1,565 research outputs found

    Data processing system for the Sneg-2MP experiment

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    The data processing system for scientific experiments on stations of the "Prognoz" type provides for the processing sequence to be broken down into a number of consecutive stages: preliminary processing, primary processing, secondary processing. The tasks of each data processing stage are examined for an experiment designed to study gamma flashes of galactic origin and solar flares lasting from several minutes to seconds in the 20 kev to 1000 kev energy range

    Increasing productivity of knowledge workers by ontological training

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    Proceedings of the International Conference «Business Sustainability BS 2008», Minho, Portugal, 2008. pp. 158-163knowledge-driven organizations, productivity of knowledge workers, learning, thinking, analyst training,

    Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of oxide systems on the basis of rare earth, alkaline earth and 3d-transition (Mn, Fe, Co) metals. A short overview of

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    Review is dedicated studies of phase equilibria in the systems based on rare earth elements and 3d transition metals. It’s highlighted several structural families of these compounds and is shown that many were found interesting properties for practical application, such as high conductivity up to the superconducting state, magnetic properties, catalytic activity of the processes of afterburning of exhaust gases, the high mobility in the oxygen sublattice and more

    Season of Birth and Exceptional Longevity: Comparative Study of American Centenarians, Their Siblings, and Spouses

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    This study explores the effects of month of birth (a proxy for early-life environmental influences) on the chances of survival to age 100. Months of birth for 1,574 validated centenarians born in the United States in 1880–1895 were compared to the same information obtained for centenarians' 10,885 shorter-lived siblings and 1,083 spouses. Comparison was conducted using a within-family analysis by the method of conditional logistic regression, which allows researchers to control for unobserved shared childhood or adulthood environment and common genetic background. It was found that months of birth have significant long-lasting effect on survival to age 100: siblings born in September–November have higher odds to become centenarians compared to siblings born in March. A similar month-of-birth pattern was found for centenarian spouses. These results support the idea of early-life programming of human aging and longevity

    Adaptation of the quantitative PCR method for the detection of the main representatives of cereal grain mycobiota

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    The content of fungal DNA and mycotoxins in cereal crops (31 varieties of wheat, oats, and barley) was quantitatively determined and used for comparative characterization of grains. The quantitative PCR has been adapted for the analysis of the target DNA of Alternaria spp., Bipolaris sorokiniana (B. sorokiniana), Fusarium graminearum (F. graminearum), F. culmorum, and F. sporotrichioides fungi, which are often present in mycobiota of small grain cereals. The content of DNA of aggressive pathogen B. sorokiniana was determined using quantitative PCR for the first time. The DNA of Alternaria fungi was found abundantly in all grain samples, but its content in the oat was significantly higher compared to barley and wheat (5 and 9 times higher, respectively). In barley grain, the content of B. sorokiniana DNA was on average significantly higher than in the grains of oats and wheat. The presence of F. graminearum DNA was established in all the analyzed grain samples while the F. culmorum DNA was found in 70% of the oat’s samples and in all samples of barley and wheat. Mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) produced by these fungi was detected in all analyzed cereal grains in a range from 77 to 4133 μg/kg. The DNA of F. sporotrichioides was detected in 70% of oats and 50% of barley samples but was not found in wheat. The T-2 toxin produced by this fungus was detected in 45% of all samples within the range from 2 to 89 μg/kg. The statistically significant positive correlation with the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) equal to 0.49 (p<0.05) was observed between the amount of F. graminearum DNA and DON in the grain samples. Another significant positive correlation (r = 0.72, p<0.01) was found between DNA contents of Alternaria fungi and F. sporotrichioides in the grain samples. This leads to the suggestion that conditions for growth of these fungi in grain substrates are similar.The content of fungal DNA and mycotoxins in cereal crops (31 varieties of wheat, oats, and barley) was quantitatively determined and used for comparative characterization of grains. The quantitative PCR has been adapted for the analysis of the target DNA of Alternaria spp., Bipolaris sorokiniana (B. sorokiniana), Fusarium graminearum (F. graminearum), F. culmorum, and F. sporotrichioides fungi, which are often present in mycobiota of small grain cereals. The content of DNA of aggressive pathogen B. sorokiniana was determined using quantitative PCR for the first time. The DNA of Alternaria fungi was found abundantly in all grain samples, but its content in the oat was significantly higher compared to barley and wheat (5 and 9 times higher, respectively). In barley grain, the content of B. sorokiniana DNA was on average significantly higher than in the grains of oats and wheat. The presence of F. graminearum DNA was established in all the analyzed grain samples while the F. culmorum DNA was found in 70% of the oat’s samples and in all samples of barley and wheat. Mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) produced by these fungi was detected in all analyzed cereal grains in a range from 77 to 4133 μg/kg. The DNA of F. sporotrichioides was detected in 70% of oats and 50% of barley samples but was not found in wheat. The T-2 toxin produced by this fungus was detected in 45% of all samples within the range from 2 to 89 μg/kg. The statistically significant positive correlation with the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) equal to 0.49 (p<0.05) was observed between the amount of F. graminearum DNA and DON in the grain samples. Another significant positive correlation (r = 0.72, p<0.01) was found between DNA contents of Alternaria fungi and F. sporotrichioides in the grain samples. This leads to the suggestion that conditions for growth of these fungi in grain substrates are similar


