704 research outputs found

    Infection of mice with cercariae and schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni by intravenous and subcutaneous routes

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    Cultivation of schistosoma mansoni cercarial bodies to adult worms

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    Human schistosomiasis mansoni: studies on in vitro granuloma modulation

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    Infection with Schistosoma mansoni induces humoral and T cell mediated responses and leads to delayed hipersensitivity that results in granulomatous inflamatory disease around the parasite eggs. Regulation of these responses resulting in a reduction in this anti-egg inflamatory disease is appsrently determined by idiotypic repertoires of the patient, associated with genetic background and multiple external factors. We have previously reported on idiotype/anti-idiotype-receptor transactions in clinical human schistosomiasis. These findings support a hypothesis that anti-SEA cross-reactive idiotypes develop in some patients during the course of a chronic infection and participate in regulation of anti-SEA cellular immune responses. We repport here on experiments wich extend those observations to the regulation of granulomatous hypersensitivity measured by an in vitro granuloma model. T cells from chronic intestinal schistosomiasis patients were stimulated in vitro with anti-SEA idiotypes and assayed in an autologous in vitro granuloma assay for modulation of granuloma formation. These anti-SEA idiotype reactive T cells were capable of regulating autologous in vitro granuloma formation. This regulatory activity, initiated with stimulatory anti-SEA idiotypic antibodies, was antigenically specific and was dependent on the present of intact (F(ab')2 immunoglobulin molecules. The ability to elicit this regulatory activity appears to be dose dependent and is more easily demonstrated in chronically infected intestinal patients or SEA sensitized individuals. These data support the hypothesis that anti-SEA cross reactive idiotypes are important in regulating granulomatous hypersensitivy in chronic intestinal schistosomiasis patients and these cross-reactive idiotypes appear to play a major role in cell-cell interactions which result in the regulation of anti-SEA cellular immune responses

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the local freeze-out in Tl2+ -doped KH2AsO4

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    The slowing down of the local order-parameter fluctuations and the spontaneous dynamic symmetry breaking at a defect site in an order-disorder hydrogen-bonded system describable by an Ising model in a transverse-field Hamiltonian has been evaluated and shown to depend on the range of the forces with which the defect couples to the host lattice. The spontaneous symmetry breaking observed far above Tc in the EPR spectra of defect centers in KH2AsO4-type crystals is shown to be compatible with such a local slowing down and "pseudo-freeze-out" around defects which couple to the surrounding pseudospins via short-range forces which are significantly stronger than the interaction forces in the undisturbed lattice. No such freeze-out occurs for the Tl2+ ions which are coupled to the surrounding pseudospins via long-range forces. © 1982 The American Physical Society

    Teatro na educação de crianças e adolescentes participantes de ensaio clínico

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção pedagógica na aprendizagem de crianças e adolescentes participantes de pesquisa clínica. MÉTODOS: Estudo quantitativo, quasi-experimental e longitudinal, parte de um conjunto de estudos envolvidos no teste de uma vacina contra ancilostomíase. Amostra por conveniência com 133 estudantes de dez a 17 anos, de ambos os sexos, da Escola Municipal de Maranhão, MG, Brasil, 2009. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado aplicado pré e pós-intervenção. O dispositivo pedagógico foi o Teatro do Oprimido. As variáveis dependentes foram o conhecimento específico e global sobre pesquisa clínica e sobre verminoses; a variável independente foi a participação na intervenção educativa. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento do conhecimento sobre sinais e sintomas, susceptibilidade à reinfecção e modo de contágio da verminose após a intervenção educativa. Aumentaram acertos relativos à duração da pesquisa clínica, aos procedimentos previstos, à possibilidade de desistência da participação e de ocorrência de eventos adversos. Permaneceu a noção de que o propósito primário da pesquisa é terapêutico, embora tenha reduzido o percentual de participantes que associaram a pesquisa ao tratamento médico. O Teatro do Oprimido possibilitou que as discussões acerca da helmintose e da pesquisa clínica fossem contextualizadas e materializadas. Os sujeitos puderam se despojar ou reduzir suas representações prévias. CONCLUSÕES: A participação de crianças e adolescentes em ensaios clínicos deve ser precedida de intervenção educativa, já que indivíduos dessa faixa etária nem sequer reconhecem que têm direito a decidir por si próprios

    Vaccines against toxoplasma gondii : challenges and opportunities

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    Development of vaccines against Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans is of high priority, given the high burden of disease in some areas of the world like South America, and the lack of effective drugs with few adverse effects. Rodent models have been used in research on vaccines against T. gondii over the past decades. However, regardless of the vaccine construct, the vaccines have not been able to induce protective immunity when the organism is challenged with T. gondii, either directly or via a vector. Only a few live, attenuated T. gondii strains used for immunization have been able to confer protective immunity, which is measured by a lack of tissue cysts after challenge. Furthermore, challenge with low virulence strains, especially strains with genotype II, will probably be insufficient to provide protection against the more virulent T. gondii strains, such as those with genotypes I or II, or those genotypes from South America not belonging to genotype I, II or III. Future studies should use animal models besides rodents, and challenges should be performed with at least one genotype II T. gondii and one of the more virulent genotypes. Endpoints like maternal-foetal transmission and prevention of eye disease are important in addition to the traditional endpoint of survival or reduction in numbers of brain cysts after challenge

