397 research outputs found


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    It is quite important for the individual to actively participate in the educational process during language teaching. It is possible to involve the students in the learning process thanks to the use of various student-centered activities and appeal to more than one sense organ. The methods, techniques, and materials to be used in the language acquisition process of the students also affect their attitudes and self-efficacy towards the language learning process and the related skills. As an important part of the children’s literature, tales have an important function in language teaching. In this study, the impact of multisensory learning model-oriented storytelling on listening self-efficacy levels was examined. Experimental design, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 5th grade students studying at a secondary school in the city center of Samsun during the academic year of 2021 and 2022. The age group of the students involved in the research ranges from 10 to 11. In addition, both individual and parental consents were obtained for the application. The Listening Self-Efficacy Scale was used as the data collection tool of the research. In order to collect the research data, permissions were obtained first from the Samsun Provincial Directorate of National Education and then the parents of the students. Lasting for 5 weeks, storytelling activities were applied to the experimental and control groups. For the control group, taletelling application was carried out through straight narrative technique while for the experimental group, it was carried out through multisensory learning model. Quantitative data analysis methods were used to analyze the research data. As a result of the research, it was seen that the listening skills of the experimental group changed positively. In addition, in the comparisons performed depending on the variables, it was concluded that the listening skills of the students whose father's education level was primary school, whose age level was 11, and whose grades for Turkish lesson were low in the previous year improved at a higher level. According to the research findings, it has been concluded that storytelling through multisensory learning method has a positive impact on improving the self-efficacy of the students.  Article visualizations

    Foreign Language Teachers’ Intercultural Competence as a New Aspect of Professional Development

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    This mixed-method study aims to offer an insight into foreign language teachers’ perceptions on the relationship between intercultural competence and professional development. It is also attempted to explore some methods for evaluating teachers’ intercultural competence through their professional development activities. The research participants are local and international instructors at a private university in Turkey. Data was collected via a web-based questionnaire and a semi-structured interview designed by the researchers. The general findings of the study indicate that learning about a) target culture, b) local culture, and c) international students’ culture contribute to foreign language teachers’ intercultural competence and it is considered as a part of their professional development. However, it is pointed out that pre-service and in-service teacher training programs in Turkey cannot provide sufficient facilities to develop teachers’ intercultural competence. &nbsp

    Ermeni planları

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 77/A-Ermeniler. Not: Derginin "Sohbet Köşesi" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033


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    High school dropout is a common problem in many countries and governments are trying to solve this problem for years. School counsellors can play an important role in dropout prevention by implementing school-based interventions. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the Social-Cognitive Learning theory-based dropout prevention program which is applied to 9th grade retention students of the Anatolian and vocational high school students who were at risk for dropout. The dropout prevention program was aimed at reducing dropout risk, enhancing self-efficacy belief, and learning motivation strategies of students. The program was implemented in 11 sessions for the experimental students. For the data analysis, ‘ANOVA’ for the repeated measures and ‘Bonferroni test were used to evaluate the effect of the program on students. The result of the study showed that the dropout prevention program is effective in reducing participants’ dropout risk, enhancing learning motivation strategies, and moderating self-efficacy beliefs. In conclusion, it can be said that Social-Cognitive Learning theory-based psychoeducation program is effective to reduce the dropout risk at high schools.  Article visualizations

    The impact of multisensory learning model-based tale-telling on listening skills and student opinions about it

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    This study aims to reveal the impact of multisensory learning model-based tale-telling on listening skills. The research was carried out under a hybrid research design using both quantitative and qualitative research methods together. The study group of the research consists of 13 fifth-grade students in total who were studying in a public school during the 2020 to 2021 academic year. Students were involved in the research voluntarily and with parental permission. The following data collection tools were used in the research: “Attitude Scale Towards Improving Listening Skills with Tales,” which was created by the researcher, tale diaries, and tale self-evaluation forms. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were used to analyze the research data. T-test analysis was applied to the quantitative data after transferring them to the SPSS data analysis program; on the other hand, content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the multisensory learning method-based tale-telling has a positive impact on the attitudes of the fifth-grade students towards tale listening. In light of the results, it was concluded that parents were satisfied with the activities for multisensory tale-telling, students have understood the plots of the tales correctly, themes were remembered correctly by the students most of the time, and parents have shown a positive attitude towards tale listening

