7 research outputs found

    Poster: Drafting a General Framework for Systems Integration Delivery

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    In IT ecosystems that imply the exchange of data with systems on the customer or business partner side, it is oftentimes problematic or even borderline impossible to predict what external systems shall eventually be covered by integration and what technological solutions should be employed. Based on the feedback obtained in a series of interviews, we lay a foundation for building a framework for developing system integration. The framework enhances the research background in terms of technological specificity and constraints behind developing projects of this nature

    Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. From Unascertainable Statements to Action Plan

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    Companies employ Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) reports to inform stakeholders on their activities and achievements regarding reducing carbon dioxide emissions and lowering electricity consumption. Whereas some frameworks for ESG reporting have been standardized, the capability to independently trace real actions undertaken leaves a lot to be desired. Despite the steady evolution of IT-powered analytics, the reliability of environmentally-targeted activity is still under threat due to the inability of translating publicity-targeted efforts into quantifiable measures. This short paper constitutes an attempt to lay foundations for backing up pro-ecological ESG statements with a realistic and validated action plan. To achieve this, a 3-cycled Participatory Action Research effort is being undertaken jointly with the staff of a Central European insurance group headquartered in Poland, EU. The paper outlines the research gap, the specific research design of the ongoing empirical study as well as the expected outcomes of the research endeavor

    Kako blizu realnosti je "kot-je" simulacijski model poslovnega procesa?

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    Background and Purpose: Business process simulation (BPS) model is based on real-life data form sources like databases, observations and interviews. It acts as “as-is” business scenario can used for reengineering. The main challenge is to gather relevant data and to develop simulation model. Research aims to elaborate BPS model and to systematically assess how close to reality it is. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research has been performed in Polish telecommunications company. Authors investigate technical process of expanding cellular network. After elaborating “as-is” model, authors use ADONIS simulation tool to run a series simulations and confront simulation results with actual historical events. After this, assessment whether computer simulation model can precisely map real-life business process - and consequently act as credible basis for process improvement - is made. Results: The simulation model has been constructed with data from the WfMS database, observations, staff knowledge and their experience. Fully equipped simulation model is found to allow reconstructing the historical execution of business activity with low margin for error. Some limitation were identified and discussed. Conclusion: BPS is not a popular approach for process reengineering and improvement yet. Data collection issues for BPS that require adopting process mining techniques and additional information sources are among the reasons for that. In our study, computer simulation outputs are compatible with historical events. Hence the model reflects the business reality and can be taken as a reference model while redesigning the process.Ozadje in namen: Simulaciski model poslovnih procesov (Business Process Simulation - BPS) temelji na virih resničnih podatkov, kot so podatkovne zbirke, opazovanja in intervjuji. Deluje kot dejabski ("kot-je") poslovni scenarij in se lahko uporablja za reinženiring. Glavni izziv pri tem je zbrati ustrezne podatke in razviti simulacijski model. Namen raziskave je razviti BPS je model in sistematično oceniti, kako blizu realnosti je. Metodologija / pristop: Raziskava je bila izvedena v okviru poljskega telekomunikacijskega podjetja. Avtorji raziskujejo tehnični proces širitve mobilnega omrežja. Po izdelavi "kot-je" modela so avtorji uporabili simulacijsko orodje Adonis da so izvedli serijo simulacij in primerjali rezultate simulacije z dejanskimi zgodovinskimi poteki. Nato so ocenili ali simulacijski model dovolj dobro preslika realnost in - posledično – je uporaben kot verodostojna osnova za izboljšanje procesa. Rezultati: Simulacijski model je bil izdelan s podatki iz podatkovne zbirke WfMS, opazovanj zaposlenih in avtorjevih znanj in izkušenj. V celoti razvit simulacijski model omogoča rekonstrukcijo zgodovinskega poteka poslovne dejavnosti z nizko stopnjo napake. Ugotovljene in komentirane so nekatere omejitve. Zaključek: BPS še ni eden od priljubljenih pristopov za proces za prenovo in izboljšanje poslovnih procesov. med Med razlogi za to je dejstvo, da zbiranje podatkov za izvedbo BPS zahteva, da uporabimo tehnike rudarjenja podatkov in dodatne vire informacij. V naši raziskavi so se računalniški simulacijski rezultati pokazali skladni z zgodovinskimi dogodki. Zato model odraža poslovno realnost in se lahko uporabi kot referenčni model pri prenovi procesa

    Kako blizu realnosti je "kot-je" simulacijski model poslovnega procesa?

