5 research outputs found

    Analiza poziomu rentowno艣ci przedsi臋biorstwa na przyk艂adzie niepublicznej uczelni wy偶szej w roku akademickim 2015/2016

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    Higher education is one of the most important areas in the development of each country, both in terms of human capital development and in economic terms (e.g. GDP growth). The article focuses on the problems faced by managers of private universities. The theoretical part presents the nature of economic activity and methods of assessing the level of profitability in the activities of economic entities. The empirical part of the work focuses on the analyses conducted by the Department of Financial Controlling of a private university in the area of the level of its profitability. The results of analyses clearly show that a key source of funding of the studied institution is the revenue from tuition fees, brought by part-time students in particular, which makes it possible to fund and implement the mission and vision of the University, cover the deficit activity of full time programs of study and develop financial surplus which is the source of investment and development of the institution.Szkolnictwo wy偶sze jest jednym z najwa偶niejszych obszar贸w w rozwoju ka偶dego kraju, zar贸wno w uj臋ciu rozwoju kapita艂u ludzkiego, jak i w kategoriach ekonomicznych (np. wzrost PKB). Autorzy w artykule koncentruj膮 si臋 na problemach, jakie staj膮 przed zarz膮dzaj膮cymi niepublicznymi uczelniami wy偶szymi. W cz臋艣ci teoretycznej zosta艂a zaprezentowana istota prowadzenia dzia艂alno艣ci gospodarczej oraz metody oceny poziomu rentowno艣ci w dzia艂alno艣ci podmiot贸w gospodarczych. Cz臋艣膰 empiryczna obejmuje analizy przeprowadzone przez Dzia艂 Controllingu Finansowego niepublicznej uczelni wy偶szej w zakresie poziomu jej rentowno艣ci. Wyniki analiz w spos贸b czytelny pokazuj膮, 偶e kluczowym 藕r贸d艂em finansowania badanej instytucji s膮 przychody z czesnego, w szczeg贸lno艣ci wnoszonego przez student贸w niestacjonarnych, dzi臋ki kt贸rym mo偶liwe jest finansowanie i realizowanie misji i wizji uczelni, pokrywanie deficytowych studi贸w w formie stacjonarnej, a tak偶e wypracowanie nadwy偶ki finansowej, dzi臋ki kt贸rej instytucja ma 艣rodki na rozw贸j i inwestycje

    Photochemical Hydrogen Storage with Hexaazatrinaphthylene (HATN

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    When irradiated with violet light, hexaazatrinaphthylene (HATN) extracts a hydrogen atom from an alcohol forming a long-living hydrogenated species. The apparent kinetic isotope effect for fluorescence decay time in deuterated methanol (1.56) indicates that the lowest singlet excited state of the molecule is a precursor for intermolecular hydrogen transfer. The photochemical hydrogenation occurs in several alcohols (methanol, ethanol, isopropanol) but not in water. Hydrogenated HATN can be detected optically by an absorption band at 1.78 eV as well as with EPR and NMR techniques. Mass spectroscopy of photoproducts reveal di-hydrogenated HATN structures along with methoxylated and methylated HATN molecules which are generated through the reaction with methoxy radicals (remnants from alcohol splitting). Experimental findings are consistent with the theoretical results which predicted that for the excited state of the HATN-solvent molecular complex, there exists a barrierless hydrogen transfer from methanol but a small barrier for the similar oxidation of water.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 2 schemes, 1 tabl