    New Approach in Integrated Basin Modelling: Melen Airborne LIDAR

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    Airborne LIDAR technology which has an increasing importance in recent years, has entered into the field of application of many disciplines by obtaining fast and highly accurate 3D data. It provides precise topography information with dense point cloud data as well as all details on the surface. Thus, it has become useful in all disciplines associated with space such as cartography, construction, city planning, forest, energy, hydrology, geology, transportation, telecommunications, security, disaster, aviation, and infrastructure. By mounting LIDAR measurement units on aircraft large areas can be measured relatively quickly and cost-effectively. In this study, Riegl Q680i scanner and CCNS5 flight management system were mounted to the aircraft. The digital elevation models; DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and DSM (Digital Surface Model) of the Melen basin, which is located within the boundaries of Düzce and Sakarya was generated using LIDAR point cloud data (.las format) with a point density of 16 points/m2 and also 1/1000 base maps of the basin were produced. In addition, many details such as road, slope, culvert, electricity poles were drawn in accordance with the principles of large-scale map construction regulations and transferred to GIS environment. The Melen basin with an important water storage area, boundaries, basin model, water collection lines, determination of flow directions and connections, the topographic surface of the basin sub-areas, morphology were created using 3D laser point cloud data. So, the digital terrain model of the basin in GIS environment is visualized with linear maps. LIDAR data provides 3D geometric and morphological information that cannot be obtained according to classical methods in this kind of engineering studies. Results suggest that the higher spatial resolution LIDAR-derived data are preferable and can introduce more detailed information about basin hydro geomorphic behaviours

    Viticulture Biodiversity in Van Province

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    Viticulture preserved its significance from the past to the present that have been ruled in all civilization the region of Van. The presence of carbonized grape seeds in the remains of the Early Iron Age tombs and cities gives information about the history of grape cultivation in Van and its vicinities. However, many of the local varieties described by the elderly are now unfortunately not seen in large areas. Some of the genotypes are no longer encountered, while many genotypes are observed in a few vineyards with a few vines. The grape genetic resources except Erciş variety in the region are threatened with extinction. In spite of many ecological factors that restrict crop production in the region, vineyard has existed for thousands of years and urgent precautions have to be taken to protect this genetic heritage bearing grape landraces close to standard genotypes. The region has been investigated by many researchers for many years and the determined local varieties have been investigated in detail in terms of morphological and pomological characteristics, chemical contents and nutrients and defined in terms of molecular or ampelographic aspects in different studies. With this review, it is aimed to recover the knowledge of these genotypes in a single study in using scientific studies made up to this day in the region. So that it is aimed to lead the steps to be taken in the establishment of a gene pool composed of these local varieties which are under the risk of extinction is increasing day by day. The study also includes information on local adaptations of some standard grape cultivars that have been planted in previous years

    Isolated diaphragmatic rupture and herniation related with a minor blunt trauma-a case report

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    Künt travma sonrası diafragma rüptürü nadir görülür. Künt travma nedeniyle hospitalize edilen hastaların ortalama % 0.8- 1.6 sında meydana gelmektedir. Bu çalısmada minor künt travma nedeniyle görülen izole diafragma rüptürü ve ince barsak herniasyonu olan bir olgu sunulmustur. Hastada toraks bosluguna herniasyon nedeniyle intestinal obstruksiyon mevcuttu. Minor künt travmalardan sonra ortaya çıkan izole diafragmatik rüptüre baglı intestinal obstruksiyon olguları oldukça nadirdir. Preoperatif dönemde izole diyafragma rüptürlerinin tanısını koymak oldukça güçtür. Künt veya penetran travma sonrası gelisen diafragma rüptürlerinde tanı koyabilmek için bu olasılık akla gelmelidir. Geç dönemde, travma öyküsünün arastırılması, bu tanının konmasını kolaylastıracaktır. Diyafragma yaralanmalarında tanı koymada süpheci yaklasım, toraksın fizik muayenesi, ve akciger grafisi yararlı olacaktır.Rupture of the diaphragm after blunt trauma is uncommon, occurring in approximately 0.8%-1.6% of patients who are hospitalized with blunt trauma. A case of diaphragmatic rupture and intestinal herniation following a minor blunt trauma is reported in this article. The patient experienced intestinal obstruction owing to herniation into the thoracic cavity An isolated injury after minor blunt trauma, the cases of diaphragmatic rupture with intestinal obstruction have been rarely reported. Isolated diaphragmatic rupture in general may be a difficult injury to recognize during preoperative period. Following blunt or penetrating traumas, in order to diagnose diaphragmatic ruptures, this possibility should be considered. In the later phases, questioning history of trauma would make it an easier diagnosis.Ahigh index of suspicion, physical examinaton of the chest, and x-ray film are helpful for diagnosis of diaphragmatic injury