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    Background and Purpose: Business process simulation (BPS) model is based on real-life data form sources like databases, observations and interviews. It acts as “as-is” business scenario can used for reengineering. The main challenge is to gather relevant data and to develop simulation model. Research aims to elaborate BPS model and to systematically assess how close to reality it is. Design/Methodology/Approach:The research has been performed in Polish telecommunications company. Authors investigate technical process of expanding cellular network. After elaborating “as-is” model, authors use ADONIS simulation tool to run a series simulations and confront simulation results with actual historical events. After this, assessment whether computer simulation model can precisely map real-life business process – and consequently act as credible basis for process improvement – is made. Results: The simulation model has been constructed with data from the WfMS database, observations, staff knowledge and their experience. Fully equipped simulation model is found to allow reconstructing the historical execution of business activity with low margin for error. Some limitation were identified and discussed. Conclusion: BPS is not a popular approach for process reengineering and improvement yet. Data collection issues for BPS that require adopting process mining techniques and additional information sources are among the reasons for that. In our study, computer simulation outputs are compatible with historical events. Hence the model reflects the business reality and can be taken as a reference model while redesigning the process.Ozadje in namen: Simulaciski model poslovnih procesov (Business Process Simulation - BPS) temelji na virih resničnih podatkov, kot so podatkovne zbirke, opazovanja in intervjuji. Deluje kot dejabski ("kot-je") poslovni scenarij in se lahko uporablja za reinženiring. Glavni izziv pri tem je zbrati ustrezne podatke in razviti simulacijski model. Namen raziskave je razviti BPS je model in sistematično oceniti, kako blizu realnosti je. Metodologija / pristop: Raziskava je bila izvedena v okviru poljskega telekomunikacijskega podjetja. Avtorji raziskujejo tehnični proces širitve mobilnega omrežja. Po izdelavi "kot-je" modela so avtorji uporabili simulacijsko orodje Adonis da so izvedli serijo simulacij in primerjali rezultate simulacije z dejanskimi zgodovinskimi poteki. Nato so ocenili ali simulacijski model dovolj dobro preslika realnost in - posledično – je uporaben kot verodostojna osnova za izboljšanje procesa. Rezultati: Simulacijski model je bil izdelan s podatki iz podatkovne zbirke WfMS, opazovanj zaposlenih in avtorjevih znanj in izkušenj. V celoti razvit simulacijski model omogoča rekonstrukcijo zgodovinskega poteka poslovne dejavnosti z nizko stopnjo napake. Ugotovljene in komentirane so nekatere omejitve. Zaključek: BPS še ni eden od priljubljenih pristopov za proces za prenovo in izboljšanje poslovnih procesov. med Med razlogi za to je dejstvo, da zbiranje podatkov za izvedbo BPS zahteva, da uporabimo tehnike rudarjenja podatkov in dodatne vire informacij. V naši raziskavi so se računalniški simulacijski rezultati pokazali skladni z zgodovinskimi dogodki. Zato model odraža poslovno realnost in se lahko uporabi kot referenčni model pri prenovi procesa

    How Close to Reality is the „as-is” Business Process Simulation Model?

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    Background and Purpose: Business process simulation (BPS) model is based on real-life data form sources like databases, observations and interviews. It acts as “as-is” business scenario can used for reengineering. The main challenge is to gather relevant data and to develop simulation model. Research aims to elaborate BPS model and to systematically assess how close to reality it is