    Strain-dependent host transcriptional responses to toxoplasma infection are largely conserved in mammalian and avian hosts

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    Toxoplasma gondii has a remarkable ability to infect an enormous variety of mammalian and avian species. Given this, it is surprising that three strains (Types I/II/III) account for the majority of isolates from Europe/North America. The selective pressures that have driven the emergence of these particular strains, however, remain enigmatic. We hypothesized that strain selection might be partially driven by adaptation of strains for mammalian versus avian hosts. To test this, we examine in vitro, strain-dependent host responses in fibroblasts of a representative avian host, the chicken (Gallus gallus). Using gene expression profiling of infected chicken embryonic fibroblasts and pathway analysis to assess host response, we show here that chicken cells respond with distinct transcriptional profiles upon infection with Type II versus III strains that are reminiscent of profiles observed in mammalian cells. To identify the parasite drivers of these differences, chicken fibroblasts were infected with individual F1 progeny of a Type II x III cross and host gene expression was assessed for each by microarray. QTL mapping of transcriptional differences suggested, and deletion strains confirmed, that, as in mammalian cells, the polymorphic rhoptry kinase ROP16 is the major driver of strain-specific responses. We originally hypothesized that comparing avian versus mammalian host response might reveal an inversion in parasite strain-dependent phenotypes; specifically, for polymorphic effectors like ROP16, we hypothesized that the allele with most activity in mammalian cells might be less active in avian cells. Instead, we found that activity of ROP16 alleles appears to be conserved across host species; moreover, additional parasite loci that were previously mapped for strain-specific effects on mammalian response showed similar strain-specific effects in chicken cells. These results indicate that if different hosts select for different parasite genotypes, the selection operates downstream of the signaling occurring during the beginning of the host's immune response. © 2011 Ong et al

    Toll-like receptor 2/MyD88 signaling mediates zymosan-induced joint hypernociception in mice: Participation of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CXCL1/KC

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    Arthritic pain is a serious health problem that affects a large number of patients. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) activation within the joints has been implicated in pathophysiology of arthritis. However, their role in the genesis of arthritic pain needs to be demonstrated. In the present study, it was addressed the participation of TLR2 and TLR4 and their adaptor molecule MyD88 in the genesis of joint hypernociception (a decrease in the nociceptive threshold) during zymosan-induced arthritis. Zymosan injected in the tibio-tarsal joint induced mechanical hypernociception in C57BL/6 wild type mice that was reduced in TLR2 and MyD88 null mice. On the other hand, zymosan-induced hypernociception was similar in C3H/HePas and C3H/Hej mice (TLR4 mutant mice). Zymosan-induced joint hypernociception was also reduced in TNFR1 null mice and in mice treated with IL-1 receptor antagonist or with an antagonist of CXCR1/2. Moreover, the joint production of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CXCL1/KC by zymosan was dependent on TLR2/MyD88 signaling. Investigating the mechanisms by which TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CXCL1/KC mediate joint hypernociception, joint administration of these cytokines produced mechanical hypernociception, and they act in an interdependent manner. In last instance, their hypernociceptive effects were dependent on the production of hypernociceptive mediators, prostaglandins and sympathetic amines. These results indicate that in zymosan-induced experimental arthritis, TLR2/MyD88 is involved in the cascade of events of joint hypernociception through a mechanism dependent on cytokines and chemokines production. Thus, TLR2/MyD88 signaling might be a target for the development of novel drugs to control pain in arthritis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq)Coordenadoria de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Programa de Nucleos de Excelencia (PRONEX), Brazi

    Loss of interleukin-12 modifies the pro-inflammatory response but does not prevent duct obstruction in experimental biliary atresia

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    BACKGROUND: Livers of infants with biliary atresia and of neonatal mice infected with rotavirus (RRV) have increased expression of interferon-gamma (IFNγ) and interleukin (IL)-12. While the expression of IFNγ regulates the obstruction of extrahepatic bile ducts by lymphocytes, the role of IL-12 in the pathogenesis of biliary obstruction is unknown. Based on the role of IL-12 as a key proinflammatory cytokine, we hypothesized that loss of IL-12 prevents the obstruction of extrahepatic bile ducts. METHODS: IL12-knockout (IL-12KO) and wild type mice were injected with RRV or saline at day 1 of age and monitored for the development of symptoms. The cellular and molecular phenotypes were determined at days 3, 7, and 14 by real-time PCR and flow cytometry. RESULTS: RRV infection of IL-12KO mice resulted in growth failure, jaundice/acholic stools, and decreased survival similar to wild-type mice. IL-12KO mice had a remarkable neutrophil-rich portal inflammation and epithelial sloughing of extrahepatic bile ducts. Loss of IL-12 decreased but did not abolish the hepatic expression of IFNγ, displayed a remarkable increase in expression of TNFα, IFNα, IFNβ and decreased expression of IL-4 and IL-5. CONCLUSION: Loss of IL-12 did not modify the progression of bile duct obstruction in experimental biliary atresia. However, the inflammatory response was predominantly neutrophil-based and displayed a Th1 response in the absence of IL-12