    Diurnal changes in capecitabine clock-controlled metabolism enzymes are responsible for its pharmacokinetics in male mice

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    The circadian timing system controls absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination processes of drug pharmacokinetics over a 24-h period. Exposure of target tissues to the active form of the drug and cytotoxicity display variations depending on the chronopharmacokinetics. For anticancer drugs with narrow therapeutic ranges and dose-limiting side effects, it is particularly important to know the temporal changes in pharmacokinetics. A previous study indicated that pharmacokinetic profile of capecitabine was different depending on dosing time in rat. However, it is not known how such difference is attributed with respect to diurnal rhythm. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated capecitabine-metabolizing enzymes in a diurnal rhythm-dependent manner. To this end, C57BL/6J male mice were orally treated with 500 mg/kg capecitabine at ZT1, ZT7, ZT13, or ZT19. We then determined pharmacokinetics of capecitabine and its metabolites, 5 '-deoxy-5-fluorocytidine (5 ' DFCR), 5 '-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5 ' DFUR), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), in plasma and liver. Results revealed that plasma C-max and AUC(0-6h) (area under the plasma concentration-time curve from 0 to 6 h) values of capecitabine, 5 ' DFUR, and 5-FU were higher during the rest phase (ZT1 and ZT7) than the activity phase (ZT13 and ZT19) (p < 0.05). Similarly, C-max and AUC(0-6h) values of 5 ' DFUR and 5-FU in liver were higher during the rest phase than activity phase (p < 0.05), while there was no significant difference in liver concentrations of capecitabine and 5 ' DFCR. We determined the level of the enzymes responsible for the conversion of capecitabine and its metabolites at each ZT. Results indicated the levels of carboxylesterase 1 and 2, cytidine deaminase, uridine phosphorylase 2, and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (p < 0.05) are being rhythmically regulated and, in turn, attributed different pharmacokinetics profiles of capecitabine and its metabolism. This study highlights the importance of capecitabine administration time to increase the efficacy with minimum adverse effects.Istanbul Universit

    Coil embolization in 481 ruptured intracranial aneurysms: angiographic and clinical results

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to report our 13-year experience with the embolization of ruptured cerebral aneurysms using detachable coils and postembolization angiographic and clinical results. MATERIALS AND METHODSBetween June 1998 and September 2011, 481 patients with ruptured aneurysms were referred for endovascular treatment with detachable coils at our center. The technical feasibility, procedural complications, morbidity, mortality, and initial angiographic and clinical results were evaluated. RESULTSEndovascular treatment was successful in 95.6% of the patients. Postembolization angiography showed complete occlusion in 63.4%, a neck remnant in 30.8%, and incomplete occlusion in 5.8% of the aneurysms. A total of 331 patients were followed up. The overall angiographic results showed stable occlusion in 234 aneurysms (70.7%) and recurrence in 97 aneurysms (29.3%). During the follow-up period, stable angiographic occlusion was evident in 75% of the small, 61% of the large, and 38.5% of the giant aneurysms. Complications during the coiling procedure occurred in 75 procedures (15.6%). Ischemic complications were observed in 33 procedures (6.9%), and perforation of the aneurysm during the coiling occurred in 12 cases (2.5%). Five (41.7%) of 12 patients who had perforation during coiling died. The overall procedure-related morbidity and mortality were 5.6% and 2%, respectively. During the follow-up period, two patients (0.4%) had early rebleeding. None of the patients showed late rebleeding. In the follow-up, the retreatment rate was 12.6%. CONCLUSIONOur data confirm the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of endovascular coil embolization in patients with ruptured cerebral aneurysms