123 research outputs found

    A Landscape of First-Order Linear Temporal Logics in Infinite-State Verification and Temporal Ontologies

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    We provide an overview of the main attempts to formalize and reason about the evolution over time of complex domains, through the lens of first-order temporal logics. Different communities have studied similar problems for decades, and some unification of concepts, problems and formalisms is a much needed but not simple task

    Torwards Infinite-State Verification and Planning with Linear Temporal Logic Modulo Theories

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    In this extended abstract, we discuss about Linear Temporal Logic Modulo Theories over finite traces (LTLMTf ), a temporal logic that we recently introduced with the goal of providing an equilibrium between generality of the formalism and decidability of the logic. After recalling its distinguishing features, we discuss some future applications. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation → Logic and verificatio

    SAT Meets Tableaux for Linear Temporal Logic Satisfiability

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    Linear temporal logic (LTL) and its variant interpreted on finite traces (LTLf) are among the most popular specification languages in the fields of formal verification, artificial intelligence, and others. In this paper, we focus on the satisfiability problem for LTLand LTLfformulas, for which many techniques have been devised during the last decades. Among these are tableau systems, of which the most recent is Reynolds’ tree-shaped tableau. We provide a SAT-based algorithm for LTLand LTLfsatisfiability checking based on Reynolds’ tableau, proving its correctness and discussing experimental results obtained through its implementation in the BLACK satisfiability checker

    Decidable Fragments of LTLf Modulo Theories

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    We study Linear Temporal Logic Modulo Theories over Finite Traces (LTLMTf), a recently introduced extension of LTL over finite traces (LTLf) where propositions are replaced by first-order formulas and where first-order variables referring to different time points can be compared. In general, LTLMTf was shown to be semi-decidable for any decidable first-order theory (e.g., linear arithmetics), with a tableau-based semi-decision procedure. In this paper we present a sound and complete pruning rule for the LTLMTf tableau. We show that for any LTLMTf formula that satisfies an abstract, semantic condition, that we call finite memory, the tableau augmented with the new rule is also guaranteed to terminate. Last but not least, this technique allows us to establish novel decidability results for the satisfiability of several fragments of LTLMTf, as well as to give new decidability proofs for classes that are already known

    A Linear-size Cascade Decomposition for Wheeler Automata

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    The Krohn-Rhodes Decomposition Theorem (KRDT) is a central result in automata and semigroup theories: it states that any (deterministic) finite-state automaton can be disassembled into a collection of automata of two simple types, that can be arranged into a combination - cascade - that simulates the original automaton. The elementary building blocks of the decomposition are either resets or permutations. The full-fledged theorem features two orthogonal dimensions of complexity: the type and the number of building blocks appearing in the cascade, and a deep step in the proof is the characterization of the permutations appearing in the decomposition. This characterization implies, in the case of counter-free automata, that the resulting cascade contains no permutations. In this paper we start analysing KRDT for two compression-oriented classes of automata: (i) path- coherent: state-ordered automata mapping state-intervals to state-intervals; (ii) Wheeler: a subclass of path-coherent automata whose order is the one induced by the co-lexicographic order of words. These classes were recently defined and studied and they turn out to be efficiently encodable and indexable. We prove that each automata in these classes can be decomposed as a cascade with a number of components which is linear in the number of states of the original automaton and, for the Wheeler class, we prove that only two-state resets are needed. Our line of reasoning avoids the necessity of using full KRDT and proves our results directly by a simple inductive argument

    Qualitative past Timeline-Based Games

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    This extended abstract discusses timeline-based planning, a modeling approach that offers a unique way to model complex systems. Recently, the timeline-based planning framework has been extended to handle general nondeterminism in a game-theoretic setting, resulting in timeline-based games. In this context, the problem of establishing whether a timeline-based game admits a winning strategy and synthesizing such a strategy have been addressed. We propose exploring simpler yet expressive fragments of timeline-based games by leveraging results about the role of past operators in synthesis from temporal logic specifications. The qualitative fragment of timeline-based planning is a good starting point for this exploration. We suggest introducing syntactic restrictions on synchronization rules so that they only constrain the behavior of the system before the current time point, which is expected to lower the complexity of synthesizing timeline-based games to EXPTIME. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Computing methodologies → Planning for deterministic action


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    The goal 12 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development takes into consideration the responsible consumption and production in the perspective of circular economy. The agri-food sector is more actively involved in these initiatives, because it offers the possibility to exploit waste and by-products, by adopting suitable biotechnologies. Such processes can be carried out either under aerobic conditions, for the production of compost, or anaerobically, for the production of biogas. In this work the case of a plant managed by Desag Ecologia, located in the municipality of Sedegliano, in the North-East of Italy, is presented. The plant started up in June 2016. Its main activity consists in exploitation of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and urban forestry green waste coming from separate waste collection. The basin of provenance of collected materials consists not only of the province of Udine, but also of other areas of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region and other northern Italian regions. The plant ensures the production of both biogas (used in a cogeneration installation for producing electricity and heat) and quality compost, which can be used in agriculture, after submission to physico-chemical analyses to verify the end-of-waste status. In this way, the reduction of waste disposal in landfill is ensured. Thermal energy is partially recovered for the production of hot water to heat the anaerobic digester, the leachate collection tank and the plant rooms. Approximately 10% of electricity is self-consumed for the needs of the anaerobic facility, the remaining amount is fed straight into the public electricity network

    La Diagnosi Infermieristica: II. La Formulazione della Diagnosi Infermieristica

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    La diagnosi infermieristica, seconda fase del processo infermieristico, è un giudizio clinico riguardante le risposte della persona, della famiglia o della comunità a problemi di salute/processi vitali attuali o potenziali. Essa costituisce la base sulla quale scegliere gli interventi infermieristici volti a raggiungere dei risultati di cui l'infermiere è responsabile. La diagnosi infermieristica esprime il giudizio professionale sulle condizioni del paziente, sulle sue risposte ai trattamenti ricevuti e sulle necessità di assistenza infermieristica. La NANDA propone tre modelli di diagnosi: reali, di rischio, di benessere. La struttura della diagnosi infermieristica si compone di tre elementi utili essenzialmente per l'adozione di un linguaggio infermieristico condiviso. Per questo motivo è usata una terminologia specifica per diagnosticare in modo infermieristico. Gli elementi componenti sono tre: titolo, caratteristiche definenti, fattori correlati. Il titolo deve "qualifcare" la tipologia del problema; le caratteristiche definenti sono l'equivalente dei segni e dei sintomi soggettivi ed oggettivi presenti in relazione ad una determinata diagnosi; i fattori correlati sono in pratica le cause, i fattori eziologici che determinano una certa situazione; si possono raggruppare in quattro categorie: fisiopatologici, situazionali, fasi maturative, trattamenti. Il caso clinico suggerito prevede l'individuazione delle diagnosi infermieristiche evidenziate dai dati raccolti, sempre secondo la metodologia di Carpenito

    La raccolta dati per la diagnosi infermieristica

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    Controller Synthesis for Timeline-based Games

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    In the timeline-based approach to planning, originally born in the space sector, the evolution over time of a set of state variables (the timelines) is governed by a set of temporal constraints. Traditional timeline-based planning systems excel at the integration of planning with execution by handling temporal uncertainty. In order to handle general nondeterminism as well, the concept of timeline-based games has been recently introduced. It has been proved that finding whether a winning strategy exists for such games is 2EXPTIME-complete. However, a concrete approach to synthesize controllers implementing such strategies is missing. This paper fills this gap, outlining an approach to controller synthesis for timeline-based games
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