30 research outputs found

    Vertical biogeographical overview of the Zooplankton community across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean (35ºN-40ºS)

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    From December 2010 to June 2011 the mesozooplankton has been sampled at the deep Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean (*). From surface to 3000 m depth a HYDROBIOSS multinet was used distinguishing the epipelagic (77%), mesopelagic (11%) and bathypelagic zones (11%), where five layers were usually sampled (0-200, 200-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000 and 2000-3000 m depth). Among the three oceans, no large differences on abundance were found when taxonomic groups were considered, being always depth the most important factor affecting the vertical zooplankton distribution. The zooplankton abundance strongly decreased with depth and very low abundance was found at deeper waters. Very irregular spatial distribution was observed all across the three oceans, finding the lowest abundance in the south and western Pacific region. Copepods were always the most abundant contributors of the zooplankton community (84%) and more than 260 species identified. They were followed by chaetognaths (5%), siphonophores (3%), ostracods (2%) and euphausiids (1%). In a biogeographical overview, the vertical distribution of the most abundant copepods is analyzed, finding the largest copepods at deeper stratum, where small cosmopolitan copepods were also found

    Zooplankton Abundance and Diversity in the Tropical and Subtropical Ocean

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    The abundance and composition of zooplankton down to 3000 m depth was studied in the subtropical and tropical latitudes across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans (35 N–40 S). Samples were collected from December 2010 to June 2011 during the Malaspina Circumnavigation Expedition. Usually, low abundances were observed with the highest values found in the North Pacific Ocean, Benguela, and o Mauritania, and the lowest in the South Pacific Ocean. No significant di erences in abundance and zooplankton composition were found among oceans, with depth being consistently the most important factor a ecting their distribution. Each depth strata were inhabited by distinct copepod assemblages, which significantly di ered among the strata. The contribution of copepods to the zooplankton community increased with the depth although, as expected, their abundance strongly decreased. Among the copepods, 265 species were identified but 85% were rare and contributed less than 1% in abundance. Clausocalanus furcatus and Nannocalanus minor dominated the epipelagic strata. Pleuromamma abdominalis and Lucicutia clausi were of importance in the mesopelagic layer, and Pareucalanus, Triconia, Conaea and Metridia brevicauda in the bathypelagic layer. Our results provide a global-scale assessment of copepod biodiversity and distribution, providing a contemporary benchmark to follow future ocean changes at low latitudes

    Abundance and Structure of the Zooplankton Community During a Post-eruptive Process: The Case of the Submarine Volcano Tagoro (El Hierro; Canary Islands), 2013-2018

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    The mesozooplankton community was analyzed over a 6-year period (2013-2018) during the post-eruptive stage of the submarine volcano Tagoro, located south of the island of El Hierro (Canary Archipelago, Spain). Nine cruises from March 2013 to March 2018 were carried out in two different seasons, spring (March-April) and autumn (October). A high-resolution study was carried out across the main cones of Tagoro volcano, as well as a large number of reference stations surrounding El Hierro (unaffected by the volcano). The zooplankton community at the reference stations showed a high similarity with more than 85% of the variation in abundance and composition attributable to seasonal differences. Moreover, our data showed an increase in zooplankton abundance in waters affected by the volcano with a higher presence of non-calanoid copepods and a decline in the diversity of the copepod community, indicating that volcanic inputs have a significant effect on these organisms. Fourteen different zooplankton groups were found but copepods were dominant (79%) with 59 genera and 170 species identified. Despite the high species number, less than 30 presented a larger abundance than 1%. Oncaea and Clausocalanus were the most abundant genera followed by Oithona and Paracalanus (60%). Nine species dominated (>2%): O. media, O. plumifera, and O. setigera among the non-calanoids and M. clausi, P. nanus, P. parvus, C. furcatus, C. arcuicornis, and N. minor among the calanoids. After the initial low abundance of the copepods as a consequence of the eruption, an increase was observed in the last years of the study, where besides the small Paracalanus and Clausocalanus, the Cyclopoids seem to have a good adaptive strategy to the new water conditions. The increase in zooplankton abundance and the decline in the copepod diversity in the area affected by the volcano indicate that important changes in the composition of the zooplankton community have occurred. The effect of the volcanic emissions on the different copepods was more evident in spring when the water was cooler and the mixing layer was deeper. Further and longer research is recommended to monitor the zooplankton community in the natural laboratory of the Tagoro submarine volcano.En prens

    The RADMED monitoring program as a tool for MSFD implementation: toward an ecosystem based approach

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    In the western Mediterranean Sea, the RADMED monitoring programme is already conducting several of the evaluations required under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD) along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The different aspects of the ecosystem that are regularly sampled under this monitoring programme are the physical environment and the chemical and biological variables of the water column, together with the planktonic communities, biomass and structure. Moreover, determinations of some anthropogenic stressors on the marine environment, such as contaminants and microplastics, are under development. Data are managed and stored at the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) Data Centre that works under the Sea- DataNet infrastructure, and are also stored in the IBAMar database. In combination with remote sensing data, they are used to address open questions on the ecosystems in the western Mediterranean Sea.Postprint2,293

    Protocolos RADMED (versión: 1.01 – 2014). Procedimientos a seguir en las campañas del proyecto RADMED

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    Los protocolos RADMED se pueden considerar como una guía de mar de las operaciones a realizar en el desarrollo de una campaña de ese proyecto, en donde figuran: el montaje del equipamiento científico, las secuencias de las diferentes operaciones y muestreos, la identificación de las estaciones, cómo rellenar los diferentes estadillos, las determinaciones de variables oceanográficas a bordo y el post-procesado de los datos hidrográficos. Detrás de todo ello está la intención de homogeneizar la información, para facilitar el post-procesado y el fiel tratamiento de las muestras y análisis.[Abstract] The RADMED protocols can be considered as a guide to work at the sea in the development of a campaign of this project and to conduct its different operations. They include: installation of scientific equipment, the sequences of the different operations and sampling, identification of stations, the filling of the various work sheets, determinations of oceanographic variables on board and the post processing of hydrographic data. All this pretend to standardize the information to facilitate post processing and accurate treatment of the samples and analysis

    Decadal Trends in the Zooplankton Community of the Western Mediterranean

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    Decadal trends in the zooplankton community were seasonally investigated in multiple monitoring transects of the western Mediterranean Sea during a period of increasing and record-high water temperatures. The transition area around the Baleares archipelago can be separated into two regions: the Alborán Sea and the Balearic Sea. Differences were found in the abundance and structure of the dominant zooplankton groups: the cladocerans and copepods. The highest zooplankton abundances were found during the stratified summer season, when cladoceran numbers peaked. However, copepods were more abundant during the winter. A marked seasonality was found in all groups and the dominant taxa: 114 species of copepods and 5 species of cladocerans were identified, but less than 8 species of copepods and 2 species of cladocerans dominated the populations. During the 2007–2017 study, warm and salty waters were observed in the Balearic Sea. In the Alborán Sea, cool and fresh waters were observed, along with a decline in chlorophyll. Irregular group and species trends were observed in both regions, exhibiting both increases and decreases depending on region and season. Trends differed, often oppositely, for the Alborán versus the Balearic Sea, with the transition region between them mirroring one or the other, switching with the seasons. The most dominant species, including Penilia avirostris and Clausocalanus arcuicornis, but also Evadne spinifera, C. lividus, C. furcatus, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia clausi, Centropages typicus, Subeucalanus monachus, and Calanus helgolandicus, are proposed as biological tracers to be used in further studies on climate and zooplankton community changes in the western Mediterranean Sea