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    The article presents literature data on the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense system (LPO-AOD) under normal conditions. Lipid peroxidation is a physiological process which is constantly occurring in cell membranes and has a chain, free-radical mechanism. Free-radical reactions are involved in the repair of cell membranes, in the processes of phagocytosis and destruction of microorganisms, in conducting nerve impulses, in metabolism of various xenobiotics by liver and in biosynthesis of certain biologically active substances such as prostaglandins. Antioxidant defense neutralizes all kinds of radicals before they cause damage effect in a body. The imbalance in the LPO-AOD system causes oxidative stress. Nowadays research of this process in children of different age is very topical. Thus, reduction of the AOD intensity was proved in case of diseases such as arterial hypertension, chronic gastroduodenitis, influenza, cholelithiasis, pyelonephritis, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 1. The conclusion on the necessity of inclusion of drugs with antioxidant action in the complex therapy of various pathological conditions along with the medical methods of treatment is made. Thus, the efficiency of the treatment of various diseases largely depends on the protection of the structure and function of cell membranes, and as a result the inclusion of drugs with antioxidant action in the treatment of almost any pathology in childhood is justified

    Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen content of intermediate phases in the Y-Ba-Co-O system

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    The phase equilibria in the Y-Ba-Co-O system were systematically studied at 1373 K in air. The intermediate phases formed in the Y-Ba-Co-O system at 1373 K in air were: YBaCo2O5+δ, YBaCo4O 7 and BaCo1-yYyO3-δ (0.09≤y≤0.42). It was shown that YBaCo2O5+δ possesses tetragonal structure with the 3ap×3a p×2ap superstructure (sp. gr. P4/mmm). High-temperature X-ray diffraction analysis of the YBaCo2O 5+δ in the temperature range from 298 K up to 1073 K under Po2=0.21 atm has not shown any phase transformations. The value of oxygen content for the YBaCo2O5+δ at room temperature was estimated as 5.40 and at 1323 K it was equal to 5.04. Thermal expansion of sample shows a linear characteristics and the average thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) is about 13.8×10-6, K-1 in the temperature range 298-1273 K. The homogeneity range and crystal structure of the BaCo1-yYyO3-δ (0.09≤y≤0.42) solid solutions were determined by X-ray diffraction of quenched samples. All BaCo1-yYyO3-δ solid solutions were found to have cubic structure (sp. gr. Pm3m). The unit cell parameters were refined using Rietveld full-profile analysis. Oxygen nonstoichiometry of BaCo 1-yYyO3-δ solid solutions with 0.1≤y≤0.4 was measured by means of thermogravimetric technique within the temperature range 298-1373 K in air. Thermal expansion of BaCo 1-yYyO3-δ (y=0.0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3) samples was studied within the temperature range 298-1200 K in air. The projection of isothermal-isobaric phase diagram for the Y-Ba-Co-O system to the compositional triangle of metallic components was presented. © 2013 Elsevier Inc


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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This article examines the results of many years of research on the reproductive performance of six species of leguminous plants (FabaceaeLind., 1836) under conditions of urbanization of habitat (Kazan). The range of variability of the main reproductive indices in six species is illustrated: the potential productivity, the actual productivity of the six main types of leguminous plants. The features of variability of seed death at different stages of development are shown depending on habitat conditions. It is established that the main regularities of changes in reproductive parameters depending on habitat conditions are manifested both in native species and in the introduced species Caraganaarborescens Lam., 1785. Based on the results of the study we made conclusion about the advisability of monitoring the reproductive parameters of leguminous plants for indicating the state of the environment in a large city