74 research outputs found

    Basic gerbe over non simply connected compact groups

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    We present an explicit construction of the basic bundle gerbes with connection over all connected compact simple Lie groups. These are geometric objects that appear naturally in the Lagrangian approach to the WZW conformal field theories. Our work extends the recent construction of E. Meinrenken \cite{Meinr} restricted to the case of simply connected groups.Comment: 27 pages, latex, 8 incorporated figure

    Unitarity of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard connection and the Bethe Ansatz for the elliptic Hitchin systems

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    We work out finite-dimensional integral formulae for the scalar product of genus one states of the group GG Chern-Simons theory with insertions of Wilson lines. Assuming convergence of the integrals, we show that unitarity of the elliptic Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard connection with respect to the scalar product of CS states is closely related to the Bethe Ansatz for the commuting Hamiltonians building up the connection and quantizing the quadratic Hamiltonians of the elliptic Hitchin system.Comment: 24 pages, latex fil

    Parallel Transport and Band Theory in Crystals

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    We show that different conventions for Bloch Hamiltonians on non-Bravais lattices correspond to different natural definitions of parallel transport of Bloch eigenstates. Generically the Berry curvatures associated with these parallel transports differ, while physical quantities are naturally related to a canonical choice of the parallel transport.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure ; minor updat

    SU(2) WZW Theory at Higher Genera

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    We compute, by free field techniques, the scalar product of the SU(2) Chern-Simons states on genus > 1 surfaces. The result is a finite-dimensional integral over positions of ``screening charges'' and one complex modular parameter. It uses an effective description of the CS states closely related to the one worked out by Bertram. The scalar product formula allows to express the higher genus partition functions of the WZW conformal field theory by finite-dimensional integrals. It should provide the hermitian metric preserved by the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard connection describing the variations of the CS states under the change of the complex structure of the surface.Comment: 44 pages, IHES/P/94/10, Latex fil

    Chern-Simons States at Genus One

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    We present a rigorous analysis of the Schr\"{o}dinger picture quantization for the SU(2)SU(2) Chern-Simons theory on 3-manifold torus×\timesline, with insertions of Wilson lines. The quantum states, defined as gauge covariant holomorphic functionals of smooth su(2)su(2)-connections on the torus, are expressed by degree 2k2k theta-functions satisfying additional conditions. The conditions are obtained by splitting the space of semistable su(2)su(2)-connections into nine submanifolds and by analyzing the behavior of states at four codimension 11 strata. We construct the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard connection allowing to compare the states for different complex structures of the torus and different positions of the Wilson lines. By letting two Wilson lines come together, we prove a recursion relation for the dimensions of the spaces of states which, together with the (unproven) absence of states for spins\s>{_1\over^2}level implies the Verlinde dimension formula.Comment: 33 pages, IHES/P

    TQFT's and gerbes

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    We generalize the notion of parallel transport along paths for abelian bundles to parallel transport along surfaces for abelian gerbes using an embedded Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT) approach. We show both for bundles and gerbes with connection that there is a one-to-one correspondence between their local description in terms of locally-defined functions and forms and their non-local description in terms of a suitable class of embedded TQFT's.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol4/agt-4-14.abs.htm

    Quasitriangular chiral WZW model in a nutshell

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    We give the bare-bone description of the quasitriangular chiral WZW model for the particular choice of the Lu-Weinstein-Soibelman Drinfeld double of the affine Kac-Moody group. The symplectic structure of the model and its Poisson-Lie symmetry are completely characterized by two rr-matrices with spectral parameter. One of them is ordinary and trigonometric and characterizes the qq-current algebra. The other is dynamical and elliptic (in fact Felder's one) and characterizes the braiding of qq-primary fields.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, to appear in the Proceedings of the Yokohama meeting on String theory and noncommutative geometry (March 2001

    On Renormalization Group Flows and Polymer Algebras

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    In this talk methods for a rigorous control of the renormalization group (RG) flow of field theories are discussed. The RG equations involve the flow of an infinite number of local partition functions. By the method of exact beta-function the RG equations are reduced to flow equations of a finite number of coupling constants. Generating functions of Greens functions are expressed by polymer activities. Polymer activities are useful for solving the large volume and large field problem in field theory. The RG flow of the polymer activities is studied by the introduction of polymer algebras. The definition of products and recursive functions replaces cluster expansion techniques. Norms of these products and recursive functions are basic tools and simplify a RG analysis for field theories. The methods will be discussed at examples of the Φ4\Phi^4-model, the O(N)O(N) σ\sigma-model and hierarchical scalar field theory (infrared fixed points).Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, MS-TPI-94-12, Talk presented at the conference ``Constructive Results in Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter Physics'', 25-27 July 1994, Palaiseau, Franc

    On Finite 4D Quantum Field Theory in Non-Commutative Geometry

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    The truncated 4-dimensional sphere S4S^4 and the action of the self-interacting scalar field on it are constructed. The path integral quantization is performed while simultaneously keeping the SO(5) symmetry and the finite number of degrees of freedom. The usual field theory UV-divergences are manifestly absent.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, few misprints are corrected; one section is remove