176 research outputs found

    20. Vorlesung (12.05.2020): Bauch-2 Overheads PDF

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    Inhalt: Duodenum; Jejunum + Ileum; Darmdrehung; Dickdarm; Arterielle Versorgung der Bauchorgane; Pfortadersystem; Mil

    Entwicklung der Grundlagen fĂĽr eine Laboranlage zur kontinuierlichen Herstellung von PET-Recyclingpolyolen - Darstellung des Standes der Arbeiten im InnoRegio-Projekt

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit hat die Entwicklung der Grundlagen für eine Anlage zum Ziel, mit der aus Polyethylenterephthalat (PET), insbesondere aus Produktionsabfällen von PET-Verarbeitern, durch Umesterungen in Gegenwart von Diolen in einem kontinuierlichen Prozess aromatische Polyesterpolyole (APP) hergestellt werden können, die als Rohstoffe für Polyurethane (PUR) verwendet werden

    Cognitive control channels for the cooperation of opportunistic and composite wireless networks

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    Opportunistic networks (ONs) are considered as coordinated extensions of a radio access network infrastructure, which are dynamically and temporarily created in an infrastructure-less manner in order to increase service reachability, improve resource utilization efficiency and facilitate localised service provisioning. The realization of the ON concept relies on the existence of control channels which will provide necessary signalling for the coordination of the ON nodes. Proposed control channels are conceived as an evolution of the already established cognitive pilot channel concept. As a result, new interfaces are discussed in order to convey information from the infrastructure to the terminals and vice versa or between terminals. Finally, the business benefits of the aforementioned approach are provided in order to strengthen the notion of the proposed control channels and consider future expansions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Lithium diisopropylamide (lda) as an efficient reducing agent for thioketones - mechanistic consideration

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    Treatment of thiocarbonyl compounds with excess LDA leads to the corresponding thiols or sulfides depending on the work-up procedure. The mechanistic scenario for this unusual reduction pathway is discussed

    Erfahrungsbericht eines Blended-learning-Kurses zur Programmiergrundausbildung: Objektorientierte Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen mit Smalltalkt/Seaside

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    Im Wintersemester 2011/2012 wurde erstmals das Modul 'Programmierung 1' im Bachelor-Studiengang 'Wirtschaftsinformatik' der NORDAKADEMIE nach einem im Rahmen des Projekts 'Westpol' entwickelten Konzepts unterrichtet. Die Wurzeln dieses Konzepts und die Rahmenbedingungen der Kursdurchführung werden in diesem Arbeitspapier erläutert. Ebenfalls wird über die dabei gemachten Erfahrungen berichtet, die auf wöchentlich festgehaltenen Feedbacks der Studierenden basieren. Dazu wurde von den Autoren die Vielzahl der Feedbacks gesichtet und versucht, nach verschiedenen Kriterien zu gruppieren, um damit eine ausreichende Grundlage für eine spätere Überarbeitung des Kurses zu erhalten

    Quantitative determination of hazardous substances in aerosols by light scattering and machine learning with the example of Cr(VI) in electroplating processes

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    Regulations of safety usage of hazardous substances impose companies to monitor their emissions. A novel approach is presented to determine the mass concentration of Cr(VI) in exhaust air based on angular light scattering combined with machine learning algorithm

    Plastid DNA sequences and oospore characters of some European taxa of Tolypella section Tolypella (Characeae) identify five clusters, including one new cryptic Tolypella taxon from Sardinia, but they do not coincide with current morphological descriptions

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    In Europe, the genus Tolypella (Characeae) comprises four to eight Tolypella taxa in sections Rothia and Tolypella that have been distinguished by vegetative morphology and gametangial characters such as antheridial size and oospore wall ornamentation. However, morphological differentiation is difficult in some cases due to overlapping and variable vegetative features, which in many cases are difficult to observe clearly. To clarify the taxonomic status of the five European taxa of Tolypella in section Tolypella, sequence data of the plastid genes atpB, rbcL and psbC for Tolypella glomerata (Desv.) Leonh., Tolypella hispanica Allen, Tolypella nidifica (O.F. MĂĽll.) A. Braun, Tolypella normaniana (Nordst.) Nordst. and Tolypella salina Cor. were combined with data on oospore morphology, including oospore wall ornamentation. Gene sequence data identified five distinct clusters, but they were not consistent with the morphologically identified five taxa. T. glomerata consisted of some of the samples morphologically identified as T. glomerata and seven samples of T. normaniana, while the remaining T. glomerata samples clustered with specimens of unclear affiliation (Tolypella sp.). We identified two clusters of T. hispanica within the European material: cluster T. hispanica I consisted of samples from various locations, whereas the second cluster (T. hispanica II) consisted of samples of T. hispanica from Sardinia Island. The remaining cluster consisted of all the specimens that had been determined as T. salina or T. nidifica in addition to two specimens of T. normaniana. Oospore morphology was most clearly distinguishable for T. glomerata. Oospore characteristics for all other taxa were not as informative but showed some geographical and/or environmentally influenced differences, especially for T. nidifica and T. salina. Our results suggest the need to further check the different taxonomy of Tolypella sect. Tolypella in which specimens normally identified as T. glomerata might be two different taxa, T. glomerata and an unidentified taxon; T. nidifica and T. salina are not separate taxa; T. normaniana is a diminutive variant of two different Tolypella taxa; and T. hispanica comprises two different taxa, one from the Mediterranean island Sardinia.publishedVersio

    Protocols, performance assessment and consolidation on interfaces for standardization – D3.3

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    The following document presents a detailed description of the protocol for the “ Control Channels for the Cooperation of the Cognitive Management System ” (C4MS) which provides the necessary means to enable proper management of Opportunistic Networks. Additionally, the document defines the methodology that was applied for the purpose of signalling evaluation. The protocol overview presented in section 2 of the main document, provides the C4MS principles. The section includes, among others, the description of the protocol identifiers, procedures, protocol state machines and message format as well as the security asp ects. Section 3 provides a high-level description of the data structures defined within the scope of OneFIT project. The data structures are classified into five categories, i.e.: Profiles, Context, Decisions,Knowledge and Policies. The high level description is complemented by some detailed data structures in the Appendix to D3.3 Section 3[10]. Section 4 provides details on the evaluation methodology applied for the purpose of C4MS performance assessment. The section presents the evaluation plan along with a description of metrics that are to be exploited in the scope of WP3. Section 5 and Section 6 are composed of the signalling evaluation results. Section 5 focuses on the estimation of the signalling load imposed by ON management in different ON phases. Additionally some results for the initialization phase (not explicitly mentioned in the previous phases of the project)and security related aspects are also depicted. Section 6 on the other hand is focused on the evaluation of the signalling traffic generated by different ON related algorithms. Conclusions to the document are drawn in section 7. Detailed description of the C4MS procedures, implementation options based on IEEE 802.21, DIAMTER and 3GPP are depicted in the appendix to the D3.3[10] . Additionally, the appendix incorporates the detailed definition of the information data structures and final set of Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) provided for the OneFIT project.Peer ReviewedPreprin
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