decomposição, teor de carbono orgânico (Corg), potássio total (Kt) e nitrogênio total (Nt). O centeio foi a planta que apresentou a maior produção de matéria seca, o maior acúmulo de potássio ocorreu na ervilhaca sendo seu valor 2 e 2,4 vezes maior que no centeio e no trigo, respectivamente. A velocidade de liberação foi maior para todas as leguminosas em relação às gramíneas, sendo velocidade inicial rápida (entre 0 e 28 dias) e ao diminuindo longo do tempo

    Selektion und Sozialisation des Führungsnachwuchses

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    Realizability of Polytopes as a Low Rank Matrix Completion Problem

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    This article gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a relation to be the containment relation between the facets and vertices of a polytope. Also given here, are a set of matrices parameterizing the linear moduli space and another set parameterizing the projective moduli space of a combinatorial polytope
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